2.03: what's in it??

ChrisCoop said:
Oh, I'm SO sorry that my post made all of you ADD children waste precious brain cycles. My posts usually run long for two reasons; I love to talk/write, and I have something to say. If you folks are having trouble reading a WHOLE paragraph, perhaps you would be better suited to give up message boards and get a job working for Dish Network. I'm sure you'd fit in perfectly as a customer service rep or advanced tech support person.

Yeah, it was really complex. I provided an example from personal experience of a company that releases updates in the proper fashion, and then went on to list the three reasons why I believe Dish doesn't tell customers what's in an update. I simply shared my thoughts regarding the topic at hand (Dish updates). What have YOU contributed to this thread? I mean, other than the not one, but TWO posts that did nothing more than criticize me. Actually, I can understand how my posts might be a little too complex for you. Most simpletons have a hard time with reading and comprehension.

ya know they have names for ppl like you... its a 3 letter word and is synonymous with a donkey. You also have your head in the same place... oh mighty one.
rolandv said:
Before being such a jackass, maybe you should realize that your paragraph is too damn long for people who are used to reading text from people who know how to write properly.

Whatever the hell you were trying to say would probably have been more comprehendable had it been in 3 or 4 paragraphs rather than one long one.

It's not about the length of what you wrote, it's about your lack of proper writing ability. If I had just written everything like you did, it would look like below.

Bad version:
Before being such a jackass, maybe you should realize that you your paragraph is too damn long for people who are used to reading things from people who know how to write. Whatever the hell you were trying to say would probably have been more comprehendable had it been in 3 or 4 paragraphs rather than one long one. It's not about the length of what you wrote, it's about your lack of proper writing ability. If I had just written everything like you did, it would look like below.

thanks... much easier to read than putting my glasses on.
I've noticed today that when you are watching a recorded event and pause it, the audio continues for about a second. Also my receiver wasn't magically turned on this morning.
I just got 2.03 this morning so I haven't had time to see any differences. I did get my first "guide of death" last night :mad: . I sure hope this patch fixes that major bug!
Now boys - settle down. You both have minor points, but it's nothing to start barking at each other about. Yeah Chris it'd be nice if you hit the Enter key a little more often to space stuff out. The rest of you - take a deep breath, OK?

Now, back to the fun stuff. :)
I too have noticed the continuing of the audio for a second while the video pauses. This seems to have come along with 2.03. Anyone else?

And last night, watching a program while TV1 and TV2 recorded others seemed to produce much, much less audio dropouts -- though the problem hasn't dissappeared, it seems to be lessened.
I notice the audio continuing, too, on 2.03. Not a big deal, though...everything else is working pretty nicely, with noticably less audio dropouts....so far.;)

Oh...and my NBC Interactive Showcase is now active....niiiice....Olympics, bring it on!!
Did you guys check your software versions? I did last night and it still was 202. But I did have that Olympic channel. The olympic channel had nothing to do with the update though, because I didn't have the update. My sound didn't continue after pausing.

It's good to hear that the problem has at least been "reduced". It would be nice if it was actually FIXED though.
2.03 did fix a bug I discovered in 2.01: When you change channels up or down outside the EPG in a "two-dish locals" market, 2.01 and 2.02 stopped on the "you must have a second dish..." filler screens. Those channels ARE supposed to appear in the EPG (by FCC ruling), but before 2.01 (and on the 311), non-EPG up-and-down channel changing properly skipped them; 2.03 restored that behavior.

BTW, I'm getting the NBC Showcase now as well via channel 100. Channel 147 was already on Wednesday, when I still had 2.02.
rolandv said:
Did you guys check your software versions? I did last night and it still was 202. But I did have that Olympic channel. The olympic channel had nothing to do with the update though, because I didn't have the update. My sound didn't continue after pausing.

It's good to hear that the problem has at least been "reduced". It would be nice if it was actually FIXED though.
Do you mean (a) you had channel 147 (the highlights channel), (b) you had an Olympics option on channel 100, or (c) the 6-in-1 channel actually came up when you chose the Olympics option?

Yesterday, I had (a) and (b) in 2.02, but not (c). 2.03 spooled overnight, but (c) didn't work until this evening.
I got 203 the night before last. I got my first guide of death last night. I also have seen the audio continue for a second after hitting the pause button.
SimpleSimon said:
HEY - I don have any hard times wit reeding and comprending.

Oh - you said Simpletons, not SimpleSimons.

Never mind. :D :yes ;)

Simon, you couldn't be a simpleton if you tried. :)

rolandv said:
Before being such a jackass, maybe you should realize that your paragraph is too damn long for people who are used to reading text from people who know how to write properly.

