522 on TWO Televisions


Original poster
Feb 26, 2004
I've seen many posts on this board exlaining the varied results people are getting use the 522 on one TV. However, I'm more interested in knowing how it works with TWO TVs

My situation is a pretty normal one. I have a main TV in the living room, and that's where I want the DVR. I have a second one in the bedroom, and I don't have much need of a DVR in there (it's very rarely used, but I DO want a tuner in there for when I want to watch).

I was balking at paying $4.99 a month for a TV I'll rarely use, but the 522 seems to be the answer I'm looking for.

Now, I would like to record a show and watch another live show at the same time, which is why I liked the 721. But I can still make that work here by using the TV2 to record most of my "scheduled" recordings, and using the TV one for live TV watching and spur-of-the-moment recording.

The real question here is: Am I missing something? Is there a "gotcha" I haven't thought of yet?

I'm someone who likes to be very sure about things before he spends any time and money, so I've searched through this forum extensively. If I've missed a post where this is already discussed, just point me there.

Also, is there any receiver from DirecTV with Tivo that has the same functionality as the 522? (I realize that probably belongs in the DirectTivo forum, but this saves space.
The 522 has two outputs. One output is tied to only a Coax output and can be placed onto any channel above some high number. The other tuner outputs out the multi-tude of ports, composit, svideo, coax (channel 3?) optical. At this time the two tuners in the 522 act like they are two seperate boxes.

The 721 has two tuners but only one output.

All of the DirecTV DVR offerings are like the 721, two tuners, one output.

The 522/322 units are unique in their abilities in the market.
The 522 has an infrared remote for the room the box is in, and an UHF remote for the other room. You run a cable from the one room to the other. It is not available for purchase yet, you have to rent it via the DHA plan.
I have the exact same situation as you eclectic. The only "gotcha" I can think of is that if you are in the living room, and decide there is something you would want Tuner 2 (Bedroom) to record, you will need to go upstairs and set the recording from there.
mike123abc said:
The 522 has an infrared remote for the room the box is in, and an UHF remote for the other room. You run a cable from the one room to the other. It is not available for purchase yet, you have to rent it via the DHA plan.

This is as I figured. However, does the coax have to be run directly from the 522 to the TV2, or can it go through the cable wiring I have in my home already. (I'm guessing yes... otherwise what's the use!, but it's better to know now than later!)

Now the real question is, will I be able to get installed by the time Kingdom Hospital comes on?

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Recording one channel while watching another w/522

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