522 Activation


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jan 5, 2004
I was just checking out some 522's on ebay and one auction says the following: "THIS UNIT CAN ONLY BE ACTIVATED BY DIGITAL HOME ADVANTAGE (DHA) CUSTOMERS THAT HAVE A LOAN EQUIPMENT PLAN."

Is this true? I assumed I could purchase the 522 and just keep it on the regular plan I have now, America's 180 or whatever. I know on the Dishnetwork website this receiver is only available with a new lease program, but I assumed if you "owned" one, it would be no trouble getting programming for it as any other receiver. Your guys' help is appreciated.
Officially you cannot purchase this receiver and activate it. The 522 is only available for lease to new Digital Home Advantage customers. Unofficially unscrupulus dealers are selling them and some people have gotten DISH to activate it on their account.
boba said:
Officially you cannot purchase this receiver and activate it. The 522 is only available for lease to new Digital Home Advantage customers. Unofficially unscrupulus dealers are selling them and some people have gotten DISH to activate it on their account.

Hmm, I guess I just need to call Dish and see if they would activate a 522 w/out any lease plan. I'll let you guys know how it comes out.
I am not a Dish Home member and I have a 522 that I purchased on e-bay. I had to get a supervisor to get it activated but it wasn't a big problem.

Cool. I called Dish tonight and they assured me I would have no troubles activating the receiver. Shweet! Picked up my new 522 on ebay for a cool 300$. Anyone wanna buy an almost brand new Dish 811? :D
ocaddict said:
LOL. Nice try man. It should go for close to 400$ on ebay.

Dammit. Got my 522 and they are giving me a really hard time about activating it. Asking for a manager now. If I can't get this activated I'll be pissed.
Well, Dishnetwork ganked me. I escalated to the director level and still they would not activate the receiver for me. Even after they saw the note showing their rep said I WOULD be able to activate it. Even after I advised them other folks had activated 522's, they still would not help me. Dishnetwork just cost me 350$!!!! Dammit!
Any luck yet getting them to activate it?

I have been thinking about getting one of these but I guess I will just have to wait till they are "legitimately" available.

Did you (nicely) threaten to cancel all service if they won't help?
I was never able to get the receiver activated through Dish. Even after I asked to speak to a director, they would not budge, and even after one of their techs previously told me I could activate it with no troubles. Dish Network cost me 350$. I put the 522 back up on ebay which is a real bummer, since my only real alternative at the moment is the 721 which is more expensive and doesn't have 2 tv output. DishN really has me discouraged on this issue. :no
Did you by any chance email ceo@dishnetwork.com? Not saying that would have been any different, but many others including myself have had issues resolved when every other attempt failed. You might even include a link to this thread.

* EDIT * OK, scratch the 'link to this thread' idea, as it talks about the "ONLY DHA" explanation.
KyDave said:
Did you by any chance email ceo@dishnetwork.com? Not saying that would have been any different, but many others including myself have had issues resolved when every other attempt failed. You might even include a link to this thread.

* EDIT * OK, scratch the 'link to this thread' idea, as it talks about the "ONLY DHA" explanation.

No, I didn't try that. And it's too late now. Many people have bid on my 522 so I don't want to pull it out now. Thanks for the info though. I'll store it for later.
ocaddict, you really should read your private messages. I sent you on the day you posted you couldn't get it activated it. I left your the name and phone number of a person that would probably have activated your reciever. I had a big time problem with a receiver having a BIG BIG balance on it that I bought of EBAY and they cleared it for me an activated to my account. Well sorry to hear your not keeping the 522...For the most part I love mine.
I don't read pm's. Wish you woulda emailed me. O'well. Thanks anyways man, I appreciate the effort. Fortunately, it's gonna go for more on ebay than what I paid so no loss really.
Another misguided fool and his 522...

Joe236 said:
ocaddict, you really should read your private messages. I sent you on the day you posted you couldn't get it activated it. I left your the name and phone number of a person that would probably have activated your reciever. I had a big time problem with a receiver having a BIG BIG balance on it that I bought of EBAY and they cleared it for me an activated to my account. Well sorry to hear your not keeping the 522...For the most part I love mine.

Joe236 - can you email me the name of the person that was able to activte your system? I also bought on Ebay and now can't get it activated.
You could see if they would activate it and, if they would, simply pull the eBay listing. I sell on eBay all the time and pulling a listing is very easy.

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