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  1. vodad

    Anyone have issues with their Sprint signal

    As it turns out, It is the LTE upgrade. they are doing a pretty good area around where I leave and they are working on the closest tower to the house, and then the next one after it gets done. I never know at the house which tower I will hit, so I will probably experience this issue for 2-3 weeks.
  2. vodad

    Anyone have issues with their Sprint signal

    This is a new one on me, but since last friday our phones have been pretty much useless for voice calls at our house. At first when in it started we just figured that since there was a few thousand extra people in town for the Scheid Diesel Extravaganza that it might just be an over use...
  3. vodad

    What is your current phone?

    I must say, my S3 was giving me problems for awhile. I kept hitting this dead spot that I never had with my EVO. changed the ROM over to a custom one from Team Noctural (Mijjz, Goodness) and ever since I do not have that dead spot and have been having a lot better connection. Not to mention...
  4. vodad

    Scott Forstall was asked to leave Apple because he refused to sign a maps appology

    John, I agree. And to tell you the truth, I would not want him anywhere near android. I hate the Apple interface. I honestly would look for him to go to Microsoft before I would see him working for google, or samsung or any of the other android folks.
  5. vodad

    Scott Forstall was asked to leave Apple because he refused to sign a maps appology

    It's California, Non-Compete clauses are pretty much not allowed.
  6. vodad

    What is your current phone?

    I just got a Galaxy S 3 I have to say, I like it so far. was going to wait a bit, but my EVO bit the dust and I could not wait any longer.
  7. vodad

    Verdict in Samsung infringed on at least 3 Apple patents

    Yep, I am in the market for a new phone, galaxy s III is how I am going to go. (It is not part of this suit so it will be just fine)
  8. vodad

    Found a phone to take me away from my EVO 4G (well sort of)

    Nothing is wrong with the screen that was listed in the article, but if you read into some of the questions it is pointed out that the article is wrong on the screen and the one going in is actually supposed to be even better than what the author put. I was just saying if that is the case, this...
  9. vodad

    Found a phone to take me away from my EVO 4G (well sort of)

    That is when my upgrade is available as well. there is talk that the article is wrong on the screen and it will be a better one then the one listed, if that is the case this is gonna be one nice phone.
  10. vodad

    Found a phone to take me away from my EVO 4G (well sort of)

    HTC EVO 4G LTE vs. Apple iPhone 4S: Specs Compared | News & Opinion |
  11. vodad

    End of Android in the US?

    well considering there have been other multi touch screens before 2005 - DiamondTouch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia read through that wikipedia listing and you will see several, including a device in 1991. but mulit-touch really is not what is being talked about, it is more tracking of...
  12. vodad

    End of Android in the US?

    My guess is we will see prior art that knocks this patent down some. In ways the article makes it sound bad, but in others it doesn't, I especially like the line "While Apple's invention came largely second-hand via FingerWorks and the Taiwanese manufacturers, it appeared that Apple had...
  13. vodad

    New Cell Phone Tower but Who's Antenna?

    Try this link Cell Phone Towers in Saint Louis, MO -
  14. vodad

    What is your current phone?

    Yep me either, Have not found a phone that would make me want to replace my EVO. running MikG runs rock solid no issues at all. Now if that new Nokia phone with a 41 megapixel camera would have ran Android unstood of symbian, I might have thought about a switch.
  15. vodad

    What is your current phone?

    I am not giving up my EVO as long as the devs keep updating the software. I have not seen a phone yet that makes me want to replace it. just not worth the money for anything that is out now.
  16. vodad

    Google buying Motorola Mobility

    Google to buy Motorola Mobility Google to buy Motorola Mobility for $12.5 billion - Aug. 15, 2011 guess it is time for google to really step into the phone market with their own phones.
  17. vodad

    Apple Sues Samsung

    Samsung counter sues Apple over iPhone, iPad: Thomson Reuters Business News - MSN Money and now the samsung sues apple headline. Like you didn't see it coming :rolleyes:
  18. vodad

    Apple Sues Samsung

    Apple to Samsung: Stop stealing ideas - and in more news, tommorrow I am going to list the companies that are not suing each other over phones. It will be a really short post.
  19. vodad

    VOIP System for Business

    That would depend on what you mean by VOIP, if you mean one of the services where the phone system is offsite and they route the calls to the phones at your business, then I don't have experience, although we looked into it. We just switched ours from Verizon (Frontier now, and have we heard...
  20. vodad

    Switched to Sprint

    I have an email in to them, Not sure how much additional a month it would be, we have 2 blackberry's with the data and all that, and our daughter wants some pink samsung phone, not sure which one. I really did not care about the cost.
  21. vodad

    Switched to Sprint

    Well, it is starting to look like I will not be switching to sprint, when we called there was some question as to the phones where we live, so we ordered 2 lines to make sure it would work with the understanding that we needed at least one more line. Now I am being told I am not going to be...
  22. vodad

    Switched to Sprint

    It looks like they will have service where I live, I too do not have at&t coverage in my house, I have to walk outside to use the phone reliably. I still need to add a third line, but we want to check out the coverage first before I spend 200 bucks to add the line and get the evo or epic...
  23. vodad

    Switched to Sprint

    Well after 10 years with AT&T we finally decided to tell them where to stick it. We ordered a couple blackberrys from sprint today. We should have them by the end of the week. This was a hard decision to make, but with AT&T screwing up my unlimited data plan and not being able to get it...
  24. vodad

    IPhone users have more sex

    made me laugh. We have an apple guy at work, I think he owns everything they got. and keeps trying to get the rest of converted, they are like jehova witnesses, can't they stop knocking on my door.
  25. vodad

    IPhone users have more sex

    Actually, I think there are a few reasons. Most Android phones are on verizon, so the connection seems to work, Iphone being on AT&T the users are always waiting around for their stuff to download, with nothing better to do they are having sex. If you don't buy that theory then my other one...