Brighthouse Networks Union Vote


Oct 8, 2008
Pinellas County technicians will have their vote tomorrow. This long awaited election could have never been made possible without the sacrifices of other technicians who have now had the door slammed and are out in the cold.

When you walk into this election, whether it be at the Clearwater or the St. Petersburg location, keep in mind that this is your vote. It is not the vote of what other people have been insisting they would do. They are not the people who do YOUR job. Only YOU can make the choice.

If you choose not to vote YOU are only hurting YOURSELF!!!

GOOD LUCK BRIGHTHOUSE Technicians. It's been too long and its NEVER come to a vote. YOU HAVE MADE IT!!!! Now go get it!!!!
If they win, you do realize that this will set presidence (sp?) in all of Florida for all the BHN techs.

Sadly, all this will end up doing in the long run is raising cable prices in Florida.

I'm not saying vote no. Just be prepared for the whirl wind of its affects.
Forget individuality, vote yes to forming a union!

Never mind that when you form a union, you are giving up your right to get ahead by means of individual hard work. Your salary or hourly rate becomes a pay grade. Never mind that you know many co-workers that slack off and don't work as hard as you do, because they are now protected by the union! You can go that extra mile and earn let's say, $12.50 an hour, while that guy you sit next to in weekly meetings is sitting in his truck goofing off on the phone and drinking coffee instead of making his service calls, and he too is earning $12.50 an hour. You are both in the same pay grade and protected by the union.

So, if you don't like individual accountability, form a union! But if you do vote to form your union, don't come crying around here when you didn't get your raise and you get passed up for that promotion.

As a nation, we have come so far by making unions a thing of the past (the number of unions has gone down in recent years), but looking at what has happened this week, it is apparent that the people have spoken. Rather than individuality, they have decided that being just one of a number is what we as a nation want. Rather than protecting your own job with hard working, you are unionized and protecting the job of the hard workers and the slackers.

There are a lot of cons to forming a union. You may see it as higher pay and protection from getting fired. But that is something that can be achieved by hard work and accountability for ones own actions.
Individual responsibility? Self-reliance? Take care of yourself, your family, your community? Opportunity to succeed? Or to fail and try again?

Things of the past. The election proved it, and ensured it's permanency.
Individual responsibility? Self-reliance? Take care of yourself, your family, your community? Opportunity to succeed? Or to fail and try again?

Things of the past. The election proved it, and ensured it's permanency.

Yes, the election proved that we are moving away from individual accountability. A majority thinks the government can better manage our livelihood than we can as individuals or as individual families.

Unions focus on the entire workforce of let's say, 200 technicians. Making sure that everyone in the union is taken care of to a certain level, no matter how hard they work. I personally am of the opinion that there is the lazy element in ANY job. There are always going to be people that are slackers, while other workers work very hard. I am of the opinion that unions unfairly reward those that do the bare minimum, the slackers. If an individual is worried about job protection, they need not look to a union as the only way to keep their job. If you are the best of the best, you have nothing to worry about. If you go out there every day and give it 100% instead of the bare minimum, you'll do well in life. As a business owner, I am sure as heck not going to fire the guy that does the best job. If I have to eliminate a job, I am going to fire the weakest link in the chain.

If I worked for BHN and was a lazy technician, I would think the union is a wonderful thing. I could continue to F-off in my van and do the bare minimum all day while having an extra layer of protection for my job. I could laugh and snicker amongst myself at the other idiots, working so hard and earning the same pay. I'd have no incentive to work harder, as there would be no reward anyway.

If I worked for BHN and was a hard working technician (which I would be), I would be losing sleep over the forming of a union, trying to talk my coworker friends out of voting for it, and explaining why like I have done here. As a hardworking INDIVIDUAL, I wouldn't be worried about losing my job without the union. I'd have a much greater chance of being promoted for my hard work than I would under a union, where I would be just a number. I'd fall in line somewhere after the tenured technician. He may be lazy. He may do a half a*'d job, but he'd be promoted first under the union.

I know first hand from my own experiences that BHN has a very broad range of technicians. I have met some of the laziest workers I have ever met in my life, who work for BHN or one of its sub-contractors. I have also met some of the hardest working individuals that do a d*mn good job, who work for BHN. BHN has a very broad scope. They really do. A union is only going to offer job protection to some of the laziest pieces of trash I have ever met, while basically punishing some of the hardest working people I have ever met.

