Just wondering what joy does one get from bashing one format? I mean whatever makes you happy, and I enjoy a good argument as much as the next guy, but some seem to BLINDLY follow one and disregard the other as junk, when in reality they are so similiar that in a blind test most of the "zealots" on both sides couldnt tell which one they were actually watching.
Any insight?
I couldn't agree more, but remember, "You can't reason with unreasonable people." Also, the fact that forums allow you to make comments you "probably" wouldn't face-to-face with another person results in some rather extreme pronouncements. I take all the comments with a grain of salt and have a good time. Life is too short to worry about bandwith 24/7. Since I would guess 99.999% of the members are male these forums are just a huge pissing contest after all.