Analyst Predicts Dish, T-Mobile & Amazon Super Union

Your criticism has been that because he has pulled out of deals last minute, he is bad at business. The response to you has been that if it doesn't feel right, he will pull out, no matter last minute. Dish is his baby, and I am quite sure he is very protective of it.
OK . If you will read my original post I said that I hope the three way deal goes through,but if Charlie pulls his usual negotiation tactics like he has in the past it could scuttle the deal. This view was even written in the original article this story came from. I am just agreeing with it ,based on his failed partnerships in the past. Like the Microsoft and Web tv /Dishplayer . Great concept and was my very first PVR in 99. Worked great till DISH and Microsoft got into a pissing match and it all went to sh*t. Tivo is another one. Tivo came to see Ergen about licensing their software and left a working model in his office to play with . He was later sued and accused of stealing Tivo software and had to pay a buttload of money over a series of years, when the jury agreed. Another failed potential partnership.
Both situations, Charlie and Dish came out on top. Your own statement makes your previous posts sound like you just don't like people that are successful, and direct. It's no secret Charlie is comfortable in a courtroom, and it has paid out so many times over. And all those things you said you like about Dish... again Charlie's leadership did that.
Let's see, Microsoft.. one of the ugliest companies ever led by one of the biggest anti consumer leaders ever... Charlie dumps him. TiVo, well they had to sell shortly after that lawsuit, so "buttload" of money isn't exactly accurate. The history of that lawsuit shows Charlie came out on top. Now let's talk about successful partnerships... HughesNet, Sling Media. It's funny how their 2 biggest side businesses get no credit from you. Might need to change your rose colored glasses.
I disagree with the statement that Charlie is a bad negotiator. The Flex Pack, being the only one of its kind among any provider, is proof against that.
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That is not what I said and I thank you not to put words in my mouth.

I have every right to criticize Charlie Ergen's past behavior and how it has lead to failed partnerships in the past. and will most likely lead to more in the future. Doesn't change the fact I also like DISH as a company and their satellite receivers. You can like a company and it products , but not the way their leader conducts himself personally in business. I just don't confuse the company with the Man who runs it.

I also don't think there is any cause for all the Charlie Ergen Cheerleaders to come out and do their pom pom dance:cheer anytime there is some criticism towards Charlie. He is a big boy and I am sure he can take it . Unfortunately there are a lot of his supporters here on this site that can't. :hand

It appears to me that you are the one putting words in peoples' mouth. I've had enough of your insults. I'm not an Ergen cheerleader, couldn't care less about him. I just look at the results. He's built a very successful product, doing it his own way. You can't separate him from his company...........Charlie Ergen is DISH. You obviously like the results too.

If I agreed with you, I would also say so. Would I then be a MikeD cheerleader? Given a choice, I'd sooner partner up with a self-styled innovative businessman who built a multi-billion dollar company than a couch potato from Nederland, TX who likely has never run any kind of business.
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Well I have T-Mobile and love the service, I have had Amazon Prime since day 1 and I have Dish...But only because Charter would not run a line 350ft for me to use them with my Tivo...

It goes without saying I would be in favor of anything the 3 of them could do together to keep some money in my pocket every month and better my service for either.

Maybe that makes me "evil" or "greedy"...But I'm just being honest...
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I refer you all to the latest DISH sub numbers that we lost this quarter, 143,000 counting SLING TV Subs Added in to dilute the real satellite numbers and the lost profit compared to last year at this time, $376millon compared to last year $400 million, as perfect examples of why DISH has stopped moving forward as a company due in part to Charlie failing to negotiate a partnership that would take DISH into the 21st century. He should of already done something with the bandwith he keep buying and sitting on. Hopefully he can put his company first and his ego second and he can work a deal with Amazon and T-mobile that will benefit all three companies. Go ahead and shake those pom poms.


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I refer you all to the latest DISH sub numbers that we lost this quarter, 143,000 counting SLING TV Subs Added in to dilute the real satellite numbers and the lost profit compared to last year at this time, $376millon compared to last year $400 million, as perfect examples of why DISH has stopped moving forward as a company due in part to Charlie failing to negotiate a partnership that would take DISH into the 21st century. He should of already done something with the bandwith he keep buying and sitting on. Hopefully he can put his company first and his ego second and he can work a deal with Amazon and T-mobile that will benefit all three companies. Go ahead and shake those pom poms.



Perhaps you should think about putting your name in the hat for CEO, seems like you have the answer to all of Dish's ills. Well, not just you, but you and several other armchair quarterbacks around here.

Sent from my iPhone using the SatelliteGuys app!
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It's the typical reaction when someone has nothing to add to the argument and resorts to ad hominem attacks.

And -I- do not think anyone should be called a "cheerleader" with reference to Pom Poms, just because they disagree with your opinion.
And I don't need to hear a long list of Charlie Ergen defenders telling me that he is so much smarter because I point out a flaw in his personality , that the article itself mentions and I agree wholeheartedly with. I love DISH as a company but it needs a way to be brought into the next century . Charlie has yet to work any deals because he wants to control it all. No other company wants to partner with that. As I said before, Charlie Ergen can take the criticism, but unfortunately many on this web board lose their frikin minds if the great one is criticized. IF Charlie manages to work this deal and do something important with that bandwith , I will take back my assessment of his flaw. But until, then I will continue to look back on his history as a predictor of his future behavior.
And I don't need to hear a long list of Charlie Ergen defenders telling me that he is so much smarter because I point out a flaw in his personality , that the article itself mentions and I agree wholeheartedly with. I love DISH as a company but it needs a way to be brought into the next century . Charlie has yet to work any deals because he wants to control it all. No other company wants to partner with that. As I said before, Charlie Ergen can take the criticism, but unfortunately many on this web board lose their frikin minds if the great one is criticized. IF Charlie manages to work this deal and do something important with that bandwith , I will take back my assessment of his flaw. But until, then I will continue to look back on his history as a predictor of his future behavior.

It's not your criticism of Charlie. It's your deriding those that disagree with you. No need to throw out those derisive terms.
I refer you all to the latest DISH sub numbers that we lost this quarter, 143,000 counting SLING TV Subs Added in to dilute the real satellite numbers and the lost profit compared to last year at this time, $376millon compared to last year $400 million, as perfect examples of why DISH has stopped moving forward as a company due in part to Charlie failing to negotiate a partnership that would take DISH into the 21st century. He should of already done something with the bandwith he keep buying and sitting on. Hopefully he can put his company first and his ego second and he can work a deal with Amazon and T-mobile that will benefit all three companies. Go ahead and shake those pom poms.
Rah rah rah...I'm a cheerleader of facts.

DTV/ATT lost even more subs (233,000), even with their partnership and bundling of services. It's a sign of the Pay TV times, nothing more and has nothing to do with Charlie and his decision making.

Hopper 3 DLNA issues

Dish anywhere transfer?

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