BHN techs- where do you fall in the scheme of things? Lazy or hardworking? If you are hardworking, vote NO!

One more thing. I'd bet $$$ that if this union is formed, the number of actual BHN employees goes down over time, while the number of sub-contractors by companies such as Knight Enterprises goes up. They will stop replacing jobs when employees leave. It'll be financially beneficial to replace those jobs with the subcontractors.
Time and time again its proven that we cannot trust "for" profit companies to make the right choices for their customers and most of all their workforces. These companies have gone unchecked for so long they become so greedy that they drive the company into bankruptcy only to see the CEO move onto another company with a major multimillion dollar bonus.

People have worked for decades only to have their pensions and retirements taken away and get laid off. It doesn't matter how hard you work they don't care. This country has been using independent contractors far more for the sole purpose of getting cheap labor while having even more control over those workers with the laws on the sides of the companies when it comes to the worker fighting back for illegal practices by the company.

The fact is that unions wouldn't exist if companies time and time again completely abuse their workers and face it they never stop until we the workers stop them. The most common way to stop abuses is to form and union and strike. Last I checked that is the only way to fight back "and" protect your job with the law on your side.

I'll give an example of one such company in my local area that is abusing their workers. I've talked with many of the workers over the years and have even invited them to dinner to gather paperwork. I wasn't living around Boston for almost two years just for the heck of it.

The company I'm talking about is the major newspaper in the Tampa Bay Area who is also a top 10 newspaper in the country. Lets just look at the few abuses they do and why the workers need to fight back.

They quite often have the trucks arrive very close to 4am and expect people to get done by 6am with most routes not having enough time. They may pay a late fee but they don't extend the window.

Fact is an independent contractor by law must have a larger window "and" in the event of a very late truck and extension of that window and/or a waiver of complaints that that mornings delivery. None of those two things are afforded and the only way to fight it back is to breach the contract which costs tons of money and time. I've heard reports of one such act which resulted in the company breaching back and withholding wages and damages without just cause which is against the law. I have yet to hear the outcome of this whole ordeal thought.

This company also allows complaints to be charged weeks later which also is against the law as the law assumes a reasonable cutoff of liability for any IC.

This company also charges ICs from what I hear upwards of 3.00+ bucks per redelivery for a missing paper and even when its proven to be a company error they still refuse to take it off. Everything they do can only be countered by a breach of contract and thus the company most likely will "NOT" give you another contract. This means they can commit whatever illegal acts they please and anyone who fights back will lose their job and be replaced with somebody who will take it without question.

These contractors also from what I hear get paid around 7-9 cents per paper plus about .0005 cents per insert. They must pay taxes at the end of the year as nothing is withheld. They also must provide a car of their own and pay for all costs involved in using it including repairs and gas.

I also hear the contracts are a take it and leave it with no room to wiggle at all. They also charge ICs complaints for things such as special requests not being done. Such special requests could be anything from bringing it to the door, driveway delivery and time deliveries such as by 5am as the most common I've seen from the paperwork given to myself and the lawfirm I'm working with on behalf of several ICs.

This company clearly shows complete and total control over every IC to the point even wage and hour and the NLRB would stop this even if they were employees. The lawfirm is just waiting until the President has enough time to appoint people on the NLRB who will view the laws towards the workers point of view. Once that is done I expect and nice big class action lawsuit to be shortly around the corner.

Also one other sidenote to consider in the case above. These workers were around five years ago full common law employees (no union) with health benefits, pension, 401K, vacation pay etc. From reading their own newspaper they bought the naming rights for the Ice Palace for about 2.5 million a year for 15 years shortly after switching all carriers over the ICs. If my math is correct the savings from this switch would be very close to the cost of the naming rights.

So we can trust the companies to cutoff nearly everything for the workers for just the naming rights to a building. They don't get any money from this and its not like national advertising can expand the sales of their products as their product is a "local" newspaper.

This is why the government must change the laws to protect workers from these types of actions because it isn't right. If anyone thinks near slave wage pay is the right of the business and they can do anything they want why don't we just end our suffering and become a third world country with the very very rich "and" very very poor. I would make a bet you here reading this "WOULD NOT" be part of the rich group.

