811 149$/199$ question


Well-Known SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Dec 3, 2003
Is this deal for a exchange of existing receiver or Add on as a new receiver.

What if I have already sold my receiver and I don't have any receiver with me, will I get this deal.
they will ask you if this is a replacement or an add on receiver, so i don't think it makes any difference. The price seems to be based on years with E* and programming level (And CC autpay too?)...
I called today and they asked me if the 811 was going to be an add on or a replacement receiver. I told them replacement and they quoted me a $149 price with a AT50 or greater commitment for 1 year. She never mentioned anything about sending back my old receiver.
Perhaps the exchange is just for those being offered the $199 deal and they were just wondering whether or not to deactivate the old receiver off the account or not.

Can Dish tell me: you got too many deals already!

Do I have to buy a new Switch to add a 811?

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