522 wont work without the 9-Day EEPG on 110-TP29

Witschey said:
I am not an expert on transponders and satellite engineering; but my deductive reasoning (based on the experience of Dish Network users in Alaska, Puerto Rico etc.) is that transponder 22 through 29 (NOT only 29) have a weaker signal than transponders 1 to 21. That would explain why some of us are able to receive some transponders but not others.
no it isn't. The TP's are the same power. The exception are spotbeams, which aim at a specific spot. These are 1,3,5,7,9 on 119 and 2,4,6,8,10 on 110. These signals are either yay or nay (depending on if you are in the beam). The other is the HD TP's (17 is one of them). If you have a SD receiver, you will get a zero for signal.
Now as to why the signal is weaker on transponders 22 to 29, that is something which I am not sure of. It could be the amount of power given to each transponder or the shape of the coverage area...I have no clue. But the fact is that people in Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Alaska and Virgin Islands all have problems receiving satellite 110 in one way or another. Some can't receive it at all. Some can only receive some transponders. Some can only receive it (partly) if they put a very large (Expensive $ and difficult to install) much larger dish.
no. It has nothing to do with power.
The reason Alaska cannot see 110 is the elevation...its like at 8.
The others are because it is ConUS (Continental US) so anything outside of that is iffy. So people in PR need a 5 foot dish, Hawaii needs a 24" and Alaska uses a 5 footer :)
Witschey said:
That would explain why the 44 guide is on every satellite, but why is the EEPG only on satellite 110? If there is people who are suffering problems of not being able to get reception of 110 at all, or only partial reception...like in Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands and Alaska, then why not put the EEPG on satellite 119 which everybody can receive? If there is an issue with space...why not remove the 'how to use your remote control' type of channels from 119 and put them on 110...or something else. How big is the EEPG guide anyway compared to a normal TV channel. I can't believe it is that large (although I have to admit I have no idea)

They couldnt remove Dish 101 since again everyone can see 119

You have to remember, the EEPG is something that wasn't availble when Dish started (for obvious reasons) and was added when the Dish DVR's came out.

Again, I ask...are you 100% posititve the 522 only works on EEPG? And again, why hasn't someone in Alaska or Hawaii had issues?
Iceberg said:
Lets see...they sell the 522 to people in Alaska & Hawaii....Due to their locations, it is hard to get 110 satellite. So they have 119 only (and a larger dish)


There IS people having this issue in Alaska and Hawaii. Just nobody has replied to this tread yet.

In fact there is other threads from people in those areas who have similar problems. Read for instance treads:

- Dish Network 522 DVR Name Based Recording problems
- 522 Name Based Recording Problems
Iceberg said:
They couldnt remove Dish 101 since again everyone can see 119

You have to remember, the EEPG is something that wasn't availble when Dish started (for obvious reasons) and was added when the Dish DVR's came out.

Again, I ask...are you 100% posititve the 522 only works on EEPG? And again, why hasn't someone in Alaska or Hawaii had issues?

Yes, I am 100% positive the 522 only works with the EEPG with the current version of software (as of April 25). I have confirmed this with the Technical Product Support Department who told me that the EEPG was needed for it to work. Besides the problem is being experienced by other people who ALSO only have the 119 satellite connected, and therefore do not have the EEPG guide available. I have mentioned the forums where that is discussed in one of my posts.

You can view TV on the 522 even without the EEPG, but you won't be able to properly use the Recurring Events...Name Based Recording features. What will happen if you setup a recurring even / name based recording while NOT having the EEPG is that the 522 will setup recording events ONLY for the matches it finds in the current program guide (which in case you have the 44 guide will be about two days, but if you have satellite 110 connected ...without the EEPG...will be only one program!), and it will NOT create new events afterwards. So say you have the 44 hour guide and you setup a Name based recording on all channels for 'sliders'. The minute you create the Name Based Recording instruction it will create recording events for every single instance of Sliders it finds in the 44 hour program guide. However that is the ONLY time it will do that. Tomorrow when a new day is available on the program guide, it will NOT create recording events for the 'sliders' it finds on the program guide...and neither will it do it the day after tomorrow or any day after that. With teh EEPG it would do that; but not with the 44 hour guide...due to the fact that the current software of the 522 wasn't designed to work properly with the 44 hour guide; only the EEPG guide.
Cross posted from same thread started at DBSTalk:

Alright, I now know what this is about. witschey, you are either mistaken in your interpretation of what the Dish people told you, or you are purposely misconstruing what they told you in order to create a false rallying cry against Dish Network. Either way, here's the real story about this, directly from the Dish engineers working on the 522:

There is a bug in the current 522/625 software that is keeping the timers from being defined after the 2-day guide is downloaded. This is a known issue and it is scheduled to be fixed in the next software release. For what it's worth, the 942 does not have this bug.

