CES Adds DISH’s Hopper with Sling as “Best of Show” - Dumps CNET from giving awards

We would love to, but for us to be fair DIRECTV would need to show their product publicly on the show floor so that they could even be considered.

To give that kind of award needs a lot of $$$ and a huge staff that has to see EVERYTHING at CES. No small undertaking!

Thats a good point. I think the Genie could have had a good chance of winning, if Directv was at the show.
Looks like this may not be the end of this story. In his article Gary Shapiro says this:
"Now we are considering our legal options under our agreement with CNET"
Is he just talking about terminating the contract, or could there be some other legal consequences to CNET/CBS?

I would guess in terminating the contract.
Looks like this may not be the end of this story. In his article Gary Shapiro says this:
"Now we are considering our legal options under our agreement with CNET"
Is he just talking about terminating the contract, or could there be some other legal consequences to CNET/CBS?
probably terminating the contract. In the verge article... CBS and CNET already posted this:

Multiple sources said CNET would not attempt to bid for the CES awards in an attempt to move on from the controversy. A CNET spokesperson issued this response: "As the #1 tech news and reviews site in the world, CNET is committed to delivering in-depth coverage of consumer electronics. We look forward to covering CES and the latest developments from the show, as we have for well over a decade." A CBS Interactive spokesperson told The Verge that prior to the CEA's decision, CBS had already determined it would not attempt to partner with CES for the awards again.

Sounds like both sides want out of their affiliation...
Kudos to CES!:eek:k:
...and I don't think this can be understated, but kudos also to the CNET staff for posting the article on the CNET site, in apparent direct defiance of the so-called ban on articles about products in litigation with CBS. :D
...and I don't think this can be understated, but kudos also to the CNET staff for posting the article on the CNET site, in apparent direct defiance of the so-called ban on articles about products in litigation with CBS. :D

I don't think there is a ban on news articles: just on product reviews.
If this is true (from Gary Shapiro)...

"Moreover, CNET's top editor recently revealedCNET was ordered by CBS to deceive the public and say CNET pulled the product from consideration as a finalist, even though the Hopper Sling had already been the CNET editors' unanimous choice as best of show. Unbelievable that a top executive at a Fortune 500 company had ordered an intentional deception by their own journalists."

...both CEA and Dish should be speed dialing their attorneys.
If this is true (from Gary Shapiro)...

"Moreover, CNET's top editor recently revealedCNET was ordered by CBS to deceive the public and say CNET pulled the product from consideration as a finalist, even though the Hopper Sling had already been the CNET editors' unanimous choice as best of show. Unbelievable that a top executive at a Fortune 500 company had ordered an intentional deception by their own journalists."

...both CEA and Dish should be speed dialing their attorneys.

When they first announced it they didn't say that the winner had already been voted. They made it sound as if Dish was disqualified before the decesion. Only later it became known that Dish was disqualified by CBS only after the vote went Dish's way. And that's what created all the uproar!
When they first announced it they didn't say that the winner had already been voted. They made it sound as if Dish was disqualified before the decesion. Only later it became known that Dish was disqualified by CBS only after the vote went Dish's way. And that's what created all the uproar!
...and "later" was only a day or two at most. It was well known that the award was yanked after the vote was cast.
When does the E* retrans agreement with CBS expire? After further destroying their image with this embarrassment, I fear that CBS will never allow them to carry their signal again once the agreement runs out (even if 13% of their viewers disappear). Not unless a court somehow compels them to do so.
probably terminating the contract. In the verge article... CBS and CNET already posted this:

Sounds like both sides want out of their affiliation...
I think this is CBS/CNET trying to save face. You don't want us to give out the awards well we don't want to do it anyway so there.
When does the E* retrans agreement with CBS expire? After further destroying their image with this embarrassment, I fear that CBS will never allow them to carry their signal again once the agreement runs out (even if 13% of their viewers disappear). Not unless a court somehow compels them to do so.

The latest agreement between Dish and CBS started a year ago. I'm sure there's probably another 4-6 years left on it.
I think the staff at CNET should be commended for trying to do the right thing while knowing full well their parent company (CBS) wasn't going to like it one bit. That says a lot for the CNET staff. Dish gets more positive publicity while CBS loses what credibility they could have gained by not influencing CNET's decision at the CES. The biggest loser in all this as I see it is the CNET staff. Time for those guys to jump ship. Shame on CBS.

What external hard drive?

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