Watching a president tank:( (bush)

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Bob Haller said:
privatising SS by putting $$ in stock was JUST a attempt at running up stock price while killing future payouts,'

if you take some of the $ out of the pipeline somene will get hurt....
Not evryone wants to live off dog food when they reach 65.. President Bush's plan eliminates some of that
I agree, its time to stop trying to turn the USA into a socialist society, where those that bust their asses and make something of themselves, have to pay for those that don't. This DOES NOT included those that REALLY need help; we should all help them. END ALL PORK PROGRAMS and make people get off the system and EARN something.
charper1 said:
Yep, thanks for passing it to me after you big gulp! You need to do MORE READING before you post. Your just another conspiracy theorist will nothing of substance to add and just throw out wild allegations with little or no facts.

YES, sometimes things do get banned, for reasons that I am sure are justified at the time until much more data comes in facing the possible negatives; it is such a new area there is no way you can jump to any real world conclusions.

A total free for all without studies is plan irresponsible and possibly dangerous. It is not a TOTAL ban as your uneducated comment implies, yet research will go forward on 50-60 or so lines that already exist.
ep, you bought the Bush BS hook line and sinker.
Stem cells can replicate themselves, and millions of stem cells can be derived from just one embryo, creating one stem cell line. Stem cells are taken from embryos, which are destroyed in the process, hence the opposition from those who believe that human life begins at conception. So further study is warranted.

Although many researchers hoped Bush would have allowed more, at the same time, scientists say they'll take what they can get, and they're thankful Bush didn't refuse to fund any and all embryonic stem cell research.

Some scientists believe that stem cells taken from adult bone marrow could be as effective at regenerating damaged organs as those taken from an embryo. If so, the huge controversy over the ethical implications of using fetal or embryonic cells would be moot.

Adult stem cells are found in skin, bone marrow and placentas. Because adult stem cells are already specialized to create a specific type of cell, researchers have to take an extra step to "de-differentiate" the cells.
Yep, you bought the Bush BS hook line and sinker. You must be listening to Rush and Hannity and just watch Fox (Faux) News. That way all thinking and ideas are implanted and no need for critical thinking.
damaged said:
This goes alot further back than most realise.

Links to a BBC Documentary, US media won't air it here. (see [1]:

These are 1 hour each, 75 megs each. (BBC is allowing these movies to be released free from any copywrite infringment threats.) This is the 'red pill', so to speak.

Watch those above, and draw your own conclusions. The news on Iraq will never look the same.


For kicks, here is a mov of U.S. using chemical (phosphorus, which has the exact same effect as napalm, which its use, btw, is illegal) weapons on Fallujah. (91 megs)

Try not to vomit while watching that last mov, after all the majority of the USA voted him in, you should see what war really is and how the administration doesn't think the rules apply to us....

[1]: "NOTE: We are very keen that the programmes are made widely available including in America and although the main networks have shown little interest, we are confident that the programmes will be shown in some form.
There are however no plans for a book or that the BBC should publish transcripts in addition to the unofficial ones already existing on the internet. Further news about the Power of Nightmares and in particular availability of a DVD or video will be published here."

This isn't about 'right wing', or 'left wing', 'liberals' or 'conservitives', those are just red herrings created to obfuscate the real plan, those things are made to be 'busy work' for the masses, don't fall for it.


i agree with you most of the time. but the phosphorus , so freakin what? we used flame throwers and napalm and nukes against our former enemies, SO???? in war as patton said, no bastard EVER won a war by dieing for his country. he won it by making the OTHER poor bastard die for his!! and Patton killed as many as he could, and we won that war.

during WW2 you were the enemy and you engaged us and then ran into a school or church, guess what?? we blew it apart.
Marc Kessler said:
BTW some scientists don't believe there's global warming either.

if you think there is, write the premier of CHINA, the worlds worse polluter and ask them to stop burning coal, hell they were exempt from the kyoto treaty.
dragon002 said:

i agree with you most of the time. but the phosphorus , so freakin what? we used flame throwers and napalm and nukes against our former enemies, SO???? in war as patton said, no bastard EVER won a war by dieing for his country. he won it by making the OTHER poor bastard die for his!! and Patton killed as many as he could, and we won that war.

during WW2 you were the enemy and you engaged us and then ran into a school or church, guess what?? we blew it apart.

Fact is, napalm and chemical weapons are against the law, we violated the law. Period. Unless you are saying the U.S.A. is above the law, if so, then there is no point in even having this debate.

I did not comment on it, right or wrong, those are the facts, and you cannot disprove those facts, no matter how many posts you or I make.

