Should I complain about this new install??


Original poster
Jul 3, 2004
Chaska, MN
I just had a new Dish Network install done on August 22, 2008. I ordered only HD channels (TurboHD Bronze) and HD local Channels (Minneapolis, Minnesota).
I ordered vip722 and vip222 HD receivers.

After looking at the install I can see I am on the Western Arc not the new Eastern Arc.

The Eastern arc was available on the 20th. Why would I get the old stuff?

Should I be concerned about it:confused:
I guess I should look at the pointing angles (zip code 548XX). If I have the correct info they are:

EA: 34 elevation, 154 azimuth
WA: 31 elevation, 214 azimuth

Currently the line of sight appears to hit the top of a neighbors tree.

What should signal strength be?
Do you have a 1000.2 dish?

Keep in mind that the look angle from behind the dish is much higher than the arm of the dish is.

I remember when the 1000.2 dish came out. The DNS office I was out of still didn't have the 1000.2 dish even a year later after it was first introduced.

Eyeballing a dish for line of sight is no way to check your LOS. If your installer did a good job and everything works just let it be.
Minneapolis is definitely listed as a Eastern Arc Designated Market Area (DMA) as of August 20th.

And yes, I have a 1000.2 dish.
I had an new sub, TurboHD install scheduled for today in River Falls, WI (Minneapolis DMA) As soon as the installer got there and was looking things over I asked what dish he had brought. He said the 1000.2 (WA) He asked if that was OK or if I had wanted the 1000.4. Since I wanted the 1000.4 (EA) and he did not have any in the van, we rescheduled my install. He was a great guy. We still did a tour of how the install would go and he verified that the LOS was OK for EA. I actually told him about this site and he said he would look into it. He figured my signal strength on the 61.5 sat would be 20-30 points higher than it would be on the 129 and that it was probaly a good job on my part requesting the EA install.

Not sure why they are not following procedure as this install, at least how I am reading things on this site, should have been an automatic EA install from the start. I think it was just the end of the day and the dishes are probably in short supply and they were hoping I was an un-informed customer.
I had an new sub, TurboHD install scheduled for today in River Falls, WI (Minneapolis DMA) <snip> He figured my signal strength on the 61.5 sat would be 20-30 points higher than it would be on the 129 and that it was probaly a good job on my part requesting the EA install.

Based on the pointing angles it would seem I am about midway between East and West arcs. Does the Eastern Arc broadcast a stronger signal?
Eyeballing a dish for line of sight is no way to check your LOS. If your installer did a good job and everything works just let it be.

OK, The install instructions say to check line of sight (LOS) but they don't say how to properly do it. What do you suggest?
OK, The install instructions say to check line of sight (LOS) but they don't say how to properly do it. What do you suggest?

The best and most precise way is with a Suunto Tandem Inclinometer. I don't expect you to go out and spend $150 for it. If you really want one I have two and will make you a deal if you want to PM me.

There are some compass's out there that can be had for about $30 have an inclinometer, I believe you can get one for around $30.

The cheapest way that I know of is to take a kite string attach it to the top of the object and use a protractor... which is likely not feesible to you either.

I remember once seeing a post by vegassatellite that has some other method using a piece of 2x4 and a nail or something, not sure what it was that would work as well.

I believe the signal comes in 22 degrees higher then what the dish faces.
WTF ?????? We just had the first one in today for testing :rolleyes:

I have a Dish Network training communication dated August 7, 2008 that clearly states the new hardware should be installed beginning on August 20, 2008 in Minneapolis DMA for HD only customers.
Based on the pointing angles it would seem I am about midway between East and West arcs. Does the Eastern Arc broadcast a stronger signal?

The way I understand it: for the West arc, the HD comes off of the 129 sat which is rather flaky, however is scheduled to be replaced soon. For the East arc the HD comes from the 61.5 which my installer told me would give me signal strengths possibly 20 points higher. Of course this is with 129 in its current state.

Also, the EA elevation setting is about 3 degrees higher. Not much, but everything helps when those storm clouds move in. Plus with the EA install, the storms will usually be past me before they affect signal. However, I highly doubt DISH will come out and redo an install that is working fine and is the same one almost everybody in our area currently has.
Just remember each satellite will have it's own separate elevation.

Go into point dish, choose dish type 300, then find your azimuth and elevation for 110,119,61.5

If you have a dish 1000, you'll need to find the 129 elevation by going over onto I think and there's a calculator on there.
I highly doubt DISH will come out and redo an install that is working fine and is the same one almost everybody in our area currently has.


I will compare the line of sight for East and West arcs. If South West is marginal and South East is clear I will complain for sure.

I will compare the line of sight for East and West arcs. If South West is marginal and South East is clear I will complain for sure.

I understand what you are saying and would have the same concerns if I was in your shoes. I'm glad I had a knowledgeable installer that at least discussed everything with me before he started drilling holes. Hope things work out for you!

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