A Poor Mans SuperDish Setup

Do you have any old primestar dishes to sell? I would actually prefer to go with that than a superdish.
Cool work Claude!

I know a couple people with SuperDish's and they are reporting signal at 70 or below on 105. I guess that is the norm and shows how low power 105 really is.

And like you reported the only channel available to them at the moment is Channel 7000.

Cool detective work. :)

I actually threw them all away about a month ago. I had over 50 of them, but the problem was that the birds where getting to them and they where looking really nasty with several layers of bird crap on them.

This is one of the only Dishes I managed to save.

I could order you a new Dish from Channel Master :)
Claude Greiner said:
Check it out....
I just thought it would be cool to have an actual SuperDish on display in my showroom to show to customers.
The actual one (for 105º) has a 119º outrigger, but it is a nice mock-up. I suppose the one pictured is that old 26" SuperDISH that had people confused when the real 36" SuperDISH was revealed?

I put my 10 ft C/KU dish on AMC 4, hooked ku cable to a dish 2700 rec and get a signal over 80 on TP 1 The 2700 does not list 105 in setup and I do not get any picture
I know a couple people with SuperDish's and they are reporting signal at 70 or below on 105. I guess that is the norm and shows how low power 105 really is.

What's that going to do in the rain?
Isn't rain fade supposed to be worse with FSS? A 60-70 starting point doesn't seem like it leaves much margin. Scott, maybe you can get your buddies to check the strength in the rain.

Also, is it correct that the PrimeStar option will not work if you Dish 500 and Switches are DishPro?
Did it yesterday and the rain had no effect on the signals off of 105.

Although it wasn't a downpour which has knocked out my DBS service in the past

The primestar option will work however it is too much work when you can get a real SuperDISH for free when they start that program.

But it is fun to tinker. :)
The signal at 105 should have less rainfade issues than 110 and 119 although with a lower signal strength at 105 it may still have rainfade issues than if it were a higher signal strength. Perhaps if the polarity is adjusted on that PrimeStar lnbf it will help the signal strength. You can adjust the polarity by rotating the lnbf (and it may have an adjustment on the lnbf instead of having to rotate it but not sure).

Also how much are the 4 way switches going for that you would have to connect up to the PrimeStar lnbf's? If they would cost about the same as a new FSS lnbf for 105 you might as well buy the lnbf.

This is why I saved a bunch of PrimeStar dishes with the lnbf's because I knew there would be a use for them someday.
My 2700 now lists 61.5,105,110,119,121,129 and 148.
When dish is pionted at AMC4 101 I get signal on TP1 when selecting any sat on list but 105. it will not list TP1 only 2,7,18 and 23. when dish is at AMC2 105 I get nothing 0 on both V or H settings on 2700. I do get signal on many TP on my C/KU rec.
I've done the same thing and am generally getting 75-85 in one of those northern states that cannot get 105 according to Dish. Rain didn't really seem to affect it but I had a heck of a time aiming it. I can see why Dish is requiring professional installation.

Scott Greczkowski said:
Cool work Claude!

I know a couple people with SuperDish's and they are reporting signal at 70 or below on 105. I guess that is the norm and shows how low power 105 really is.

And like you reported the only channel available to them at the moment is Channel 7000.

Cool detective work. :)
Perhaps Dish is not having a problem in some of those indicated locations the the chart states but wants to concentrate on a little smaller area for the SuperDish and put those locals that cannot be put on the SuperDish on the Dish500. I wonder if this would cause Dish to move some locals from 110 to 105 to make more room on 110 for additional locals to be added? I think that would be a big mistake to require a bigger dish to receive the same channels that a smaller dish in the past could receive.
I'm still playing & "Having a heck of a time aiming it".
Now its changing from a Poor Mans answer to the Only Answer.

I had to use a magnifcying glass to set my skew on my Primestar.
I'm using the Primestar DLS Model MS-34 3-input four-way multi-switcher
40-2050Mhz, is this ok?
The sat finder I'm using is the Winegard SF-1000. What models work the best?
I'm splitting with a SW21 switch my 110/119 feed, which I understand you need to make the switch test run fast.
Do I first need a signal @ 105 or 121 first?, then run switch test? then run
129 box 1 - 50 test?
I've noticed 119 bleeds to much into 121 to find a signal, and I'm playing
with 105 still.
I had the same problem with signal bleed on 105. This made my little SF-95 sat finder (that was great at finding 110/119) useless. I had to have somebody watching the TV relay the numbers from the actual receiver.

chelsea said:
I'm still playing & "Having a heck of a time aiming it".
Now its changing from a Poor Mans answer to the Only Answer.

I had to use a magnifcying glass to set my skew on my Primestar.
I'm using the Primestar DLS Model MS-34 3-input four-way multi-switcher
40-2050Mhz, is this ok?
The sat finder I'm using is the Winegard SF-1000. What models work the best?
I'm splitting with a SW21 switch my 110/119 feed, which I understand you need to make the switch test run fast.
Do I first need a signal @ 105 or 121 first?, then run switch test? then run
129 box 1 - 50 test?
I've noticed 119 bleeds to much into 121 to find a signal, and I'm playing
with 105 still.
I've read that there are various different LNB's that came with the Primestar dishes. Which one do we need to work with 105? What multiswitch are you using Claude?

I've got an old Primestar laying around, and now that I've been told End of December for install I want to get hopping.

What do we do with our old Dish 500s?

New HDTV Tivo better than a 921 due out in Dec also

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