Yes maybe the Dems won't do anything better (I doubt this to be true) but its clear we cannot trust the existing party in the White House to do what is right. Its funny but those of you who stand by the companies or have your own company could care less about what is going on "until" it starts hurting you when you are in our shoes. You also tend to be the worst whiners and complainers of the bunch as well.

Government doesn't need to run everything but they sure as heck need to put and enforce rules to prevent companies from abusing their workers in the name of profit. Hey I'm not against profit at all but at least get that profit the right and moral way.
Time and time again its proven that we cannot trust "for" profit companies to make the right choices for their customers and most of all their workforces. These companies have gone unchecked for so long they become so greedy that they drive the company into bankruptcy only to see the CEO move onto another company with a major multimillion dollar bonus.

The above comment is the exception, not the rule. For every poor company you talk of, there are dozens of good companies. A few Enrons, AIGs, etc, and you act as if ALL companies act this way. WRONG!

This country has been using independent contractors far more for the sole purpose of getting cheap labor while having even more control over those workers

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, I really do, but the act of using contractors will only increase if the number of unions increases. I use contractors with my business for many reasons, including ridiculous labor laws for full time employees. And with our new president elect stumping with threats of fining businesses for not offering health care, you can bet I won't be using new full time employees anytime soon. I'll have you know that until I was married in 2005, being self employed, I went about three years with no health insurance. The cheapest insurance I could find was almost $700 a month for myself and my son. I couldn't afford that, and even if I could, the co-pays and deductibles were so high, it would have made it not worth having unless I had a disease that would have otherwise cost more to treat without insurance. If I couldn't afford insurance for myself, what makes one think that I could afford it for employees? The threat of requiring health insurance for full time employees is going to result in higher unemployment rates, mark my words on that one. Many businesses have very thin profit margins. It has nothing to do with greed at all. Is offering no job at all better than offering a job without health insurance?

The fact is that unions wouldn't exist if companies time and time again completely abuse their workers and face it they never stop until we the workers stop them. The most common way to stop abuses is to form and union and strike. Last I checked that is the only way to fight back "and" protect your job with the law on your side.

I wasn't aware that you were a business owner. You speak from a one-sided perspective, that of the employee, not the employer. I have been on BOTH sides of the employer-employee relationship, and not to be insulting toward you, but you are wrong. You act as if all businesses are EVIL. Personally, I pay my people better than my competitors. The harder they work and the better they do, the more they are rewarded. I don't understand why that is so hard for you to understand. Not all companies are greedy and evil. Again, that is the exception to the rule.

The company I'm talking about is the major newspaper in the Tampa Bay Area who is also a top 10 newspaper in the country. Lets just look at the few abuses they do and why the workers need to fight back.

It is funny you bring them up. Oh, the irony. They write about the other newspaper doing layoffs but don't mention their own EVIL tactics. They preach about employee's rights and the evil business practices (like you do). They back every democrat, every election. Yet, they poop on their employees like you say. Funny story. I have a well-to-do retired customer. He owns a mansion here in St. Petersburg, a farm with several acres in Europe, and massive amounts of acreage in the state of Georgia. This man has money coming out his ears. He told me the story of his daughter-in-law who was employed by the newspaper you speak of for 20+ years. Years ago, they did a rotten story about his industry, not specific to his business, but about his industry as a whole locally. Ever since, he hasn't subscribed to that newspaper. He thinks they are garbage. Well, his daughter-in-law for years fought with him over how great of a company that newspaper was. She fought tooth and nail, defending them. Well, she was literally six months out of retirement and her pension and all that when they laid her and others off. They just threw her away like she was trash. Well holy cow, this coming from the company that speaks so highly of the Democrats and worker's rights. They did their own shatting on their workers. Well, I think that was just rotten, but on the other hand you need to consider that particular paper is fighting for survival (as is the other one across the bay). I wouldn't be surprised if the other one folds or they merge, but something has to give. Do you think unions are the fix? Yeah, that really worked for GM and Ford up in Michigan. The auto industry is in serious trouble in this country, and has been since the 70's, much in part due to the unions and their artificially inflated salaries they strongarmed the companies into. Now, with the economy and the price of gas and the fact that nobody is buying cars (the icing on the cake) they are asking the government for handouts to stay afloat. This is going to mean eventual additional job losses. Way to go unions!

This is why the government must change the laws to protect workers from these types of actions because it isn't right. If anyone thinks near slave wage pay is the right of the business and they can do anything they want why don't we just end our suffering and become a third world country with the very very rich "and" very very poor. I would make a bet you here reading this "WOULD NOT" be part of the rich group.

