Voom addressed on the Charlie Chat

Dish called me on Thursday in response to an email I sent the CEO address expressing my displeasure about the removal of the Voom channels. I was informed that E* and 'Cablevision' (rather than Voom or Rainbow Media) were working to come to an agreement that might very well result in the restoration of Voom channels. I was further informed that E* has, and continues to receive more complaints about the removal of Voom than they anticipated. It was explained to me that sometimes the complaints were generalized as the 'Horror channel' or the 'Fashion channel', etc.

I post this not for others to infer that I believe that Voom would be returning in any form, but to add to the information we have out there. Namely, that E* has mounted a campaign to respond via phone to customer complaints about the Voom removal, or at least to respond to via phone to my complaint about the Voom removal. I guess they feel they need to, although odd, since E* has publicly stated that Voom isn't important to its customers.

What is the best method in communicating with E* about this? Do you have an email address?
Dish called me on Thursday in response to an email I sent the CEO address expressing my displeasure about the removal of the Voom channels. I was informed that E* and 'Cablevision' (rather than Voom or Rainbow Media) were working to come to an agreement that might very well result in the restoration of Voom channels. I was further informed that E* has, and continues to receive more complaints about the removal of Voom than they anticipated. It was explained to me that sometimes the complaints were generalized as the 'Horror channel' or the 'Fashion channel', etc.

I post this not for others to infer that I believe that Voom would be returning in any form, but to add to the information we have out there. Namely, that E* has mounted a campaign to respond via phone to customer complaints about the Voom removal, or at least to respond to via phone to my complaint about the Voom removal. I guess they feel they need to, although odd, since E* has publicly stated that Voom isn't important to its customers.

Now this is interesting. Kind of goes against Charlie's assertions that nobody much cared that VOOM was removed. Anyway, I think if VOOM does return to Dish it will probably be only the 5 channels that were there for that single day. I would have preferred all 15 channels return but I guess I can live with those 5.
Dish called me on Thursday in response to an email I sent the CEO address expressing my displeasure about the removal of the Voom channels. I was informed that E* and 'Cablevision' (rather than Voom or Rainbow Media) were working to come to an agreement that might very well result in the restoration of Voom channels. I was further informed that E* has, and continues to receive more complaints about the removal of Voom than they anticipated. It was explained to me that sometimes the complaints were generalized as the 'Horror channel' or the 'Fashion channel', etc.

I post this not for others to infer that I believe that Voom would be returning in any form, but to add to the information we have out there. Namely, that E* has mounted a campaign to respond via phone to customer complaints about the Voom removal, or at least to respond to via phone to my complaint about the Voom removal. I guess they feel they need to, although odd, since E* has publicly stated that Voom isn't important to its customers.

Are you sure it was from Dish and not voom?? I do know that Dish will never talk about their on going talks or what Dish will or will not do programming wise. The only thing one will get from Dish are very vague promises like we are in on going talks to get so and so even thou Dish may not even be in talks.
Dish called me on Thursday in response to an email I sent the CEO address expressing my displeasure about the removal of the Voom channels. I was informed that E* and 'Cablevision' (rather than Voom or Rainbow Media) were working to come to an agreement that might very well result in the restoration of Voom channels. I was further informed that E* has, and continues to receive more complaints about the removal of Voom than they anticipated. It was explained to me that sometimes the complaints were generalized as the 'Horror channel' or the 'Fashion channel', etc.

I post this not for others to infer that I believe that Voom would be returning in any form, but to add to the information we have out there. Namely, that E* has mounted a campaign to respond via phone to customer complaints about the Voom removal, or at least to respond to via phone to my complaint about the Voom removal. I guess they feel they need to, although odd, since E* has publicly stated that Voom isn't important to its customers.

Of course E* has been getting many complaints about the removal of Voom. If they didn't, Charlie wouldn't have bothered saying anything about it.
Are you sure it was from Dish and not voom?? I do know that Dish will never talk about their on going talks or what Dish will or will not do programming wise. The only thing one will get from Dish are very vague promises like we are in on going talks to get so and so even thou Dish may not even be in talks.

Why would VOOM respond to this email that was sent to Charlie?
I wanted to thank David for posting this address: 'charlie.ergen@echostar.com'

I think charlie is a @#$%#$@#! I hope dish looses their Tivo and Voom lawsuits for treating us like crap. A company that does not listen to their top tier highest margin customers is not a company that will likely be around for the long run. I think we should flood his in box to show him how upset we are!
I wanted to thank David for posting this address: 'charlie.ergen@echostar.com'

I think charlie is a @#$%#$@#! I hope dish looses their Tivo and Voom lawsuits for treating us like crap. A company that does not listen to their top tier highest margin customers is not a company that will likely be around for the long run. I think we should flood his in box to show him how upset we are!
Yada, Yada, Yada.
I think we should flood his in box to show him how upset we are!
if ($mail =~ /voom/i) { send_standard_voom_reply(); }
else {deliver_mail();}

I'm sure if you wanted to get clever and do things like V00M or \/00|\/| it might make a few of your emails get through. It seems to work for people offering to make your P3n15 b|gg3r.
I wanted to thank David for posting this address: 'charlie.ergen@echostar.com'

I think charlie is a @#$%#$@#! I hope dish looses their Tivo and Voom lawsuits for treating us like crap. A company that does not listen to their top tier highest margin customers is not a company that will likely be around for the long run. I think we should flood his in box to show him how upset we are!

I have no problem with each person registering their dissastisfationa nd even encouraging other to do so but one email apiece seems appropriate.
I sent two emails - once on 5/14 basically saying 'WTF'. A second one was nearly a month later, and I hope was the measured and thoughtful comments of a subscriber to whom Voom was the number one of the top three reasons I went with E* over D*. I explained that while I intended to wait a few months to see if a compromise/resolution was reached, that I would be rethinking my business relationship with E*, and might have to choose another provider on principle.

I let them know as a subscriber who invested $838 of my own money in my E* setup, that the Voom removal had me considering scrapping that investment.

I followed up by telling them that Dish Network seemed, for a time, to be the place to go for the unusual, and that they might look back on this later, and realize that May 2008 was the point where they lost their way, no matter how many subscribers they picked up by adding more mainstream HD channels.
If your comment was in response to mine I have to say I was not addressing you. I was addressing what sounded like a call to flood the E* mail boxes. I think that is inappropriate.
If your comment was in response to mine I have to say I was not addressing you. I was addressing what sounded like a call to flood the E* mail boxes. I think that is inappropriate.
I guess my comment was triggered by your post, but was really just some general thoughts of mine, and not meant to be a direct response to you at all.
Posting a real email address in a public forum will indeed get that address flooded by emails - spam emails. Now the address will be useless for consumers to get their concerns addressed because it will be discarded due to spam.


I agree, hopefully a mod will clean that up. The poster probably didn't know this.

Edit: Although, now that I think about it, the graphic/image text you are forced to enter on the "Search this Forum" screen when not logged in may prevent spambots from crawling the forums for email addresses. The CEO email address has been posted all over the place. Seems to still work. Hmmm.
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Scott said somewhere not to use that e-mail address.

Even though it looks like it works it really is not helping the cause. ceo@echostar.com is better.

According to Scott, they really look at what is coming in to the ceo address and the big shots have weekly meetings to discuss this and other things.


But as a reply to the person saying that will make it useless for them to address complaints; dish and charlie have NOT listened to any of their top paying clients so I see NO difference as they would NOT listen to anyone and have already demonstrated that repeatedly.:mad:
It sounds like you are saying that they have not satisfactorily responded to the VOOM complaints so you see no problem with just overloading the complaint email addresses.

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