Done with Dish Network!!!

You only have to pay deductibles when its YOUR FAULT people.

If I crash my OWNED car then yes, I'm paying.

If someone else hits me then they are paying.

If I rent a car , and Don't take their insurance. I'll be paying.

If I pay them $60 for their insurance , I'm not paying when it comes back damaged.
the argument should be: You want me to continue to pay for your service, then you need to make it possible for me to receive it. That second part it what they have forgotten.

kinda like the trash company here where I live. They provide the trash can, I pay them. No trash can, no pay.
Last time I checked a Sat dish is outside in the elements. If it goes out of alignment in the first few months to a year, then I could see expecting Dish to adjust because it should be able to maintain site for a little while. After 8 years, i can see it having issues. At this point, you pay a little money for a re-fresher. Things go bad so they need repaired. Like warranties. I just got a new roof put on. It has a 20 year warranty parts and labor, but the shingles are lifetime...if in 30 years a shingle blows off, the shingles are covered but I need to pay to have it re-installed. i am fine with this. My dish got re-aligned about 2 months ago. If it goes out today, i would expect it to be fixed free, but if it goes out of alignment after the winter in the north east where snow sits on the thing, I can see paying to have it adjusted. I mean look at what a dish is, it is mounted to a pole and we expect it to be perfect. Well, things go bad after time and sometimes we need to pay to fix it.

As for the referenced plumbing leak being fixed free. How old was the work? several years or just a few months? I mean things go bad and there are certain costs that are expected...I know Cox cable charges just to swap boxes. $30 for the tech to bring it out. Dish, it is only $15. I can live with that.
Out of curiosity, do you have an OTA antenna installed on your receiver. A dirty little secret is that if you lose OTA reception on the last OTA channel you watched, it will cause issues with the other tuners. If that is the case, try disconnecting and removing the OTA channels for a couple of days and see if your problems disappear.
It doesn't matter how we think it should be.

It is what it is. The rules are available up front, and we know or should know what we're getting in to. Complaining later that they should change the rules in our favor is pointless. We accepted the deal. We can later move elsewhere when our contracts are done. But to keep complaining that they are doing exactly what they said they would do, up front, is ridiculous.

Each company operates as they see fit. We deal with them or move to their competitors. Simple. To keep complaining is to spit upwind and then complain what happens.
Out of curiosity, do you have an OTA antenna installed on your receiver. A dirty little secret is that if you lose OTA reception on the last OTA channel you watched, it will cause issues with the other tuners. If that is the case, try disconnecting and removing the OTA channels for a couple of days and see if your problems disappear.

oops wrong thread!
It is what it is. The rules are available up front, and we know or should know what we're getting in to.

That's simply not true.

The language in the contract we sign with Dish Network is so much in favor of Dish Network it's almost unbelievable. Basically, Dish can change their obligations, services and charges at any point for any reason, and we're still bound to uphold our end of the deal no matter what they do. That's not how any true contract should function.

So Dish can do whatever they want, charge whatever they want, change just about every one of the terms in their alleged "contract", and we have absolutely no say in it. What's worse is it's all legal because of their "contract".

So it's incredibly inaccurate to state that when you sign a 2-year contract with Dish that you know what you're getting into, because Dish can (and very often does) change things on a whim, things you never originally agreed to or were made aware of, but are now bound by because of your "contractual agreement".
Well really leased system should be covered by lease fees shuldnt it?

It makes sense and E claimed simplified pricing but that was a lie:(
Never been charged by Insight when I have internet issues or when we had cable issues. I pay a monthly fee and they maintain their service.
I have a solution for you, do as you heading says. Be done with them. Move on, get a new system from a different provider. Just make sure the work order is correct before they even start an install. I actually agree with the not havin to pay for service maintanence, cuz it should be done the right way the first time.

TV is a privalage not a right. Move on and get what you pay for.
That's simply not true.

