Charlie's email address

What is Charlie's email address? I have a problem with my antenna reception and I cant get a tech here until wednesday!

Wednesday? As in the day after tomorrow? :eek: good lord thats forever... I bet charlie will fire the csr you were talking to and come out personally and fix it in his new biz jet.
"Oh well, ceo@dishnetwork is not Charlie's email address anyway, just another grunt csr, who answers that email address."

Maybe, but the "grunt(s)" that answer that address tend to get things done very efficiantly!
What is Charlie's email address? I have a problem with my antenna reception and I cant get a tech here until wednesday!

Posted on Monday. Tech scheduled for Wednesday.. In Dish terms that actually sounds pretty quick. I have seen people with dates two weeks out.. I sure can't see a real need to complain on this one. For a faster date, you should just call someone local.