It is a new dawn at DISH.

It doesn't really matter if you like 3D or EHD's or 922's. That's not the point. Either you can trust someone to do what they say they are going to do or you can't It's an old but true adage. Don't make promises you can't keep. Most of the people don't even know that OTA is an option. Now that's a shame.
It doesn't really matter if you like 3D or EHD's or 922's. That's not the point. Either you can trust someone to do what they say they are going to do or you can't It's an old but true adage. Don't make promises you can't keep. Most of the people don't even know that OTA is an option. Now that's a shame.

But were they really "promised." Mentioning current plans <> promise.

If multi-LUN support was not 110% reliable, or a decent deal could not be worked out on a 3d channel, or if they felt there was a better use of bandwith then they should not have proceeded with either.
I actually can't remember Dish saying "We Promise" to do anything. It would be pretty dumb for any company to promise certain things.
I actually can't remember Dish saying "We Promise" to do anything. It would be pretty dumb for any company to promise certain things.

Agree, a company rarely will promise anything, but I've seen a lot of folks around here claiming promises for things that were at best passing comments.

The extender is something I would qualify as a broken "firm commitment." I think Dish really did intend to bring it out. They obviously had a LOT in it. There is even code under the Dish store pages listing features and connectivity options for the extender. In the end it was delayed too long and probably never had a sufficient market built up to justify release.
The confusion of the "promise" is reporting on possible features that may eventually happen vs what was actually printed in the spec sheet.

The 922 does everything that it was speced to do. The hype from the trade room floor showed things like a touchpad mouse remote, internet browsing, an app store, etc., but as released to Dish customers it was just a duo receiver with a larger hard drive, sling and a larger monthly fee...
I'm sad the extender isn't coming, also. And that USB keyboard for my 721 (long gone). But I don't believe any corporation is "promising" anything anymore. Liability issue. They can have every intention of announcing their intended offerings, yet many reasons may keep them from doing so. Plus, based on IBM's success, FUD is common.

We're all big boys and girls. To expect otherwise from businesses or even individuals or governments is not wise. Nothing is certain in this life but death. And no guarantees for the hereafter.
navychop said:
I'm sad the extender isn't coming, also. And that USB keyboard for my 721 (long gone). But I don't believe any corporation is "promising" anything anymore. Liability issue. They can have every intention of announcing their intended offerings, yet many reasons may keep them from doing so. Plus, based on IBM's success, FUD is common.

We're all big boys and girls. To expect otherwise from businesses or even individuals or governments is not wise. Nothing is certain in this life but death. And no guarantees for the hereafter.

Taxes are also guaranteed. Lol
It doesn't really matter if you like 3D or EHD's or 922's. That's not the point. Either you can trust someone to do what they say they are going to do or you can't It's an old but true adage. Don't make promises you can't keep. Most of the people don't even know that OTA is an option. Now that's a shame.

Finally, one who gets it!

I realize this gives you dealers and installers something new to gain income through selling to existing customers and I don't blame you for getting excited with every new toy to get promised by Dish. I also understand that what I like to watch is not what all your customers want to watch. I said the marching order now is talk down 3D, talk down multi lun, talk down keyboard support, talk down all those things that were once promised but today denied. Some of you are now even justifying these claims as they were just possibilities. I think I know the difference between a promise with a target date and a discussion of a possibility to consider for development.

There are many companies I see at CES each year who offer new products and concepts and they never happen. I know this and when they make a claim I just consider it something that I'll believe when I see it. The point is, Dish now falls into that same group. When they tell you something I no longer take what anyone with a Dish T-Shirt says as a word of honor but rather just some shallow salesman who is trying to sell me something they can't deliver and they will deny they ever promised in the first place. Bottom line, don't believe anything from Dish until it is available, installed, and working as they claimed. Second, ignore all the sales baloney that Dish will have this out later this summer because later this summer you will be told we never made that promise.

Nobody asked for "110% reliability" to go to market. I don't even know what 110% means. I do know that Dish makes a habit of releasing product to market with 60-70% reliability. And when they did that I was informed in advance and could deal with it. I've had every HD receiver and DVR Dish made and none were 100% reliable but my 722K with sling and EHD and 2 OTA tuners is about as close as it gets.

No, I don't have HDTV's in my lawnmower storage shed or every bathroom in the house and one in the pantry like your average customers do. I don't have 9 kids all with separate bedrooms with their own HDTV like your average customer does. I just have a 3DTV and an HD tv in the kitchen and two 722's with OTA tuners and sling boxes, I travel with ipad with sling access and so does my wife. We feel it doesn't get any better than that. But, I am tired of the company promises every year now and then next year the lies that they never promised.