Whatever the hell you were trying to say would probably have been more comprehendable had it been in 3 or 4 paragraphs rather than one long one.

It's not about the length of what you wrote, it's about your lack of proper writing ability. If I had just written everything like you did, it would look like below.

Bad version:
Before being such a jackass, maybe you should realize that you your paragraph is too damn long for people who are used to reading things from people who know how to write. Whatever the hell you were trying to say would probably have been more comprehendable had it been in 3 or 4 paragraphs rather than one long one. It's not about the length of what you wrote, it's about your lack of proper writing ability. If I had just written everything like you did, it would look like below.

You're going to teach me about writing? LOL. I used to write for a living. My editors never complained, and neither did my readers. Your assertions are wrong on so many levels that it's hard for me to even know where to begin. First of all, in modern writing, paragraph length has become a relatively subjective thing. A writer might use a single sentence as a paragraph. That same writer might, on another occasion, write a paragraph that contains 30 sentences. Neither one is necessarily "right" or "wrong." Writers and scholars have agreed that the determining factor in paragraph length should be the writer's own opinion as to where the paragraph is taking him or her. A writer might need a lot of supporting sentences (yes, in ONE paragraph) to expound on the point he or she is trying to make in that paragraph. Adding breaks in the form of paragraphs can help the reader follow along; I'll concede that (and it especially helps with the ADD kids). But to take individual sentences that should be grouped together in a paragraph and turn each of them into their own paragraphs (as you have done) is actually the greatest example of poor paragraph structure in this thread. Your "bad version" example is actually structured properly in comparison to your "good version" example. There's no reason why the sentences you wrote should be broken up like that; they should come together to form a paragraph. So, for you to suggest that the writing in my original post was somehow deficient because it happened to all be in one paragraph, frankly, is laughable. My paragraph contained 24 sentences and spanned 19 lines (on my monitor). It contained a clear topic sentence, plenty of adequate development within the body of the paragraph, fine transitions, and a closing sentence that tied everything together nicely. While almost any piece of writing can be picked apart by someone for something, for all intents and purposes, my paragraph was textbook.

ShadowEKU said:
thanks... much easier to read than putting my glasses on.

Well, that makes four posts now in this thread for you. Not a single one of them has contributed to the topic at hand (or even mentioned it). No, you've said nothing about the 522, Dish Network, Dish updates, or specifically the L203 update. All four of your posts have been directed squarely at me and my writing style (which is ironic; more on that in a moment). What's really going on here? Are you really that worked up about the way I choose to structure my paragraphs? Or is there something else driving this? I've had limited interaction with you on this message board, but if I was a betting man I would wager that you're harboring some ill feelings toward me for something. Why not speak your mind and quit playing games? I'm in your sights for a reason, and I find it hard to believe it has anything to do with paragraphs.

Now, regarding writing abilities. I would never have brought it up on my own, but since you're relentless in your attacks and insults, you're forcing my hand. If we're going to start discussing paragraphs and writing abilities, you would be wise to sit this one out and let your girlfriend do the talking. To put it plainly, when I read your posts I feel sorry for you. You clearly have no concept of capitalization, punctuation, grammar, diction, spelling, or logic. My posts (and occasionally, paragraphs) run long; I'll admit it. But at least I can follow the most basic rules of writing. Some might not like what I write or how I write it, but I don't think there's anyone here that can say I don't have respect for the English language. Sadly, every time I read one of your posts I'm reminded of just how lazy and sloppy some people can be, and of how much disrespect some people show for our fine language.

SimpleSimon said:
...Yeah Chris it'd be nice if you hit the Enter key a little more often to space stuff out...




ChrisCoop said:
Simon, you couldn't be a simpleton if you tried. :)

You're going to teach me about writing? LOL. I used to write for a living. My editors never complained, and neither did my readers. Your assertions are wrong on so many levels that it's hard for me to even know where to begin. First of all, in modern writing, paragraph length has become a relatively subjective thing. A writer might use a single sentence as a paragraph. That same writer might, on another occasion, write a paragraph that contains 30 sentences. Neither one is necessarily "right" or "wrong." Writers and scholars have agreed that the determining factor in paragraph length should be the writer's own opinion as to where the paragraph is taking him or her. A writer might need a lot of supporting sentences (yes, in ONE paragraph) to expound on the point he or she is trying to make in that paragraph. Adding breaks in the form of paragraphs can help the reader follow along; I'll concede that (and it especially helps with the ADD kids). But to take individual sentences that should be grouped together in a paragraph and turn each of them into their own paragraphs (as you have done) is actually the greatest example of poor paragraph structure in this thread. Your "bad version" example is actually structured properly in comparison to your "good version" example. There's no reason why the sentences you wrote should be broken up like that; they should come together to form a paragraph. So, for you to suggest that the writing in my original post was somehow deficient because it happened to all be in one paragraph, frankly, is laughable. My paragraph contained 24 sentences and spanned 19 lines (on my monitor). It contained a clear topic sentence, plenty of adequate development within the body of the paragraph, fine transitions, and a closing sentence that tied everything together nicely. While almost any piece of writing can be picked apart by someone for something, for all intents and purposes, my paragraph was textbook.

