Mediacom employees picket DISH Network

Scott Greczkowski

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Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
About a dozen Mediacom employees demonstrated across the street from Quad City Satellite Thursday as DISH Network officials celebrated the debut of local programming in the Quad-Cities.

``This is the first time DISH Network has seen a picket on the first day of local service,'' said Chad Lefkowitz, Midwest regional sales manager for DISH Network. ``It's a testimony to the numbers who are leaving Mediacom for DISH Network.''

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wish I would have know about that ahead of time, I would have been there to throw tomatos at the mediacom people, what a bunch of tools! How about this, instead of picketing your competition, make your product better ACs!
Scott Greczkowski said:
About a dozen Mediacom employees demonstrated across the street from Quad City Satellite Thursday as DISH Network officials celebrated the debut of local programming in the Quad-Cities.

Since Mediacom is the local provider for cable in the area, I find this HILARIOUS!!!


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