I am not here to change your minds, as I find that is usually not possible, because to those types, it is so much more comforting to remain at the status quo. I know, it's scary, but some of us must confront it, if you choose not to, that is ok, we will fight for you too. It's ok turn on your msnbc and nightlines, and bathe in the conforting, familiar warmth of the lies, there is no shame, you are only human.
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damaged said:
It is against international law to use chemical weapons (napalm, etc.) on civilians, do some reaseach, because it seems you are lacking in that area of knowledge. against law

Now that I have provided _your_ answer, can you show _me_ where it is ALLOWED to use chemical weapons on civilian targets (as plainly shown in the video)?

oh i see the united nations banned it in 1980. this is the same united nations that sent peace keepers into africa and raped and turtured hundred thousands of women and young girls. oh yeah these guys over at the UN are the real world government. BULLDOZE TURTLE BAY!
Damn! I hate reading this stupid crap.

The damn media never reports anything but the bad stuff that is happening in the world and the people watching it have nothing better to do than rant about the person they think is behind all of it then try to point fingers at someone.

My wife and I was talking about this last night. About how people never look at what is happening in the world that makes no sense. For example when the people were upset about the 10 commandments being in the courthouse but no one said anything about the Bible you place your hand on when you are put under oath. And I love the celebrities that go to Africa and take their cameras to film themselves helping other people when there are people in our own country that need help.:rolleyes:

People don't want use in Iraq or Afghanistan and if we were not and Heaven forbid we ever had another 9-11 you people would look at someone cause they did not try to protect us. What would you rather us do? Oh I know try to reason with these people who BLOW themselves for the glory of their religion. That stuff might have worked with the Soviet Union cause they did not want to die just like we do not want to die but these idiots don't care about themselves or anyone else.

Bottom line Bush might not be the most intelligent person but at least he realizes what has to be done to protect us.
Well, I agree the UN is no prize winner themselves, but we as a country agreed to those laws, and we (as a world) never said those laws are void, so, the laws still stand.

Now, let's say some country starts dumping napalm (or phosphor) on our mothers fathers, sons and daughters, I wonder how many U.S. citizens would cry "That was against international law!", would it be 'ok' that they did this, or do we say, "naa screw law, they had a right to bomb our kids, WAR is WAR after all!"?...I hope not.

Anyways, this is at an impass, you have made up your mind, as you have that right to, I hold no ill will towards you or yours, I only hope you will watch things on _both_ sides with a more critical eye in the future. It is our duty as american citizens to constantly keep our government in check.

To allow our government to run unchecked and without question, is the most unpatriotic thing one can do.

Chado said:
Disagree somewhat, the flaw isn't within the 2 party system,
Perhaps its not the system, but the way the system operates. There is no possible way that the middle 80% of the population (excluding 10% on the left and right fringe) fall 100% into 2 identical groups. Yet most politicians vote this way. Very few times do you see defections from the party stance because advancement in the party is based on being a good party soldier and doing what you are told.

I think the government would run better if congress could vote anonimously. Elected reps could vote how they want and not how Dingy Harry or anyone else thinks they should vote. Some would say it makes them less accountable to their districts/state. How could they be any less accountable than they are now?

While I don't want to get into a knock-down drag out, for all of Bush's faults, and yes he has some, you can't say he doesn't believe in what he is doing 100%. The 2000 & 2004 candidates were poll driven and the citizens of this country knew it and voted accordingly. There is no way Bush beats Joe Leiberman in 2004. The problem is Leiberman is to far right for his party which is why the democrats will have trouble gaining the WH for a majority of time over the next 20 years. I see them having it in 2008, but after 4 years of Hillary (assuming she can even get the nomination with her "move" to the center) they will be ready for a change. She is not Bill, who I think would win easily if he ran again.
herdfan said:
She is not Bill, who I think would win easily if he ran again.

Which is unfortunate, because that he also used that WH power to get his ha-ha pulled on the job and then to lie and cover it up on the US dime. If he was gonna lie and cover up something, it should have at least been on behalf of trying to make the US and/or world a better place; regardless of what other socialist countries think about it.

i have no idea how old you are, but i will tell you this,

a country wages war to:

Win! not get it half done ,then negotiate.

Eliminate the threat to its people

Terminate the leaders of the enemy. it??!!

if i were the president?? (and you didnt ask) here is what id do.

call Putin, start in chechnia ,you push south and east, we will push north and west. bomb all the bridges and power plants and water supplies on the way in. give the people 48 hours to move out of the way or you are targets, we are coming and we are going to accomplish this goal. then carpet bomb your way in, what is the UN going to do, DECLARE war on us! GET IT YET? by the time we get to baghdad or tehran, the leaders would be a la mussolini (on a meat hook with his throat cut).

one more thing, we have that ASS H*LE sadam on trial, do you want to know why HITLER committed suicide, PATTON said publicly there would be no trial he would personally SHOOT him on SIGHT, and he would have.
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Whoever said the U.S. intentionally used chemical weapons on innocent civilians? If you truly believe that, you must also listen to Al Franken. I love listening to armchair pundits. If you let them talk long enough its simple to see that they really have no idea what they're talking about. Just because someone says its raining outside doesn't mean that I still won't look outside to see for myself.
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