Wondering if anyone has seen this on their account (or a customer's account).
I have the all-in pricing, originally had Choice at $105, and upgraded to Xtra at $117, based on the language that says "No extra fees for the first two rooms!".
Got our latest bill and surprise - it is still charging $7 for the second TV. I've called a few different departments (support, retention), and nobody could figure it out. A few times they've changed it back and forth but it always charges the second TV.
This is the entirety of my recent activity screen:
11/17/2018 XXXXXXXX5685 Watch DIRECTV on 1 TV - Charge $7.00
11/17/2018 XXXXXXXX5685 Regional Sports Fee - Charge $5.23
11/17/2018 XXXXXXXX5685 XTRA (all included) - Charge $117.00
We only have the two TVs. A HS17 server, and two Samsung RVU TVs.
Any ideas other than calling every month or two for a manual credit?
I know at one time they offered 4 free TVs, then just one, and now they are promoting two. I have to wonder if there are different versions of the package and the website and CSRs are putting us on the wrong one.
I have the all-in pricing, originally had Choice at $105, and upgraded to Xtra at $117, based on the language that says "No extra fees for the first two rooms!".
Got our latest bill and surprise - it is still charging $7 for the second TV. I've called a few different departments (support, retention), and nobody could figure it out. A few times they've changed it back and forth but it always charges the second TV.
This is the entirety of my recent activity screen:
11/17/2018 XXXXXXXX5685 Watch DIRECTV on 1 TV - Charge $7.00
11/17/2018 XXXXXXXX5685 Regional Sports Fee - Charge $5.23
11/17/2018 XXXXXXXX5685 XTRA (all included) - Charge $117.00
We only have the two TVs. A HS17 server, and two Samsung RVU TVs.
Any ideas other than calling every month or two for a manual credit?
I know at one time they offered 4 free TVs, then just one, and now they are promoting two. I have to wonder if there are different versions of the package and the website and CSRs are putting us on the wrong one.