Once the new software has spooled, the 522 and 625 will once again work just fine and dandy with the 44 hour guide.
markdl said:
Cross posted from same thread started at DBSTalk:

Alright, I now know what this is about. witschey, you are either mistaken in your interpretation of what the Dish people told you, or you are purposely misconstruing what they told you in order to create a false rallying cry against Dish Network. Either way, here's the real story about this, directly from the Dish engineers working on the 522:

There is a bug in the current 522/625 software that is keeping the timers from being defined after the 2-day guide is downloaded. This is a known issue and it is scheduled to be fixed in the next software release. For what it's worth, the 942 does not have this bug.

Once the new software has spooled, the 522 and 625 will once again work just fine and dandy with the 44 hour guide.

I agree that I started a similar thread at DBSTalk, since the audiences of these two forums are different. I also read the post that is quoted above on that tread. It was posted by a Mr. Mark Lammutt.

I am NOT familiar with Mr. Mark Lammutt, so I can't say if his sources at Dish Network are reliable or not. All I can is hope that he is right that Dish Network will fix the BUG (finally somebody admits it is a bug!!!) so that the receiver works with the 44 hour program guide.

I am happy to hear that somebody from the Dish Engineering team is aware of this issue and specially happy to hear that the next software release they will fix the issue.

Unfortunately not all of us have access to 'Dish Enginers' so those of us who only have access to the Technical Support and Executive Offices of Dish Network have to live with the information that they provide us.

Mr. Mark Lammutt is the first person (in over 3 weeks of discussions with Dish Networks on the topic) that tells me that Dish Networks accepts that there is a bug with the 522 software which prevents timers from defined when the guide is downloaded and one has setup NBR / Recurring events. If Dish had recognized that there was a bug when I called them and if they had told me that the issue would be solved during the next release of the software, I would not even have come to this bulletin board to discuss the topic. But if I hadn't come I would have NEVER found out that Dish Networks accepted it as a bug and was going to fix it in the next release, because NOBODY within Dish Network wants to accept to the customer that there is BUGs. I spoke to over a dozen people at tech support, the excutive offices, etc...and NOBODY accepted there was a bug.

When I contacted technical support about this issue they wanted to exchange my brand new 522 receiver. And those of us who have been around with Dish for a while, know that when they do that, you get a refurbished, not a new receiver in exchange. Then when I told them that other people were facing the issue and I escalated the issue to the executive offices, I got a phone call from somebody who is supposetely VERY knowledgeable on the 522 and is aware of all the issues with the receiver the Technical Product Support Department) who told me that the receiver was designed to only work with the EEPG (9 day guide) and that Dish was NOT going to modify (fix in my view) the receiver to work with the 44 hour guide because those of us who needed to use the receiver with the 44 hour program guide (mainly those who can't get the 110 for one reason or anther) were statistically insignificant.

So I don't appreciate Mr. Mark Lammutt saying that I have "either mistaken in your interpretation of what the Dish people told you, or you are purposely misconstruing what they told you in order to create a false rallying cry against Dish Network".

I am not misconstruing anything, nor do I want to create false rallying against Dish Network. I love watching Dish, all I want is for my brand new 522 which I purchased (didn't lease) to work the way it is supposed to work either with the 44 hour program guide or the EEPG. I don't care which guide it uses (the EEPG would be better, but I will be happy with the 44 hour program guide) as long as NBR, recurring events work and re-create themselves with new updates to the guide...the way it is supposed to work.

So, since Mr. Mark Lammutt seems to have such good connections with the Dish Network engineers, can you give us an indication of when the new software release will be send out to receivers?

By the way, perhaps Mr. Mark Lammutt or somebody with contacts at Dish Network can tell us if there a webpage where Dish Network customers can see the list of 'bugs' that have been acknowledged by Dish Network as Bugs and when Dish plans to fix them? Having such a list available to the public would be very helpful since we wouldn't have to rely on people like yourself to establish contact with the Dish Engineers to check if an issue is acknowledged as a bug and is planned to be fixed.

