A&E HD added December 9


DINFOS Trained Killer
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Sep 13, 2005
daytona beach
according to a legal notice in today's daytona beach news-journal, a&e hd will begin dec 9 on channel 1342 in central florida......a preview will begin this thursday. also, inhd2 will go away dec. 17.

other news..........outrageous on demand will be on channel 375. events on demand will replace events indemand2 on channel 377. both of these will happen dec. 6.
according to a legal notice in today's daytona beach news-journal, a&e hd will begin dec 9 on channel 1342 in central florida......a preview will begin this thursday. also, inhd2 will go away dec. 17.

other news..........outrageous on demand will be on channel 375. events on demand will replace events indemand2 on channel 377. both of these will happen dec. 6.

hey everybody...new to register but have been around looking at this great site for quite some time now :), i love all the info always provided.....so anyways i live in the tampa bay area fl, and as of today the 10th ive noticed the new channel a&ehd on channel 692 so i know it aint on one of the test channels...wich is a great thing....i honestly do not like the channel that much but i gotta say it look great...i have my cable box set to 480p(thought i kno regular and digital channel aint in 480p),720p and 1080i of course, so depending on the channel's aired format it changes to the right one for me,(because i do not wanna se a program thats being aired at 720p but i have my box only set to 1080i, usually it dont look right)but anyways as i was saying lol... the new a&Ehd channel is in 720p format...but again it looks great!:up:D.....i havent noticed any other channel because they must of just added it tonight....hope to see others :).......well anyways i shall be around and keep u guys updated on anything new for my part of the area and if i see any new channels etc......take care everybody :)

..........update, i went and checked on the site and according to them it is a free preview that started today on the 10th....so i am hoping, if i do get to like the channel...that i dont have to pay for this channel once after the preview...it would kinda suck.but if its worth it...ill go for it :)....
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actually, one of the reruns of csi:miami (from last season) was in hd. the network just went hd in september so i doubt if their is any original programming in hd yet. otherwise, i will consider this a waste, along with universal hd!!

where the heck is espn2hd? basketball season is starting and that means no ladies hoops in hd!! crapo (and i'm being polite here).
This is a greater waste than UHD - I am somewhat miffed they put this POS on. Why they didn't put on CinemaxHD which TWC has agreement with that they could have taken in additional revenue for a premium channel is just very puzzling.
at least, UHD has the first 2 rounds of the masters in hd, the us open tennis tourney in hd, and the olympics every 2 years in hd!!

i agree about cinemax hd, even though i would have to get the premium movie tier again!!
This is what makes no sense. When INHD2 goes away at the end of the year, they cannot replace that with a Paid Movie Channel - because then people would scream that they are paying the same for less HD Channels.

So, if they had some stupid desire to put on A&EHD, do it for INHD-2.

And the goodwill and talk they could have gotten by putting on CinemaxHD for the Star Wars Trilogy - heck - if they put that on free preview in HD this month - they would have walked on water for most people.

An incredible opportunity wasted - and potential revenue passed on.


LANDLORD GO AWAY!!!!__--EVILNESS--Competitive marketing?

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