811-- Are these issue still a problem


Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Sep 22, 2003
I have an 811, but have uninstalled it. Dark picture was the biggest reason. I also was able to see a "rescanning" every 20 seconds on my television. I could live with the guide and 5.1 issues, but the dark picture and rescanning made me lose my mind. Does anyone know when these issues are going to be fixed or have they already? Has anyone figured out a way of gettting around these problems?
I take it you werent using component or DVI outputs? The S-vid and composite outputs have a dark image issue to be fixed in patch 265 (at least 2 months out).

Why are you not using component or DVI?
bsic said:
I take it you werent using component or DVI outputs? The S-vid and composite outputs have a dark image issue to be fixed in patch 265 (at least 2 months out).

Why are you not using component or DVI?

Component and DVI outputs also give dark virtually unwatchable SD pictures from some 811s. There has been no fix to date.
I am using a DVI. I also tried the s-video and the wires they supplied. It seems thast the HD channels are brighter, but the SD channels are so dark you can only make out movements.

Replacement remote for 6000?

E* says 720p not supported on 811- EVER

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