Adjusting Screen on 622


Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Mar 5, 2005
When I view my program guide on the 622 the bottom channel is almost totally cut off. I have tried to adjust my TV vertical settings but it only ends up cutting off the top of the screen. Is there a way to adjust this in the 622 menu? Any help is greatly appreciated.
I have the same problem and now somehow its also shifted to the left so some of the channel name gets cut off too. I have no idea how this all of a sudden changed at some point.
Do you have the extended guide on?

With mine if I have the regular guide, it shows all channels just fine, although of course a smaller total number of channels.

However if I change the the extended guide, then the lowest channel is only half on the screen. It has always been that way for me.
Bottom portion of last channel partially missing in extended guide is a bug in the software and only on the HD outputs. Looks fine on S-video and RCA.
Yeah, with extended guide the 942 was/is the exact same way. I guess we are just stuck with it.
BoBaK said:
When I view my program guide on the 622 the bottom channel is almost totally cut off. I have tried to adjust my TV vertical settings but it only ends up cutting off the top of the screen. Is there a way to adjust this in the 622 menu? Any help is greatly appreciated.

Funny, I just visited this site to find out if anyone had any information on extended program guide is shifted to the left a bit and the last line on the grid is partially cut off. I'm using HDMI.
I don't have any cutoff on mine. I'm using HDMI via DVI into a Gateway 21" 1680x1050 (16:10) LCD monitor.
The extended guide on my sony rear projection lcd is perfect with nothing cutoff, but the extended guide on my older toshiba rear projection is cutoff at the bottom. The only solution I have is to switch to normal guide on the toshiba.

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