$69.99 Special Dish and Powermax PMA24 Actuator Help

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Feb 11, 2005
Slidell, Louisiana
Can someone with the $69.99 Special dish and a Powermax PMA24 Actuator be kind enough to share the ideal or average clamping dimentions of the arm shaft into the holding bracket. I am still experimenting with this dimention and I am not quite happy with my results of shaft travel for the dish.

Any help is appreciated. Thank You.

This is what I do......
With the Actuator loosely in the clamp but the end not connected to the Dish, retract completely, and the drive out about 1 inch.
Connect End to Dish
Slide the Actuator in the clamp, up to your lowest Sat you can (or want) to get.
Tighten Clamp.
Drive Dish up, watching that is does not bind on anything.

Keep in mind that Actuators are not Horizon-To-Horizon, so don't expect to get the full Arc.
Your mileage may vary.
Avenger, maybe post a picture. I seem to remember a few having a "time" getting the actuator in the "right" position.
Avenger, maybe post a picture. I seem to remember a few having a "time" getting the actuator in the "right" position.

I would post a picture , but I do not know how to do that on this forum. Somewhere I saw a thread that mentioned the method on downloading pictures to the forum, looked and have not found it yet. Will keep on looking, as soon as I find it, pictures will be posted.
Click on "Go Advanced" button. Then on the page that opens, scroll down to "Manage Attachments" button. Then "Add Files" in the attachment manager window that opens.
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