Superdish And Locals


SatelliteGuys Guru
Original poster
Jan 26, 2004
After waiting for promised locals they finally were announced last week. In our area we require SUPERDISH. Catch is that you cant get one. Talked with 3 local dealers and they all said about the same thing. They make virtually nothing on installing SUPERDISH's for current customers and even though they have them they are reserving them for new customers. Another example of the poor treatment they give current customers. Anybody had a similar experience?
Seadoo said:
Anybody had a similar experience?

Yup. Our locals in Champaign, Illinois became available Dec. 18th. Called right away for an install and was given a Feb. 16th date. Feb. 14 they call me and tell me they can't install due to the high demand and the next available date is May 12th. I've been a Dish Network customer for over 6 years and was a little PO'd when I see my back door neighbor getting one as a new subscriber. At least I was able to get them to stop billing me and credit my account for the local channels and SuperDish that haven't been installed yet. :rolleyes:

Yup. Oh wait. I got mine installed within 48 hours. Nevermind. Actually, call Dish and get something scheduled, then keep calling back again and again until something opens up sooner. My original install was suppose to be on the Friday after the Thursday release, but was canceled because they did't have an adapter they really did have. I recheduled for 1.5 months later...just to call back within about 6 hours to get the very next day. "Something must have opened up" said the CSR. A good friend called on Feb 15th and had to schedule a date into mid-April. I told them to call back to see if something was available sooner. They were hooked up last Friday, the 20th.
Due to the higher installation and shipping costs, and more time and difficulty putting in the SuperDishes, I have been trying to get so much to put it in to make up for my increased costs and since the customers have been getting letters saying it is free and most are unwilling to pay anything because they got that letter then I quit messing with it for the most part. Some have been put on waiting lists for several months.
Seadoo said:
After waiting for promised locals they finally were announced last week. In our area we require SUPERDISH. Catch is that you cant get one. Talked with 3 local dealers and they all said about the same thing. They make virtually nothing on installing SUPERDISH's for current customers and even though they have them they are reserving them for new customers. Another example of the poor treatment they give current customers. Anybody had a similar experience?

Some retailers in my area are charging up to $200 just for installation of the "free" superdish.

It's all supply and demand.

I have been waiting months for an install. I already paid Dish $25 shipping, so I guess I will continue to wait.

I think some retailers are afraid of not getting reimbursed for the SuperDish. If a retailer would go out and install a SuperDish for $200 under the ''free'' SuperDish deal and did not get reimbursed for it then that retailer would make nothing, perhaps even lose money. This is one reason why I am trying to collect so much per install to make up for the ones I do not get reimbursed for. I have one right now I am still waiting to get reimbursed for. If retailers would not charge anything under the ''free'' deal and would not get paid on 1 out of 5 or even perhaps 1 out of 7 then all of the retailer's profits are gone for all of those he had installed.

Sometimes they try to say that the UPC label off of the box was not attached to the contract (like what they tried to do to me then I got another call back stating that they found it) or try to say they never received the contract with UPC label at all, among many other things. There are too many things that could go wrong and it does not pay that well anyways so it is not worth the risk to some, plus they are too busy using them for new customers.
Stargazer... i didnt know you was a dealer but i hope that you are taking photo copy of everthing you send to ECHO. also you want to send it where it has a tracking number then if ur lucky you can fax a copy of the contract to get paid. i have started writing the claim number on the UPC and using 8 staples. They have not lost one yet since then... if ur a dealer u should check out the other board dishretailer. lot of dealers there to help you out if you need it.
I use certified mail that has return receipt where you get verification that they receive it. They had me write the claim number and my retailer code and customer's name on the UPC. I think that allowed them to find one of my UPC codes. That is a good idea about photo copying the forms but they could still say that they do not have the UPC labels. I think I will staple them on there several times just so that they have no excuse of not getting them, although they would say that they would have received nothing instead of just the contract itself.

I have a COD tag on each box that indicates it is a SuperDish in addition to the UPC label and also a receipt from where I bought the SuperDishes so that should also verify that I had bought a SuperDish, but photo copying the UPC with the customer's name, claim number, and retailer code would help as well. I have been a member of dishretailer for around four years now.

522 the right choice?

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