510 needs hard reset (how)


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Oct 15, 2003
my 510 is serverly screwed up. it is only 2 months old. how do i hard reset it? i cant do the normal "Menu", "6", "3", "Info", Right Arrow, Left Arrow, "TV/Video" thing because i press one thing and the reciver does another. like if i press cancel it jumps to next menu then cancels. holding down power for 5 sec and resetting that way doesnt work. is there any other way to hard reset it? i really dont want to have to call dish again
You have 2 choices for a hard reset -

Choice 1 - 10 pound sledge hammer - Works every time.

Choice 2 - Unplug the power cord, wait a few seconds and then plug it back up - This is the most popular choice...... I think :)

All in fun.

I think another popular choice is to hold down the power switch for around 10 secs to trigger a reboot.

I'd consider the power plug as the last choice -> I'd prefer not to be writing the hard drive when I pull the plug.
Yeah, the power button for 10-15 seconds thing is the way I prefer to do a reboot. That or the smartcard reset.

I try to avoid pulling the plug for the same reasons mentioned by David.

522/811 Question

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