622 usb hdd countdown has begun

I believe it'll never come, because they're probably arguing about IF to charge for it, and IF YES how much. Arguing because I think some people there think that there's not enough subscribers that would be interested in this service, or lets say to pay for it. Since Cable offers that service for free in some areas, consumers will say: To Hell With It! On this forum are alot of enthusiasts, like me, but that's only a fraction of millions of subs. How many subs have a 622? It might not be enough of 622 users out there that would wanna pay for it, to justify the costs to create Dish branded hard drives and ask money for it. They might not get rid of enough of those to make their cut. Also people are already having alot of BS fees they're paying for each month, so really bother them againg with another fee and piss them off even more? Another factor will be copyright protection, if somebody attempts to rip HD shows of the drive, and maybe burn the on DVD? Don't say it's impossible. ANYTHING can be cracked! Like DVD's have protection, and there's programs out there that cracks it again. New ArcoSS protection this week, well here's an update version of the new decrypter. Somebody out there has the ability to rip and encode HD content off a Dish hard drive to burn on DVD's, and they'll do it! So there's my three reasons why it might not come at all. Wait there's a fourth reason: Since they might think. that not enough people want to pay for this feature, Charlie is NOT gonna give it away for free. They rather scrap it! Remember, the scrapped it for the 942, and WHY? Because the 942 is obsolete, or will be obsolete soon. Also remember they were saying in the Tech Chat, that it's "working like a champ, just trying to figure out how to SELL it" It was already working a few months back at Team Summit! Somebody told Scott a few days ago, that it'll come mid December, now they're talking about first quarter...BULL!
Maybe, just maybe, by "figure out how to sell it" they meant "figure out how to use this feature as another marketing tool to get more loyal customers" so they are waiting to roll it out till they get some slick ads featuring how great it is.

The realist in me doubts that this is what they meant but we can only hope.

My guess is that with USB storage as a free value-add, the number of ViP622 in use would skyrocket, and current subscribers would become even less likely to ever leave. "not only do we give you more HD content than any other provider, we give you as much storage space for it as you care to connect"
Maybe, just maybe, by "figure out how to sell it" they meant "figure out how to use this feature as another marketing tool to get more loyal customers" so they are waiting to roll it out till they get some slick ads featuring how great it is.

The realist in me doubts that this is what they meant but we can only hope.

My guess is that with USB storage as a free value-add, the number of ViP622 in use would skyrocket, and current subscribers would become even less likely to ever leave. "not only do we give you more HD content than any other provider, we give you as much storage space for it as you care to connect"

I wish you're right. With Cable does it work with ANY USB drive?
Pepper, I hope you're right. It makes sense, and may be the most profitable tack for Dish to take- boosting other profit centers.

But I think I've figured out when it will be released: One day after DirecTV releases a similar product.
I wish you're right. With Cable does it work with ANY USB drive?

The Scientific Atlanta cable boxes support external SATA hard drives. As far as I know, any HDD will work. Storage on the HDD is combined. Last I herd, the box uses whichever drive has the most space.

Unfortunately, much is Comcast is running Motorola which doesn't support expanded storage. Comcast has little interest in the feature. They believe the future is VOD (and with enough hi-def VOD, they might be right).

The new DirecTV mpeg4 pvr is also supporting external sata hdd (NOW). If the box sees the external drive at boot it formats and uses it INSTEAD OF the internal drive (software wise, this is a VERY simple implementation). You're not likely to switch back to the internal drive since timers are stored on the active drive.

People have reported testing 750 gig hard drives. I believe I also saw a report that a user had used an external SATA raid box -> combines the storage to 2 drives and makes it look like a single larger drive.

With Direct NOT charging for use of the external HDD, we should scream bloody-murder if E* decides to charge. Once Direct gets the next two Spaceway birds up it'll have bandwitch for EVERY DMA and 150 Nation Hi-Def Channels (AND Distant Nets for those who qualify). There will be no reason not to jump.
Since many of us who have 622s lease them (if not most), I'd be surprised if E* doesn't offer a lease plan for the HDDs, also. That being said, the best-case scenario is to allow anyone's HDD to be used, or at least a select group of drives.

Still good reasons not to jump. D* will likely continue over compressing. They won't have Voom or as much HD. The ViP622 is simply a better DVR.
By the way Nascar starts its new season in Feb 07'! Come on Daytona in HD! :D

could not of said it better... Too bad Mark Martin will No longer be in a Roush ride, well I guess I will have to root for carl, jamie, Matt, Kasey, Casey, Boris, Greg, ward, sterling, ryan, ken and tony..:) :)

and i will still be booing Jimmy and Jeffy Boy:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
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Just a thought, but maybe...

If they had it working already, then maybe they don't want to release it until after they test it with the next version of ViP622 software. You know, the new version to comply with the Judge's order in the TIVO lawsuit.:D

Additional storage would be handy, but I wouldn't pay any fee's for it. I would either look for a HDMI compatible DVD recorder, or build one myself.:eureka
I See a new fee coming for Dish: The external hard drive access fee for $6.00. WHy else would Dish offer us something for nothing? Oh and I can only guess how much they will charge for the actuall hard drive that they alone will sell to you.
As much as I would want the feature, there is no way on earth I'd pay $6/month for it. I'd rather overpay on a Dish-branded external storage unit than pay a monthly fee. Typically Dish doesn't charge much of a premium on their hardware. Witness that a 622 sells for something like $250 less than a Tivo unit.

It will be very interesting to see what they do. If the monthly fee was $1.99/month and I could use any USB external drive, I might pop for it.

Pocket Dish defrag, good idea?

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