6000 or 811 quandry


Original poster
Oct 14, 2003
Should I wait for the 811 or get the 6000. I will only use it for watching HD and will hopefully be able to put an OTA antenna on it and have it pick up HD. Anyone purhcase a 6000 lately? How does it perform with an OTA antenna?
jsevans said:
Should I wait for the 811 or get the 6000. I will only use it for watching HD and will hopefully be able to put an OTA antenna on it and have it pick up HD. Anyone purhcase a 6000 lately? How does it perform with an OTA antenna?

I've had a 6K since 5/2001 with 8VSB, OTA is OK. But if you can wait, and can afford the price difference I'd say go with the 811. The user interface and EPG on the 6K is acient. Sometimes the EPG goes only 1/2 or 1 hours ahead before you get the 'No Information Available'. Plus you get the capability of having HD and SD outputs on at the same time and DVI output.
I won't be dropping another dime on any new equipment from Dish. I already have a 6000 and Charlie will have to pry my cold fingers off the remote before he gets another buck from my wallet. This is based on the reality of how Dish has gone down the drain. Sorry Charlie...........
I would either get a 6000 (for the $149 or less deal) or if you have one hang on to it and don't sell it off as this receiver can not be made to use broadcast flagging that will be used in the future to downgrade HD to 480p if you don't have a digital connection to your TV. The 811 will indeed be accepting the broadcast flags and will down-res to 480p if the content provider wishes it to be so if you are not connected to a digital input (DVI etc.).


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