What I do believe is that this company will one day execute a firmware upgrade to cripple what I now have that works to force me into some new POS not needed box of promises. They have done that in the past several times. They will do this when they realize they have a warehouse full of equipment that was a market failure. So, to all you Dish salesmen- Please sell the crap out of Hopper so that won't happen to me. If the average customer all has 9 HDTVs as claimed and need the Hopper technology then you shouldn't have any problem.

Some of you youngsters may not recall this but Dish used to have a show called Charlie Chats and another about tech stuff. They don't do them anymore because we finally got it that the promises they made were never kept. Now we have a show more worthwhile. It shows you over and over how to use a remote control. :)
I'm sad the extender isn't coming, also. And that USB keyboard for my 721 (long gone). But I don't believe any corporation is "promising" anything anymore. Liability issue. They can have every intention of announcing their intended offerings, yet many reasons may keep them from doing so. Plus, based on IBM's success, FUD is common.

We're all big boys and girls. To expect otherwise from businesses or even individuals or governments is not wise. Nothing is certain in this life but death. And no guarantees for the hereafter.

As big boys and girls know to do, we have the maturity to place businesses, and individuals in two categories, those with integrity and those without. Governments, well, they are only in one category. If Dish would state, We put this out here at the show to see if there is any interest and if so, we will deliver. I would understand it to be a possibility. In the past 5 years I only recall that statement once from Dish and it was about the sling adapter when first displayed. It wasn't even a working model but a molded piece of plastic to look like what they would offer.

Dish booth was an average crowd the first day with Hopper being the main and almost only thing discussed. It occupied over 90% of the space. The second day there were much fewer people. By the third day, the booth was practically empty and the stage presentation was being done for an audience of a dozen or so Dish employees! Pathetic! This is true as I have the video. Based on that, I wonder if Dish will even have a Booth at CES next year. That is what happened with DirecTV. They went from main Floor booth with little activity to a back room to an office with a locked door and a sign that said "by invitation only."
As big boys and girls know to do, we have the maturity to place businesses, and individuals in two categories, those with integrity and those without. Governments, well, they are only in one category. If Dish would state, We put this out here at the show to see if there is any interest and if so, we will deliver. I would understand it to be a possibility. In the past 5 years I only recall that statement once from Dish and it was about the sling adapter when first displayed. It wasn't even a working model but a molded piece of plastic to look like what they would offer.

Dish booth was an average crowd the first day with Hopper being the main and almost only thing discussed. It occupied over 90% of the space. The second day there were much fewer people. By the third day, the booth was practically empty and the stage presentation was being done for an audience of a dozen or so Dish employees! Pathetic! This is true as I have the video. Based on that, I wonder if Dish will even have a Booth at CES next year. That is what happened with DirecTV. They went from main Floor booth with little activity to a back room to an office with a locked door and a sign that said "by invitation only."

You did know that Dish bought Microsoft's spot for CES next year, right?
What about more a-la-carte options?

I for one would pay good money for individual channels that I really wanted. I know this would be a bit harder for Dish to manage but I think it has the potential to keep the customers happy with the Dish service.

For example, I think I would pay 5 to 10 dollars per month for certain channels I really wanted to get. It might also cause greater competition against other TV providers.

Make the customer happy and they will stay with Dish!
Is there any other provider that gives a subscriber more options as far as programming packages than Dish?

A la carte would be nice, but the programming providers want money for all of their watered down channels. And I think there are plenty that say they'd pay several bucks for a single channel, but I wonder if they'd feel that way six months after spending several bucks on a single channel. Customers have a habit of saying one thing, but not holding fast to it down the road.
Finally, one who gets it!

I realize this gives you dealers and installers something new to gain income through selling to existing customers and I don't blame you for getting excited with every new toy to get promised by Dish. I also understand that what I like to watch is not what all your customers want to watch. I said the marching order now is talk down 3D, talk down multi lun, talk down keyboard support, talk down all those things that were once promised but today denied. Some of you are now even justifying these claims as they were just possibilities. I think I know the difference between a promise with a target date and a discussion of a possibility to consider for development.

There are many companies I see at CES each year who offer new products and concepts and they never happen. I know this and when they make a claim I just consider it something that I'll believe when I see it. The point is, Dish now falls into that same group. When they tell you something I no longer take what anyone with a Dish T-Shirt says as a word of honor but rather just some shallow salesman who is trying to sell me something they can't deliver and they will deny they ever promised in the first place. Bottom line, don't believe anything from Dish until it is available, installed, and working as they claimed. Second, ignore all the sales baloney that Dish will have this out later this summer because later this summer you will be told we never made that promise.

