Universal not jumping ship -- Yet!?!


Supporting Founder
Supporting Founder
Oct 11, 2003
Seems Universal likes the war:

Hollywood In Hi-Def

Of course as long as M$ money is involved Universal will hold on -- of course they don't have very many big releases (recent hits) so Universal's dedication to HD-DVD is going to look imphish to the major hits coming out at the same time new players supporting BD-Java start appearing this fall. Sure is going to be an interesting XMAS this year!
One has to wonder how long before GE steps in and forces Universal to release on BD. The execs at GE cannot sit around forever and watch the studio go down the drain... 2 movies in 2005, 1 movie in 2006 and one movie this year (Bourne) probably going to be true money makers. Then to turn around and only allow limited HD release, not supporting both formats? While I doubt it would be a direct order to release in both formats, but more likely getting rid of current management and replacing with new ones, probably from studios currently supporting BD (since all the rest support it).
From the same site, by the same author:

"...this site was created and is funded by Blu-ray studios and companies that profit by the sale of Blu-ray products."
"...I, Scott Hettrick, am being paid as a journalist to write and provide original editorial content for the site."


So, BD companies paid for an editorial that singled out Universal as the reason the war continues.

Haven't they proclaimed already (more than once) that they won this war?

One has to wonder how long before GE steps in and forces Universal to release on BD. The execs at GE cannot sit around forever and watch the studio go down the drain

GE - which has had bad blood between them & Sony since the Betamax lawsuit - will step in and force Universal to try to get that 65% of the 1% of High Def market share? I wouldn't hold my breath.

And actually Universal is doing quite well - from an article in the International Herald Tribune:

Jeff Zucker, chief executive of NBC Universal, of which Universal Studios is a unit, said "People mistake market share for profitability. We're interested in running a very sound business and having discipline in doing so." While margins remain strong last year Universal contributed about 30 percent to NBC Universal's 2006 operating profit, or $850 million, on revenue of $5 billion.

And parent GE seemed pleased:

And General Electric, which acquired a majority interest in the studio more than three years ago, backed Zucker's decision last month to renew Meyer's contract two years before it expired, giving the executive the prospect of an unusually long 17-year run in charge of a company he joined in 1995

diogen said:
So, BD companies paid for an editorial that singled out Universal as the reason the war continues.

Yes, while at the same time admitting they've been trying to bribe this low budget, insignificant studio into releasing on Blu-ray:

"I had been hearing over the last few days that various Blu-ray Disc manufacturers have been offering Universal plenty of incentives to join the parade"

I would imagine that Universal is hoping to ride M$ coattails into HD VOD service. The customer never owns a copy and you pay for every download so that if you have a favorite movie you pay and pay. I would rather own a movie I really like on a disc. I think that maybe Universal's parent company might start leaning on the studio to go neutral if BluRay continues to slowly strech their lead or runs away with this XMAS.

Like I said, this XMAS is going to be real interesting -- the HD disc wars, the console wars, the new HD tech that is coming out on the new HDTVs. The new low low prices on Intels Core Duo chips (due about Sept) and the new 45 nano tech for CPUS. Yep, a real interesting XMAS for tech hounds.
Annnnnd now, Paramount and Dreamworks bail on BluRay and go HD DVD exclusive!!!!!

And DON'T tell me that a bribe is responsible for the decision.... What did you think creaed those BluRay exclusives in the first place.....?
Annnnnd now, Paramount and Dreamworks bail on BluRay and go HD DVD exclusive!!!!!

And DON'T tell me that a bribe is responsible for the decision.... What did you think creaed those BluRay exclusives in the first place.....?
Payments from Sony.

Digital Video Essentials: HD Basics on HD DVD and Blu-ray

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