Perhaps since the issue with the 44 hour program guide not working on the 522 receiver may soon be solved (assuming Mr. Mark Lammutt has reliable sources at Dish Network), can we perhaps discuss the topic of moving the EEPG from satellite 110 to satellite 119 so that everybody, including Hawaii, and Alaska can benefit from this extended guide, now that the Dish DVR/PVR units are quite abundant?

Can somebody give us an indication of how much bandwith is required for this guide compared to a normal TV channel? Can somebody tell us whether the 119 satelilte has room for the EEPG, and if not, why Dish could not replace the repetitive 'how to use your remote control' type channels with the EEPG which could benefit users much more?
Moving EEPG to satellite 119.

In support of my view that the EEPG should be moved to satellite 119 here is what Pat A (Anchorage, Ak) of dbstalk had to say to a similar thread that I started there:

I do have to agree with witschey, in that I think that the extended guide should be moved to 119. Dish only markets Top 60, and 120 in Alaska because it takes a much larger antenna to receive 110. There is certainly no practical single dish solution for 110/119 for us lonely dish subscribers up up here in the great white north. Bottom line is that probably 90% of the alaska subscribers only have a single dish pointed to 119 for the core Top 60/120 programing. With dish's push for DVR receivers (which I am all for...) They really should move the extended guide to the "core" slot so that all subscribers can benefit from the advantages of the 9 day guide.
Iceberg said:
no it isn't. The TP's are the same power. The exception are spotbeams, which aim at a specific spot. These are 1,3,5,7,9 on 119 and 2,4,6,8,10 on 110. These signals are either yay or nay (depending on if you are in the beam). ...

I hate to disagree ... especially over such a piddly issue ... but the spotbeams are such that one in a fairly broad target zone can get a strong signal, but as one moves away from this zone, the signal strength decreases, and fairly rapidly at that. I live in a region where I am served equally well by two spotbeams, one for my DMA and one for a neighboring DMA. Both have signal strength (in some sort of dish units) in the low 70s. All is happy and good. However, if I were to move North, one signal strenght number would increase while the other decreases into oblivion (assuming I aim the dish equally well at all locations). It is good fun to try when camping ... I think that someday I would like to maybe make a map of my local spotbeam strength numbers according to various campgrounds.

Witschey said:
I am happy to hear that somebody from the Dish Engineering team is aware of this issue and specially happy to hear that the next software release they will fix the issue.
You won't be happy when it fixes one problem and causes three more bugs.
Witschey said:
Unfortunately not all of us have access to 'Dish Enginers' so those of us who only have access to the Technical Support and Executive Offices of Dish Network have to live with the information that they provide us.
Many of us have found out, through sad experience, that Dish CSRs are clueless and don't know anything about their equipment problems. They only know how to read scripts which always seem to be out of date.
Witschey said:
By the way, perhaps Mr. Mark Lammutt or somebody with contacts at Dish Network can tell us if there a webpage where Dish Network customers can see the list of 'bugs' that have been acknowledged by Dish Network as Bugs and when Dish plans to fix them? Having such a list available to the public would be very helpful since we wouldn't have to rely on people like yourself to establish contact with the Dish Engineers to check if an issue is acknowledged as a bug and is planned to be fixed.
That would be nice but a list of all bugs and fixes for the 522 would require several terabytes of storage space :D
Witschey said:
I am not an expert on transponders and satellite engineering; but my deductive reasoning (based on the experience of Dish Network users in Alaska, Puerto Rico etc.) is that transponder 22 through 29 (NOT only 29) have a weaker signal than transponders 1 to 21. That would explain why some of us are able to receive some transponders but not others. Now as to why the signal is weaker on transponders 22 to 29, that is something which I am not sure of. It could be the amount of power given to each transponder or the shape of the coverage area...I have no clue. But the fact is that people in Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Alaska and Virgin Islands all have problems receiving satellite 110 in one way or another. Some can't receive it at all. Some can only receive some transponders. Some can only receive it (partly) if they put a very large (Expensive $ and difficult to install) much larger dish.

As Iceberg has pointed out, sat 110, transponder 29 isn't a spotbeam, so in Atlanta you should be getting a high signal strength ... about has high as for the other transponders unless there is something wrong with 29 (or 22-29) upstairs.