You have got to be kidding. Slave wage pay? We are nowhere near a third world country. Most of the rest of the world would LOVE to work in the United States! You clearly don't know how good you have it in this country with the above comment. Come on now.

Yes maybe the Dems won't do anything better (I doubt this to be true) but its clear we cannot trust the existing party in the White House to do what is right. Its funny but those of you who stand by the companies or have your own company could care less about what is going on "until" it starts hurting you when you are in our shoes. You also tend to be the worst whiners and complainers of the bunch as well.
Government doesn't need to run everything but they sure as heck need to put and enforce rules to prevent companies from abusing their workers in the name of profit. Hey I'm not against profit at all but at least get that profit the right and moral way.

You are delusional about the EVIL companies and the EVIL Republicans. We couldn't care less about what is going on until it starts hurting us? In your shoes? I do believe most business owners started out as an employee for another company at some point in their life. The fact is, most business owners were once employees. But you cannot say that most employees were once business owners. Why don't you try standing in the shoes of a business owner? You can you know. Rather than complaining about needing more job protection, you could go out and start your own business. Nobody is stopping you. That is the beauty of this country. ANYBODY can start their own business. The last thing we need in this economic crisis are more unions and regulations on employers. Mark my words, if the new president elect gets in there and starts doing half of what he said he would do during his stumping, we are going to see a lot more jobs lost over the next four years.

As far as the companies and the bail-out. I am totally against the bail-out. We should let them fail.

You just need to open your eyes and stop viewing every company as EVIL GREEDY organizations. They are not all that way. Again, those companies are the exception to the rule.
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What a total bunch of hogwash.

Time and time again its proven that we cannot trust "for" profit companies to make the right choices for their customers and most of all their workforces. These companies have gone unchecked for so long they become so greedy that they drive the company into bankruptcy only to see the CEO move onto another company with a major multimillion dollar bonus.

I look around my city and I see 1000s of businesses who seem to do quite well for their customers and employees. According to you, that is impossible--they need to be non-profit. You hate capitalism which creates companies because they hope to make money (by providing a needed good or service) and then employ people to do so. Wow, how awful is that?

Yes, some humans are greedy and go astray (more and more these days). Sometimes these greedy people are CEOs. Sometimes they are welfare cheats with their hands out for benefits they are not entitled to. Sometimes, they are employees who don't want to work quite so hard--that's greed too. The major problem is that our society has drifted into a mode where a generation or two have learned that cheating is OK--youtube teaches the methods. Get ahead any way you can--moral or not, legal or not. Narcissism is rampant. And those who are embedded in it deny it, because it =is= them. They cannot even see it. It is normal to them...they have no concept it is wrong as they have grown up with it and all their peers do it.

Examples you cite probably are true. If you work there and don't like it, GO GET ANOTHER JOB. It is one of the great things about the former? America. Freedom. If you weren't qualified for another job, get qualified. Yes, sometimes, no, usually, it is hard. It is very hard. And nothing in life should be hard, right? Sometimes I think the current crop of 20 somethings have no experience at working hard for success. You are "owed" a good job. If your current job is tough, somebody should be forced to change the job, right?

This attitude that somebody else is always responsible for you to have a good job is insane. Grow up. Work hard. Be successful. If you fail, try again. Try something different. Get more training. Train yourself. Turn off the TV and the mp3 and the video game and put down the cell phone and WORK AT STARTING A BUSINESS OR IMPROVING YOURSELF. You aren't due life being handed to you. If you don't like BHNs work environment, go somewhere else. If you don't like the paper's work environment, go somewhere else.

Lastly, to me it is a very good thing that there are places for the least qualified to work--or is it better for them to not work and get handed living money taken from someone else?

Yes, you really pushed one of my hot buttons. I worked my butt off to keep getting better and better jobs during my life. There were months even of 20 hour days. Oh what's the use. You won't get it.
It is nice how this is one of the most important topics that I have ever seen discussed on and only a handful of us are discussing this matter.

I personally have started and participated in numerous threads about DirecTV and BHN not adding particular channels and you will see 20, 30 , 40+ PAGES of back and forth, but when it comes to something so important like our economy, people simply ignore the thread.

