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  1. E

    Low cost replacement for VIP722k?

    I am the original poster. I managed to get the fan working again on the 2nd replacement VIP 722k by blowing compressed air through the air vent. So far it has not been overheating for the past week. I also ripped out a replacement fan from the 1st replacement VIP 722k receiver to use as a...
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    Low cost replacement for VIP722k?

    Yes, both TV's can watch same channel. However, doesn't Dish charge a monthly DVR fee even if I purchase my own Wally from Amazon? What does Dish charge for the upgrade from the VIP 722k?
  3. E

    Low cost replacement for VIP722k?

    I have a Dish VIP 722k whose hard drive failed. I got a refurb replacement from DISH which died within 24 hours. Just got a 2nd refurb replacement which is overheating and the fan is not turning on. What is the cheapest replacement for the VIP 722k which will get me new hardware for two TV's...
  4. E

    722k Receiver randomly jumps 5-10 seconds during recording playback

    Are there still DIRT (DISH Internet Response Team) that reads these forums? Dealing with tech support is so painful.
  5. E

    722k Receiver randomly jumps 5-10 seconds during recording playback

    I have a Dish Network 722k Receiver. Live TV works well. During playback of a recording, there are random 5-10 second jumps. I'm guessing the hard drive is getting old. How do I get a replacement receiver from Dish?
  6. E

    Using 21.1 IR/UHF Pro to Control TV 1 from adjacent Room

    Ok, I finally got the TV2 remote to control TV1 output. I had already flipped the #2 tab and paired the remote to the receiver when I started this thread. This worked very intermittently. I got it working completely by moving the UHF antenna using a coaxial cable. Next question: how to I pair...
  7. E

    Using 21.1 IR/UHF Pro to Control TV 1 from adjacent Room

    Here's my deal: I have a VIP 722K Receiver. I recently upgraded TV2 from an old school Standard Definition TV to an Amazon Fire HDTV. As recommended on another thread, I purchased a HDMI splitter and a 100 foot HDMI cable to get HDTV using TV1 output on TV2. Now I am trying to get TV2 Remote to...
  8. E

    Vip 722k Receiver with Two HD TV's

    Here's my deal: I have an old school VIP 722k Receiver. TV 1 is a HDTV. I just upgraded TV2 from an standard definition CRT to an Amazon Fire 4k TV. Picture on TV2 is not sharp. Questions: 1) If I play a saved recording from the VIP 722k DVR on TV2 is this HD? 2) If I use "single mode" on the...
  9. E

    Cheapest Dish Plan with local channels?

    I am looking to replace my America's Top 120 with local channels on two televisions using one Vip 722k receiver that I am currently getting for $63.11 including all taxes and fee's. My two year contract is up next week. I heard the Dish Welcome pack is no longer available even if you call? Is...
  10. E

    Ugly Dish Satellite Install Picture

    Is my Dish also missing the rear supporting bracket? Or is that how the new Dish Satellites come?
  11. E

    Ugly Dish Satellite Install Picture

    My house faces east. Dish is mounted on south-east corner of house. Would he be able to move it to south-west corner (back) of house? Will they really do this without charging? And is it worth having more holes drilled in my roof? I also have a second Dish International Satellite that would have...
  12. E

    Ugly Dish Satellite Install Picture

    Finally convinced Dish to come on Thursday to fix this. What do I tell the installer? Go back up with some zip ties? Dish seemed very confused by my request for tech to return since TV works well. Also, will he really move it to a new location for me - like the back of the house? This is in the...
  13. E

    Ugly Dish Satellite Install Picture

    Unfortunately, I let him leave without checking his work since the TV regained a good signal. I assumed the new Dish Satellite would not suck. He seemed like a nice guy.
  14. E

    Ugly Dish Satellite Install Picture

    I am on chat with them and they seem confused by my complaint... "I show we had someone out there today" was their latest response. Can someone who had a recent Dish Satellite install comment: is this what it usually looks like with the wires hanging off?
  15. E

    Ugly Dish Satellite Install Picture

    Had complete loss of signal and a Dish Tech installed a new Dish. What is with all the wires hanging off the new Dish? Are there any Dish standards for aesthetics? Will this really hold up in a storm?
  16. E

    Cancelling Dish Protection Plan Same Day it is Ordered?

    I have a "Complete Signal Outage" 31-12-45. I added the Protection Plan online and then did a dish chat and scheduled a free tech visit for Sunday 8/7/16. Can I cancel the Protection Plan today (Friday) for the $30 fee? Or do I need to wait until the tech visit on Sunday? Or should I just keep...
  17. E

    Adding Chinese Family Pack to AT 200 - Do I really need a second Dish satellite?

    Is the French One channel package the cheapest international package? Can you add international packages without signing a two year contract?
  18. E

    Adding Chinese Family Pack to AT 200 - Do I really need a second Dish satellite?

    I have America's Top 200. I am looking to add "Chinese Family Pack" for $5 per month. won't let me add it. I initiated an online chat and Dish told me that I need to get a second satellite dish which would cost $100 plus $15 for installation. Is there a way to add Chinese Family Pack...
  19. E

    Dish sent me a receiver that was not removed from other customers account

    My Dish 722k died (first 722k). Dish sent me a replacement, but neglected to remove it from other customers account (second 722k). I was able to view their programming (AT120) on the second 722k, but I had no local channels. Receiver was showing a different time zone. When I notified Dish, they...