I am just trying to suggest that in Atlanta it would make more sense to investigate your individual setup (for example, if you swap LNBs with a buddy across town, does your signal strength change?) than to think that transponder 29 on 110 is affected by nearby buildings. After all, if you get a strong signal on one transponder, you should get similar on another (unless there is a problem with 29 nationwide).

roadrhino said:
I hate to disagree ... especially over such a piddly issue ... but the spotbeams are such that one in a fairly broad target zone can get a strong signal, but as one moves away from this zone, the signal strength decreases, and fairly rapidly at that. I live in a region where I am served equally well by two spotbeams, one for my DMA and one for a neighboring DMA. Both have signal strength (in some sort of dish units) in the low 70s. All is happy and good. However, if I were to move North, one signal strenght number would increase while the other decreases into oblivion (assuming I aim the dish equally well at all locations). It is good fun to try when camping ... I think that someday I would like to maybe make a map of my local spotbeam strength numbers according to various campgrounds.


what I meant was yes someone in Seattle can get the NW beam, but me in MN cannot

I cannot see ANY of the 119 spotbeams but can get 2,8,10 on 110 (but not 4 & 6 ):)
I figure out your problem after reading your other post where you said---------
I have taken my 522 to the house of a relative living in Florida and the receive is able to get the EEPG there. So my 522 seems to be OK. Some of my other neighbours living in the same building have the same problems with satellite 110. I only learned this after beign faced with the problem and starting conversation while picking up mail, in the stairs, etc.

You Live in an apartment and do not have your own dish you are probably using a common dish with your other neighbors in the same building and that is why you all have the same problem. Tell your landlord to have your dish repaired.
rowemance said:
I figure out your problem after reading your other post where you said---------
I have taken my 522 to the house of a relative living in Florida and the receive is able to get the EEPG there. So my 522 seems to be OK. Some of my other neighbours living in the same building have the same problems with satellite 110. I only learned this after beign faced with the problem and starting conversation while picking up mail, in the stairs, etc.

You Live in an apartment and do not have your own dish you are probably using a common dish with your other neighbors in the same building and that is why you all have the same problem. Tell your landlord to have your dish repaired.

I will wait for the 44 hour program guide fix to the software of the 522 that Mark Lamutt says will be done by Dish Networks during the next software release. As long as the recurring events and name based programming works I don't care if I have the 44 hour or the 9 day schedule.

It would be nice to have the 9 day (EEPG) schedule but I guess I will have to wait until Dish Network gets the EEPG on satellite 119; which is something they should do given the fact that there is so many DVR/PVR units installed already and people in Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands would benefit from having the EEPG on satellite 119. But having the EEPG on satellite 119 is only a 'nice to have' if Dish fixes the bug that is prevenging the 522 from working with the 44 hour program guide.
gpflepsen said:
Exactly why is your tp29 so low? I just checked mine and it was the same as the others, almost max'ed out.

If you are seeing an obstruction, move the dish or obstruction. If the signal is low because of your geographic location, well, you're SOL, or get a larger dish.

Where can I get a larger dish? I am on the fringe of my locals spotbeam and only get a 40 signal strength and frequent fades. I found this http://www.criscros.net/Channel_Master_1008ifd_1004ifd.htm (at the bottom of the page) but don't know if it would work with dish network and if the third satellite defeats the pupose of the larger dish.

I also found it here http://gallery.bcentral.com/GID5001600DD420359-Dish-Covers/GainMaster.aspx for 1/3 the price but when I call the number it says its disconnected.

I currently have a dish 500 dish and 522 reciever.

Mike H
Smith said:
That dishes for DirecTV - you don't need those LNBFs; I would look for 1m dish and reuse your existing LNBF.

Thanks, thats what I wanted to know.

Mike H
Witschey's rants and claims have me a bit baffled, but I'll stick with the 110-29 issue.

For any given "aim" for a few TPs to be affected, it's almost certainly a "knife-edge" attenuation issue. Moving the dish mount something like 6" in any direction will either cure it, or kill 110 entirely. If you can't make that happen, tough.

As for putting the EEPG on 119, well, if it were convienent, I wouldn't discourage them, but overall, we're looking at something like LESS THAN 1% of the customer base that MIGHT be affected. If E* has ANY reason at all to not do it, then they shouldn't.

BTW, this is being posted by someone that regularly rants about how bad E* is, but this is one case where the exception just might prove the rule.

Program Guide Issue - 522

Standalone 121 dish .... how to?

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