The language in the contract we sign with Dish Network is so much in favor of Dish Network it's almost unbelievable. Basically, Dish can change their obligations, services and charges at any point for any reason, and we're still bound to uphold our end of the deal no matter what they do. That's not how any true contract should function.

So Dish can do whatever they want, charge whatever they want, change just about every one of the terms in their alleged "contract", and we have absolutely no say in it. What's worse is it's all legal because of their "contract".

So it's incredibly inaccurate to state that when you sign a 2-year contract with Dish that you know what you're getting into, because Dish can (and very often does) change things on a whim, things you never originally agreed to or were made aware of, but are now bound by because of your "contractual agreement".

You state it's not true, and then post how it is.

We may not like it, but that is the way it is. And it certainly is not unique to Dish. Only a court could determine that it was sufficiently one sided to void. By the time that happens, even if somebody pursues it, we'll all have dim memories of the whole thing.

"Fair" is in the eyes of the beholder.
I'll agree with this with one exception. Local networks should always be free via OTA.

There is a move in Congress today to greatly restrict OTA, forcing local broadcasters to share bandwidth and basically all but killing HD; or to eliminate OTA altogether. Our Congress Critters at work.
I'll be the first to agree that it's pretty ridiculous that they charge another fee on top of the protection plan. It's not worth keeping ever. However, I think a lot of posters here have unrealistic expectations.

The "They own it, they can fix it" mentality is asinine. Much like any other leased product, you are required to pay for upkeep. Cars being the primary example. If you have that mentality, you're just fixing yourself up for a lot of anger and frustration when something does go wrong. You may be able to bitch your way into a free service call, but you'll pay with your time and patience.

I'm no Dish fanboi either. I work for the company and would never recommend anyone else to work for them. I am able to see the reality of the situation though. That reality is: there isn't a satco/telco/whateverco around that will eat the costs in situations like this. Ya, they may toss the occasional bone for "customer satisfaction" but make no doubt about it, you're paying for it one way or the other.

If you want to pay for peace of mind then go with Comcast. They'll make sure to include those extra charges every month. You may never use it, but you'll be paying for it.

Comcast "insurance" is $1.45 per month, which covers any truck roll at $0 cost to customer. No insurance means it's $40 per truck roll.

How much is Dish for each?
You state it's not true, and then post how it is.

We may not like it, but that is the way it is. And it certainly is not unique to Dish. Only a court could determine that it was sufficiently one sided to void. By the time that happens, even if somebody pursues it, we'll all have dim memories of the whole thing.

"Fair" is in the eyes of the beholder.

In your earlier post, you stated that we know what we're getting into ahead of time. But we really don't. The only thing we do know for sure is that Dish is permitted to do just about anything they want and we're still bound by the contract. So it's not really accurate to state that we know what we're getting into. The only thing we do know for sure is that we know nothing.

In any event, I realize that this is not exclusive to Dish, but it just irritates me. Not because I can't afford $15 for a service call, but because I agreed to pay $6/month in good faith for "protection" in the event I needed a service call. So over the course of 5 years, that ONE service call ended up costing me $360 PLUS $15 instead of $95 because I accepted Dish's offer of "protection". Great deal.

Of course, Dish is entitled to run their business any way they see fit, but in doing stuff like this, they are generating a ton of negative word of mouth for themselves. What's really funny is if they'd just waived the $15 fee, I still would have paid far more over the course of 5 years, paying the $6 monthly protection plan, but I most likely wouldn't be sitting here complaining about it.
There is a move in Congress today to greatly restrict OTA, forcing local broadcasters to share bandwidth and basically all but killing HD; or to eliminate OTA altogether. Our Congress Critters at work.

Add a tv viewers rights and I am in favor. Limit ability of providers to change conditions while your under contract etc. % limit on increased prices.

A bit of this would stop E from ripping people off.

Although it may not matter much, after next quarters churn numbers are public.

I see over a 100,000 more lost subs and all those beancounters will be on the unemployment line, no doubt with fat golen parachutes fopr boosting profit, but killing E


Satellite subs feeling ripped off

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