Well, that makes four posts now in this thread for you. Not a single one of them has contributed to the topic at hand (or even mentioned it). No, you've said nothing about the 522, Dish Network, Dish updates, or specifically the L203 update. All four of your posts have been directed squarely at me and my writing style (which is ironic; more on that in a moment). What's really going on here? Are you really that worked up about the way I choose to structure my paragraphs? Or is there something else driving this? I've had limited interaction with you on this message board, but if I was a betting man I would wager that you're harboring some ill feelings toward me for something. Why not speak your mind and quit playing games? I'm in your sights for a reason, and I find it hard to believe it has anything to do with paragraphs.

Now, regarding writing abilities. I would never have brought it up on my own, but since you're relentless in your attacks and insults, you're forcing my hand. If we're going to start discussing paragraphs and writing abilities, you would be wise to sit this one out and let your girlfriend do the talking. To put it plainly, when I read your posts I feel sorry for you. You clearly have no concept of capitalization, punctuation, grammar, diction, spelling, or logic. My posts (and occasionally, paragraphs) run long; I'll admit it. But at least I can follow the most basic rules of writing. Some might not like what I write or how I write it, but I don't think there's anyone here that can say I don't have respect for the English language. Sadly, every time I read one of your posts I'm reminded of just how lazy and sloppy some people can be, and of how much disrespect some people show for our fine language.





Unfortunately make it five posts that contribute nothing... I have nothing against you at all. I dont hold any grudges and you havent made me mad yet. Yes i dont use punctuation or capitalization much. I usually type out my posts in between drinks of coffee at work. Im sorry if i made you mad. Truce?
syphix said:
I notice the audio continuing, too, on 2.03. Not a big deal, though...everything else is working pretty nicely, with noticably less audio dropouts....so far.;)

Oh...and my NBC Interactive Showcase is now active....niiiice....Olympics, bring it on!!

I did notice that... another problem I discovered was that several of my recordings would have partial audio...

for example:
The screen savers had no background music during the intros, and the regular audio dropped out for most of the show.

I thought it was a bad broadcast so I playe the night before's X-Play.

It had the same problem. Fast forwarding and rewinding would either cause it to come back or not help at all.

After a reboot both recordings had full sound.

this morning I went to watch last nights news and the same problem was happening. Again a reboot fixed it.

I am running 2.03 and Im in Single mode.
rolandv said:
Did you guys check your software versions? I did last night and it still was 202. But I did have that Olympic channel. The olympic channel had nothing to do with the update though, because I didn't have the update. My sound didn't continue after pausing.

It's good to hear that the problem has at least been "reduced". It would be nice if it was actually FIXED though.

Hmm... so my software has been updated. There are still playback issues for me. When I was trying to watch the football game, there was a little "blip" noise EVERY 10 seconds. It didn't skip MAJORly, but it did skip, and frequently. Keep in mind that the show was still recording when this happened.

When I started to watch it after it was done recording, there was LESS audio popping and not a lot of video problems. Technically it was "better" than the last release, but I still find it unacceptable. I'm only going to give them 1 or 2 more updates to fix this before I'm done with this product. Yesterday was miserable trying to watch the game while it was still recording the end. Every 10 seconds an audible "blip". It sucked.
Well, I have experienced what I would consider a fairly major new problem with 2.03 today. While watching a recorded program, the sound drops out and skipping back or forward will NOT bring it back. In fact, the only thing that will bring it back seems to be to switch to another program and then go back and resume what you were watching. This has only happened to me twice today, but it is very annoying.

Also... I'm not sure if I got my 2.03 last night or the night before, but I've experienced guide of death both yesterday and today. First time I've had that problem since the 1.6x era. I did notice I was recording on tuner 1 both times it happened, which is somewhat rare for me.

I would agree with most sentiment here that playback of recorded programs is somewhat smoother now though, aside from the one problem I mentioned.

OTA Channel Problem, Dish 811

SWAMP THIS GUY W/ phone calls if you dont qualify for hd olimpics..

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