new line from dish?


Original poster
Dec 22, 2007
hey there
yesterday i got dish network installed. the installer installed an dish 500 and a dvr on which one line goes to the tv upstair over uhf and the other to the normal tv.
as i got it now, the installer put an switch on the roof next to the dish where 2 cable go from the dish to the switch and one cable to the dvr and one cable as uhf to the tv upstairs
now i would like to put a third non uhf line so a normal satellite line to one room and would like to know whether thats possible.

thanks and cya
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you can split off the tv2 uhf line, but it will be a mirrored image of the orignal tv2. it will not operate indepently. for a third indepent tv you will need an additional rec installed.
what i wanna do is get a third line so i can use a second reciever for an other tv. can i maybe put another cable on the switch and just get it to the reciever or is there any other way?
It's hard to say for sure without pics, but most likely if you were a new install you have a Dish Pro Plus Twin LNB which has two outputs, so yes you can run another line to another receiver. There shouldn't be any external switch on your roof, but you may see a diplexer which combines the UHF and SAT signals on the same cable. Don't mess with this as it can only be configured a certain way to work properly. There are two outputs and one input on the DPPTwin, your tech may (should) have run two lines down to a ground should be able to connect another line here and run it to your second receiver. Why not just call dish for an upgrade? Probably $99 or $149...okiekevn can answer that better though.
if you are going to run line yourself, be sure to use rg6 cable. it will be labled rg6 on the package, you can find it anywhere, walmart, radioshack, etc. and follow scotts advice, dont touch any existing cables used for your two current tv;s, as it may disrupt their service. if unsure, call 800-333-DISH(3474) and find out what it would cost to upgrade. usually its only slightly more to add another dual tuner rec then it is to add a single tuner, and might as well add a 4th as it is the same montly price providing you can hook up the reciever to a phoneline.
so today i looked up on the dish to see how the cables are done. what i found out is that there come one cable from the dish that goes to an 3 port switch and from the switch one cable goes to the tv upstairs so thats the uhf line and another goes down to the dvr. so what can i do now to add another normal satelite line do i maybe have to buy another switch? oh and i don't have a ground block or something like that the line that goes to the dvr just goes directly from that switch on the roof to the dvr.
so today i looked up on the dish to see how the cables are done. what i found out is that there come one cable from the dish that goes to an 3 port switch and from the switch one cable goes to the tv upstairs so thats the uhf line and another goes down to the dvr. so what can i do now to add another normal satelite line do i maybe have to buy another switch? oh and i don't have a ground block or something like that the line that goes to the dvr just goes directly from that switch on the roof to the dvr.
1-800-333-3474 they will do it correctly. Your install from your description dosen't sound correct.:)
What you have is not a switch, it is a diplexer. If you want to add a line to your setup, you can. If you feel comfortable taking off the LNB, there will be another port that you can run a line from right next to the one going to that diplexer.

I will say that judging from the fact that you don't know what a diplexer is, that you are not experienced in new Dish installs and would STRONGLY agree with everyone here that you should call DISH and have them do it.
Yeah what are you talking about is a diplexor. There is no 3 port switch. The LNB has a built in switch which is used in your install. You can run another line from the lnb to feed another receiver. You would have to take off the lnb and connect some RG6 cable to the 2nd output port on the DPP twin. Do not mess with the diplexor! Sat systems dont work like cable does.
of course i know now what a diplexer is you see i come from germany and live in the united states for 6 month now so my english isn't that good yet and i on't understand some words. but thats good to know that there is another free line on the lnb although i was wondering because in germany you need to have for each reciever a line from the lnb but if dish works without that its fine with me =). so thanks very much for your help
Um you do have to have at least one line from the LNB to each receiver. The diplexor does not get around this. All the diplexer does is to combine your Tv2 output in the same line so that you need only the one line. The 2nd diplexer then splits the tv2 backfeed back out to the television (TV2).
i have another question i have an old fta dish and i would like to set that dish up and then get a switch so i can put the cable form the fta dish and the 2 cable from the dish network dish to one coaxial cable. can somebody tell me which switch i need for that?
thanks and cya

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