I realize that it is in the BHN forum, but every time we post it hits the front page for a few minutes until it is no longer one of the most recent posts. People loading the front page are exposed to it. But nobody is getting involved in the discussion.

This just shows the priorities of this nation, as if we didn't see the trend made perfectly clear on Tuesday night. What good is "getting ESPNU" when your company gets unionized and your company goes under? You have no job, no money, and no ESPNU HD! The topics are fun too, but people should actually get involved in a discussion like this that ACTUALLY means something in the world.

This is a very critical time for our nation right now. Are we going to step back into the first half of the 1900's era? The post depression era? The era where Government first began really regulating business to the point where it drove companies overseas in the first place. Democrats think that unions will help keep these jobs. The reality is, paying a factory worker $65K a year, per the union contract, for a job a monkey could do is what drove the jobs overseas. Not the "evil" Republicans. The fact is, if you don't get an education or learn a trade, you should be paid about $10/hr to screw a bolt into a car door, not $35/hr. You shouldn't be paid more than teachers or other EDUCATED individuals. The unions are going to drive more jobs away. The Democrats know this, but their rhetoric sounds good to the uneducated. They believe they too can earn $65K when they dropped out of high school, while others took up a trade or went on to college and worked very hard to get a skill, only to earn less pay than the GM or Ford union workers in MANY cases.

This whole "gimme" mentality is going to really set us back as a nation. "Health Care is a right," is one of the sickest comments I have heard out of a presidential candidate in my life. This country is doomed.

With any luck, president elect was just full of hot air when he stumped and spewed all those handouts. Maybe I underestimate him. Maybe he will move to the center at least and not act on this hand-out bologna. We'll see.
I was thinking about trying to get a job with BHN here in north fl,but if the union passes and spreads up here I will stay where I am at for now.Thank you for the info on this I want nothing to do with a union.people think the economy is bad know,just wait until they do away with the secret ballot for unions,lay offs will be everywhere.
I got it!

What a total bunch of hogwash.

Time and time again its proven that we cannot trust "for" profit companies to make the right choices for their customers and most of all their workforces. These companies have gone unchecked for so long they become so greedy that they drive the company into bankruptcy only to see the CEO move onto another company with a major multimillion dollar bonus.

Yes, you really pushed one of my hot buttons. I worked my butt off to keep getting better and better jobs during my life. There were months even of 20 hour days. Oh what's the use. You won't get it.

Just an update. The union didnt go through. The numbers were 100 NO and 20 YES. . .

Now that the Union vote is over, what has the company done to make it better for the employees ( based on all the problems that were uncovered)?

Problems? Yes.. The same ones Brighthouse service technicians have had all along.
What have they done to fix them? What have you done to fix them?

Spam workers just received double their paycheck as a thank you bonus (thats right SPAM... who the hell eats that stuff anymore. They still make a profit good enough to reward their employees????) Some other companies got on the bandwagon and did the same.

This year. Thats right, right before they closed their books the CEO's, VP and P thought of their workers. This comes in the middle of an alleged recession? They chose to REWARD their employees?

Hey Joe, "Here's a bonus because we know the price of fuel, power and life sucks right now, so heres a couple paydays to hold you over."

It sure as hell wasn't a $25.00 gift card to Publix. Nope. Not what the Brighthouse technicians got at all.

This job does suck. But we chose the job... it didn't choose us! What was the bottom line? P A Y R A I S E. Not being greedy at all. How the hell can I afford Christmas this year??????? Oh. That's my problem. Asking for Christmas... The nerve.

Promotion = P A Y R A I S E. (Zero experience is ok too).

I don't want a promotion. Whats the point? If you have a bunch of new guys getting paid more from day one, and promoted faster than the guy who's been here 10 years, why would I want to request more responsibility?

I want equal pay that reflects the changes in the financial market as a whole. Not just cost of living adjustments, but changes in fuel, food, housing, insurance and utilities. Not merit based increases. If you own your own telephone company and associated equipment how can you possibly dupe me into beleiving there is zero room for a payraise when the whole damn thing is profit???

Its getting to hard to accept that the only reason that their van goes out in the field is to break even on a paycheck. Just enough to pay the mortgage and utilities doesnt require a monkey to realize how the company is screwing us over.......

I voted "NO" on the advice of Brighthouse and their voices of experience. They in turn have proven what they were going to do for us. I voted "NO", marked the "RIGHT" box, and you know what happened?. Nothing. Nothing changed. Not a thing has improved. Instead employees have gone from being pulled from the field to go to a meeting every 7 days, pounding in the words "VOTE NO", to a series of closed and slammed doors.

