How to get this BUD home.

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jan 5, 2006
Chicago suburbs.
Ok , I just purchased this BUD on Ebay for $76 smackeroos.

It looks like a paraclipse , I don't know how it comes apart but if I can get it in 2 half sections that would be nice , I have a feeling it probably doesn't come apart that way so if anyone has any suggestions on taking it apart minimally SO I don't have to do a lot of work putting it together again that would be nice.

Here's the pic :
i would have the guy spray all the bolts with PB (penatrating blastor) type oil and take it apart in half remove the button hook feed horn. it will extend out the back of a pickup bed but you can strap it in
so you would have ring mount with motor
two halfs
and feedhorn.

I took a 7 1/2 as one piece but didn't know the distance you would travel . if you could get it on the truck in one piece and feel comfortable moving it like that or have a trailer and can set it on the trailer it would have to angle to make the width of trailer so it would have to rest on something that can absorb the traveling. a swimming pool pillow ( used to cover swimming pools) would get you the cushion you need.
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From what I've read, here, the receiver is worth what you paid for the whole load.
And the dish is free.
Great haul !

How long a drive do you have to get it home?
Depends on how far you have to go to get it. Use the minimum amount of disassembly as posible and mark everthing before you do, so the panels go back in the same order. Hard to make out from the pics. but looks well made so less chance of warpage. Good find.
Depending on how far you have to go, just lay it fully assembled with it's backside down in the back of a pickup and go. I've moved several 7.5ft - 12ft dishes that way. Never had a problem with that method (other than 12ft dishes tend to hang over the sides/back a bit - not a big problem if you're only going 50-70 miles or less)
From what I've read, here, the receiver is worth what you paid for the whole load.
And the dish is free.
Great haul !

How long a drive do you have to get it home?

Yeah the receiver , I'm guessing you mean the 4DTV Sidecar being worth it and yes I feel the same way , great deal .

The drive is around 134 miles one way , had this dish been local as in Chicago area I'm sure it would have fetched twice as much.

I currently have a Toshiba TRX- (in my signature) , well it's brand new and that's what I plan on using to steer it , I'll see how I add the sidecar to it, I'm excited about the BUD , I saw it as an opportunity that will fit more practically in my yard.

The Birdview Project will have to wait , very possible that I don't use it , it has been thru alot and might be warped so I'll check on it soon to see what I'll do.

But there is no way I'm putting up 2 BUDs and the paraclipse is nice , from what I can see it looks like it can handle Ku , what I really want is to add C-band and that's taken care of with this dish.

As for transport on the cheap , I'm going via trailer hitch , I'll spend on putting a hitch on the car , using a rental pickup will be like .79 a mile and that's too much, thanks to all those who responded , I'm especially happy that I can disassemble it in half , and yes the idea of using marker to match panels is excellent so note taken.
Jay, if you haul it , keep in mind 8 1/2' wide is usually the max without a permit from your state DOT. You DONT want to pay one of those nasty tickets should the men in
blue take exception to your load!!
Jay, if you haul it , keep in mind 8 1/2' wide is usually the max without a permit from your state DOT. You DONT want to pay one of those nasty tickets should the men in
blue take exception to your load!!

Thanks for the info , I am going to have to disassemble the dish at least in half , so that won't be a problem.

If I could bring it without disassembly that would be nice , but thats not happening , my only concern now is the so called clips that keep it together , hope it's not a PIA to reassemble.

My Favorable LOS in my Yard is to try to get all birds from 40.5 West - 139.0 west.
does anyone see this as a problem with my actuator , that is to travel +- 50 degrees in each direction , being that my true south is 87.0 west.
Thanks for the info , I am going to have to disassemble the dish at least in half , so that won't be a problem.

My Favorable LOS in my Yard is to try to get all birds from 40.5 West - 139.0 west.
does anyone see this as a problem with my actuator , that is to travel +- 50 degrees in each direction , being that my true south is 87.0 west.

Im in Illinois and I can get from 43deg west to 150deg west on my 24" actuator. I could go a bit further east but but the actuator is pretty close to the end at 43deg west. My true south sat is AMC 3.
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Is this worth $100

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