625 no timers will fire


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jul 1, 2004
My friend just got a 625 and I was showing her how to use it (Ive had Dish for awhile firse 522 then 625)
When you go to the guide and select a show to record, it shows the recording symbol with the # 2. The problem is the timers never fire. Ive tried selectin DVR all episodes and DVR once, both do nothing.
Now if your watching somthing and press the record button on the remote, it works! So it looks to me like the hard drive is fine. Either im doing somthing real stupid or the reciever is possesed. The only difference between my set up and my friends set up is im using my 625 for two tvs and she is using hers in single mode.
Any Ideas?
Thanks in advance
My grandma had the same issue with her 301. There is a timer set for her soap and the clock blinks but never changes channel.

I did a reset (unplug power cord from outklet for 30 seconds) to refresh everything and it seems to work now (I set 3 timers when I was there and they all fired as they should)
I called Dish Saterday and they said Hmm, thats an unusal problem. They dont think its the reciever since it records when I push the record button, they wrote up an unusal work order and sent it to there enginers. They think its some kind of software problem and will try to correct from there end, If its not working in a week I need to call them back and they will replace it.
I just thought I check with this board since everyone here is has been a help in the past.
I had the same problem with a 522 and 2 510's. What I was told, and it seems to have been fixed, is that there is a software issue. They even replaced one of my 510's with a refurb (which lasted 8 hours before the HD failed). That was last week. Now all is fine with all 3 receivers. Just what happened to me> Fred

Pls Help Diagnose, I'm out of ideas

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