Thanks for listening and I hope this answered some of your questions.
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BHN Gave pay raises this year in Jan, like they always do, at least in Orlando. They also plan to do the same this Jan, like normal.

If you didnt get a pay raise you didnt earn one. Most people got in the 4-5% increase range which isnt shabby at all. Those who got less then 3% should really look a their work ethic.

Sure BHN still sags behind other major cable companies when it comes to pay (comcast starts out about the same rate a 2-3year tech at BHN makes) but BHN also has a great benefit package. Sure the perscription drug plan changed a bit this year, for some its better for some maybe worse. But thats the cost of doing business I guess. Also note BHN did give out more money this year for thanksgiving then they have in the past. The first time they have increased that amount in over 5 years so thats a plus. We can only hope they will do the same for the christmas bonus.

Verizon may start out much higher then BHN, but thats because they are the new toy on the block. Its like that whenever a new competitiors jumps in the loop, they try to lure away the talent. When Americast launched in Orlando many many years ago, they almost doubled Cablevisions/TCI (at the time) pay. What was the end result? Americast packed their bags and left and no one knew where they went.
I was thinking about trying to get a job with BHN here in north fl,but if the union passes and spreads up here I will stay where I am at for now.Thank you for the info on this I want nothing to do with a union.people think the economy is bad know,just wait until they do away with the secret ballot for unions,lay offs will be everywhere.

Do you even know what sewage is spewing from your mouth? Do us a favor and stay under that rock...

If they win, you do realize that this will set presidence (sp?) in all of Florida for all the BHN techs.

Sadly, all this will end up doing in the long run is raising cable prices in Florida.

I'm not saying vote no. Just be prepared for the whirl wind of its affects.

Im sorry if your cable bill went up $10.00 this year. I can assure you not even a penny of the increase went into my wallet.
Quote:"If I worked for BHN and was a lazy technician, I would think the union is a wonderful thing. I could continue to F-off in my van and do the bare minimum all day while having an extra layer of protection for my job. I could laugh and snicker amongst myself at the other idiots, working so hard and earning the same pay. I'd have no incentive to work harder, as there would be no reward anyway. "

What do you think we do in those trucks all day? Damn straight we screw off. WIFI tablets and unlimited cell phones.... I personally like to log into myspace and post on blogs the majority of my lunch break (NO! We dont get one of those either!!!) But if you did, wouldnt you screw off all day like we do? I know I did absolutely nothing last week and guess what... I probably will do not a damn thing this week!!! Because you are right. You have exposed not only my lack of motivation, but also the lack of motivation of the remaining field techs who are a part of an elitist club known as the "I am a screw off in my truck, sleep on the side behind circle k all day kinda cableperson!!!!"

Thanks for letting everyone know we are still out there!

To be quite honest I was told if the union was voted in we would certainly lose a majority or a portion of the existing benefits. I was totally disturbed by this because if I lost my free cable I don't know what I'd do... .Oh yeah... I would have tell customers (assuming the Union had been voted in), that I have Fios, and I dont have near as many issues as they do. I would only tell them this because I would be making enough money to be obligated to try FIOS. Instead I am limited to and exclusively for the Brighthouse product because it is one of our "free" benefits and I obviously enjoy working on it sooo much everyday that when I come home I want to go back to work on my own house... but then again I guess I just "don't know any better".

I miss the days of doing an honest days work for an honest days pay. Now I work to get paid and hope to make it to the next check just scraping by.
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All I gotta say is if you think working for BHN is so bad, you should try being a contractor for them. Go and listen to their complaints as I have and you will know that your job is what those contractors are after.

They dont get benefits. They don't get free cable. They dont get reduced internet and phone.

If they mess up a job for what ever reason, bad day, forgot to crimp a fitting, forgot to torque down the fittings, they get back charged the entire job PLUS 75$.

Oh and btw, my cable bill didn't go up 10$ this year I have satellite. There are always other options.

For some of you reading this, I just spoke with the rep here in Brevard County for AT&T. I like to be informed on whats going on in my area. Their techs are starting out at $13.50 an hour. Maybe you should look into their service. As a bonus, their already union!

Switched Digital Video coming to Brevard!

audio goes dead after watching for a while

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