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  1. Martyn

    Advice Needed: Setting Up C-band Reception with a 90 cm Dish

    Hi Marc, I think we have corresponded before! I've been receiving KCTV from Intelsat 21 since 2016. My main dish has been a 2.4m dish and the signal strength is sufficient. A 90cm dish will struggle on KCTV. The signal is not very strong and there isn't much error correction on it. You will...
  2. Martyn

    This is likely 5G, right?

    Thanks. I'll double check that although I've tried too receivers and do live in a suburban area, so I reckon it's 5G. Good reminder to check the basics though!
  3. Martyn

    This is likely 5G, right?

    That makes sense, although it makes me think the cell tower behind the dish is less likely to be the problem because the dish would block the signal from reaching the LNB, unless it's reflecting off something. But the house is in front of the dish so that should block too. This could be a lot of...
  4. Martyn

    This is likely 5G, right?

    Thanks Brian, I will try one of those when they are available. Any idea when roughly in January they should be on the site?
  5. Martyn

    This is likely 5G, right?

    Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately, due to a line of very tall trees, this is the only location on the property when I-21 can be received so moving the dish is impossible. What type of mesh might work? The nearest cell tower is behind the dish and I might try a fence there.
  6. Martyn

    This is likely 5G, right?

    In the last few months, I've been suffering a lot of break-up on Intelsat 21 (58W) 4080V. I keep getting tiling like this. It happens to varying degrees at least once a minute. The signal meter shows a strong signal +14dB and I've peaked the dish but it persists. I'm using one of the Titanium...
  7. Martyn

    Question about TS recording

    Thanks kofi123. That's what I suspected. I'm going to look into getting a PC tuner.
  8. Martyn

    Question about TS recording

    Can anyone help me with understanding TS recording mode? I am recording a transponder that contains one TV service and two radio services. When I play the resulting .ts file in VLC, it gives me options for the TV and two radio services in the Playback>Program menu item, but the two radio...
  9. Martyn

    5G Network interference:

    What's the technical theory on an RF fence? 3.8GHz is about 8cm wavelength so do the holes in the mesh just need to be less than the wavelength of the signals? Does anyone understand the science behind it?
  10. Martyn

    Any chances that new Ku band satellite 33 Galaxy will be use for videos feeds?

    Just Google it: "Galaxy 33 will be the replacement satellite at 133 degrees west once it is in service in early November. The satellite will provide service continuity for distribution to cable headends throughout the United States." "Galaxy 34 will replace Galaxy 12 at 129 degrees west once...
  11. Martyn

    GOES 16 GRB downlink vs GVAR

    Was that from China? I see a couple that ship from there and another retailer in the UK, which claims to be a distributor for TBS.
  12. Martyn

    5G US C-band launch

    I'm not sure what bird story you're talking about but there is a fair amount of misinformation on social media about birds and 5G:
  13. Martyn

    5G US C-band launch

    I can't find the story now but I think I read that newer radio altimeters are fine and older ones aren't. If that's the case, perhaps the airline industry is seeing an opportunity to force telecom companies to pay for altimeter upgrades. That would explain everything.
  14. Martyn

    5G US C-band launch

    It looks like the FAA and wireless carriers have agreed on a staged roll out of 5G in C-band. Verizon is set to launch on January 19 and AT&T around the same time. Fifty airports will have a six-month C-band buffer zone while they figure out if the network will affect radio altimeters...
  15. Martyn

    Lyngsat Updates

    Well done cyberham ! Thanks. People complain about Lyngsat missing data or being out of date, but it's only that way because people don't send in updates.
  16. Martyn

    Troubleshooting signal loss at certain times of day - C/N margin

    Solar interference occurs at the spring and autumn equinox for locations on the equator. As you move north and south from that line, the dates shift a little. For most of the United States it's in about two weeks.
  17. Martyn

    Troubleshooting signal loss at certain times of day - C/N margin

    This site gives you exact timing for solar outages: Sun Outage / Sun Interference Prediction for Geostationary Orbit Satellites - Jens T. Sætre - A rough location in central Texas and 125W reveals the sun will cause outages during the first week of October...
  18. Martyn

    180.0E Intelsat 18

    Oh fun! I did the same thing a few years ago. At that time I don't think France 24 or France Info were FTA (unless those are relays on the Premiere channels).
  19. Martyn

    Eutelsat Quantum - reconfigurable beams

    This is pretty interesting. The first satellite with reconfigurable beams. This looks like a step beyond steerable and beams that can be created in response to demand.
  20. Martyn


    Try the Brazilian site: PORTAL BSD The satellite list is in the top left. You're right though, couldn't find it on the eds version.
  21. Martyn

    Can’t Find 58w or 55w

    Yeah, i saw the "congratulations" posts as soon as I sent my long list of too-late-to-be-helpful instructions. I should have reloaded the thread but happy for him! Too bad you do get NHK. I had a horrendous time even finding 58W in my new place (rented) due to trees. I moved right across the...
  22. Martyn

    Can’t Find 58w or 55w

    That's a lot of 16 and 32APSK transponders with weird symbol rates. I wonder if they might all be data services. There are other satellites nearby that don't carry TV, like Intelsat 23 at 53W and Intelsat 9 and 902 at 50W. 58W should be easy to find. Here's what I do: use or...
  23. Martyn

    sat but no ch

    The satellite name is whatever is programmed into the receiver. It doesn't pull this information during a scan or get it from space. The receiver can say "Galaxy 19" and if it's aimed at Galaxy 19 you'll get all the programs. Equally, you can aim it at a different satellite and scan in...
  24. Martyn

    WB Affiliates on Ku-Band Satellite (1998)

    The San Diego Public Library says it has some copies. It might be worth calling them and taking a trip:
  25. Martyn

    Kiwisat, possible replacement for Orby for southern states.

    Is this legally available in the US or a grey market import of a legally-acquired subscription for a service aimed at other counties?