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  1. Andyboy90

    OTHER Free to a good home

    Would you be able to ship the feedhorn to Canada? I am looking for a orthomode feedhorn and haven’t been able to find one. I will pay all the shipping and handling expenses :)
  2. Andyboy90

    Buying a 36” ballscrew actuator

    For a 12ft fiberglass dish 36” ballscrew would be the best choice. Its been over 2 weeks and Von Weise still hasn’t responded yet while I already have the Venture actuator set up on my dish.
  3. Andyboy90

    Buying a 36” ballscrew actuator

    I installed the actuator yesterday and as of now it can cover 87-137. It wont go much east of 87 because of risk of breaking the arm and dish flop. I will be working on making something to move the actuator centre away to be able to cover the complete arc. I am amazed at the actuator accuracy...
  4. Andyboy90

    What advantages of a 10ft dish

    I read on tvrosat that a 10ft dish receives 56% more power than 8ft dish. I live in the North (Canada) where I have weaker footprint for a lot of satellites and I’ve never had any issues locking onto S2 5/6 or 9/10 signals
  5. Andyboy90

    Buying a 36” ballscrew actuator

    Update: I powered the actuator to test it and it works as intended. I’ll say that its a little louder than my Von Weise acme actuator but nothing too bad. You have to be in the vicinity to hear the noise. Before I install it I need to punch holes in the back cover for water drainage...
  6. Andyboy90

    Where to buy ribbon cable

    Thanks for the input primestar31 and FTA4PA. Based on your suggestions I will buy the 14/2 wire from home depot for +/- and use the shielded 18/2 wire I already have for pulse control.
  7. Andyboy90

    Buying a 36” ballscrew actuator

    I am aware about that :) Now i just need to find someone who will make this part for me.
  8. Andyboy90

    Buying a 36” ballscrew actuator

    If I understand correctly the outrigger extension on the mount where the heim joint of the actuator connects with mount will only help with increasing accuracy of the actuator because essentially the actuator will have to travel longer for the angle to change. What I need is a plate to move the...
  9. Andyboy90

    Buying a 36” ballscrew actuator

    I got the Venture 36” ballscrew actuator and boy oh boy its huge and heavy. I will install it tomorrow but theres a slight problem. I could mount my 24” actuator on the left to get 55 & 58 but it wont be possible with the new venture 36” because it needs more clearance for the accordion boot...
  10. Andyboy90

    Where to buy ribbon cable

    I have a shielded 18/2 wire which I can double up and use. Wasn’t sure if 18 AWG would be enough for power wires over 50ft.
  11. Andyboy90

    Where to buy ribbon cable

    I am looking for ribbon cable to hook up my actuator to asc1. The cable I have is falling short for permanent routing. I looked on ebay and other online sources but wasn’t able to find anything
  12. Andyboy90

    Buying a 36” ballscrew actuator

    Received a call from Venture today. The actuator is ready and will be shipped on Monday
  13. Andyboy90

    Restoring 10ft dish

    I was successfully able to go to 55W by mounting the actuator to left. I am thinking about making something to move the pivot away from the centre.. probably next year. Its not a priority for me as I cannot see anything below 55W anyways. I have ordered a 36" actuator for better wind resistance
  14. Andyboy90

    Buying a 36” ballscrew actuator

    24" would have has sufficed for my 10 footer but an actuator is a long term investment and 36" provides better wind resistance. Right now i have a 24" Von Weise actuator which covers 55-133. When its windy outside its easy on the actuator with the arm being not fully extended.
  15. Andyboy90

    Buying a 36” ballscrew actuator

    Von Weise still haven’t gotten back to me and Venture replied to me instantly and were very helpful with all my questions so I went ahead and order a Venture 36” ballscrew actuator
  16. Andyboy90

    Buying a 36” ballscrew actuator

    I have contacted venture and am waiting for their quote. Tek2000 is not an option because I am not looking for Chinese junk. I had already talked to rick and he didn't have the 36" ballscrew actuator in stock.
  17. Andyboy90

    Buying a 36” ballscrew actuator

    Where can i buy a quality ballscrew actuator for my dish without spending too much. I doubt anyone sells them for cheap but figured I should still ask.
  18. Andyboy90

    Using a Sonotube for installing a C Band pole

    I didn't have welding tools or a powerful drill to drill a hole in thick metal so I installed a heavy duty U-clamp on the pole before I poured concrete. I believe that should be enough to prevent it from turning with wind load. Time will tell :)
  19. Andyboy90

    Link: FCC, Wireless Industry Take Aim At C Band Satellite Spectrum for 5G

    Thats good to hear. I was a little skeptical when I was putting up my new dish about the whole C Band spectrum grab. Titanium can you elaborate on why Eutelsat leaving the alliance is a good thing.
  20. Andyboy90

    Aiming at true south

    I used 111.1 to set true south for my dish and the signal is stronger than ever on every satellite.
  21. Andyboy90

    Aiming at true south

    I didn’t get a chance to do anything today but I am on my days off starting tomorrow. I recently found out that Anik 111.1W has an active TP so that will greatly help me in aiming my dish
  22. Andyboy90

    Anik F2 111.1W

    That is going to help me a lot with finding true south for my dish. Thanks
  23. Andyboy90

    Aiming at true south

    I didn’t have much time yesterday to use advanced methods to find true south. I eyeballed it with my fence line as a guide. I have played with everything but my declination. I think I need to move the dish mount west and raise the dish up a bit by lowering declination angle. The pole is plumb...
  24. Andyboy90

    Anik F2 111.1W

    Can someone please confirm if they can see any active C-Band TPs on 111.1W.
  25. Andyboy90

    Aiming at true south

    Thanks for the inputs guys. I did find my true south (most likely inaccurate) today and tried the modified inclination and declination but it has made arc tracking worse. I searched up an the arc tracking diagram posted on this site a few years ago. Here is what I did. I aimed the dish to true...