921 - Another item not activated


Pub Member / Supporter
Original poster
Sep 10, 2003
Atlanta GA
This may have been discussed in another topic. If so I totally missed it.

Today I got the bright idea to connect my 921 to an ATI All In Wonder 9800 video card via an unused run (approx 50 ft) of RG-6. After becoming frustrated with no signal I finally broke down and call Dish Technical Support. To my amazement I was informed that the RF outputs on the 921 have not been activated. The Camel's back is about to be broken.
No clue what idiot told you that. I just hooked it up and got a surprisingly decent picture on Channel 3.

Did you remember to switch to SD mode? The RF & RCA outputs are NOT active in HD mode, while the DVI & component outputs are not active in SD mode.

Thanks for the tip. You are absolutely correct concerning the change to SD mode. I have consistently received better technical assistance from this forum than from the so called paid professionals at E*.
BCH said:

Thanks for the tip. You are absolutely correct concerning the change to SD mode. I have consistently received better technical assistance from this forum than from the so called paid professionals at E*.


If you talked to someone who stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night, you would get better technical assistance than any CSR that I have ever spoken with at E*.

It makes no sense to me to actually pay people to give you incorrect information. This isn't government Charlie!!

I find this site most informative of any forum.

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