Nobody asked for "110% reliability" to go to market. I don't even know what 110% means. I do know that Dish makes a habit of releasing product to market with 60-70% reliability. And when they did that I was informed in advance and could deal with it. I've had every HD receiver and DVR Dish made and none were 100% reliable but my 722K with sling and EHD and 2 OTA tuners is about as close as it gets.

No, I don't have HDTV's in my lawnmower storage shed or every bathroom in the house and one in the pantry like your average customers do. I don't have 9 kids all with separate bedrooms with their own HDTV like your average customer does. I just have a 3DTV and an HD tv in the kitchen and two 722's with OTA tuners and sling boxes, I travel with ipad with sling access and so does my wife. We feel it doesn't get any better than that. But, I am tired of the company promises every year now and then next year the lies that they never promised.

What I do believe is that this company will one day execute a firmware upgrade to cripple what I now have that works to force me into some new POS not needed box of promises. They have done that in the past several times. They will do this when they realize they have a warehouse full of equipment that was a market failure. So, to all you Dish salesmen- Please sell the crap out of Hopper so that won't happen to me. If the average customer all has 9 HDTVs as claimed and need the Hopper technology then you shouldn't have any problem.

Some of you youngsters may not recall this but Dish used to have a show called Charlie Chats and another about tech stuff. They don't do them anymore because we finally got it that the promises they made were never kept. Now we have a show more worthwhile. It shows you over and over how to use a remote control. :)

AMEN Brother!! I second and third just about every thing you have said.

Coming from a long history with DISH and their "promises" of new technology that never sees the light of day, I have FINALLY learned. I like the idea of the hopper and Joey system, but I will not upgrade to this system for a long while after it hits the market. I don't want to be the early adopter this time. I really got burnt with the 922 and the amount of money I put out to be compatible and get the right internet speed, the right router, the right sling adapter, all so I could use the sling feature for the promised Sling extender , that never came to be.

I now have the sling player in my google revue unit and I bought a sling pro hd box so I could use it to sling the hd picture of my 722k to my bedroom hd tv. It works , but it is slow and sometimes loses connection . Trying to do trick play is frustrating and their is a delay in every thing you do. Now I see that the sling extender would of been just about like this ,but I wouldn't of had to buy a sling pro hd box. It would of worked with the sling adapter I already had purchased. So all that waiting for a sling extender , and now the disappointment of seeing it wouldn't of worked that well at all.

But now the" bloom is off the rose", to use a metaphor in talking about my image of DISH and their "cutting edge technology". Most of the time it is promised vaporware . I do like the 722k and it works for the most part , give or take a software induced glitch now and then. But I will NEVER believe anything that DISH promises anymore. The Blockbuster Movie pass was a bust in my opinion and DISH's promise to support the physical stores and keep the employees employed, were just that: promises. They are back to closing them and laying off people . They look like they will never stream their shows like Netflix to the public or to DISH subs. And while the Hopper/Joey system sounds promising with the primetime anytime feature, I do not simply have to have it right now. It looks like the price will be at least $4.00 a month higher to use ,based on the leaked Digital Home plan on their website. So once again it looks like DISH has found a way to hike the fees and or equipment cost to even higher amounts.

So to me the cost factor and the fact that I own all of my receivers now, is something that is keeping me from even thinking about upgrading right now. The other factor is the programming packs are still going up in price . 2011 was a hike that was worth two years of price hikes in one. That way they could promise a "freeze" on their basic programming packs till 2013. So if sports continue to force the cost of my basic programming to spike every couple of years, I may be looking at cutting the cord entirely. I simply can't justify the price for basic cable much longer. I used to pay $69.99 for AEP 12 years ago and today that would only get you top 250. I already down graded to top 200 and do not pay for premium movie packs any more. I only get them if they are free promotions. DISH has become to high in my opinion for just about everything and their competition Directv is even higher , so I won't be looking at them. So 2013 may be the year I no longer look at DISH as my provider and low priced leader. Either way I will NO longer believe in vapor ware promises. I will only believe in what I can See for myself that is working.
No matter how much lipstick you put on a "pig"..its still a "pig" at the end of the day..Its gonna take alot more than "promises" to turn dish around (losing customers not profits). I like the vision but will reserve judgement to see how the execution part works.

Disable 222k standby mode on TV2

Recording and remote viewing on joey question

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