Abundance of no info available


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Jul 10, 2009
This evening when I sat down to watch tv I pulled up the guide and nearly everything that is an hour or more in the future shows as "No info available". Non of the shows that should record this evening are showing on the scheduled.

I have cycled the power on the 622 twice with no luck. Any ideas?
This evening when I sat down to watch tv I pulled up the guide and nearly everything that is an hour or more in the future shows as "No info available". Non of the shows that should record this evening are showing on the scheduled.

I have cycled the power on the 622 twice with no luck. Any ideas?

Run a check switch afterwards it should redownload the guide information,when your not watching TV on the 622 be sure to turn it off it will keep the guide information updated better that way.If this problem appears again your 622 could be going bad.

Good Luck!:)
seems to have cleared up after the check switch, although several timers now are recording episodes that clearly aren't new.
seems to have cleared up after the check switch, although several timers now are recording episodes that clearly aren't new.

Those usually rectify themselves as the date gets closer/guide data updated.

Realigning Dish 1000+ for 118 Only, help!

Recordings picture voice out of sync

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