Antenna Selection

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New Member
Original poster
May 6, 2004
Hey folks!

Newbie here. I got DTV this past winter and dealt with the snow sticking to the dish(just gotta dust it off). Now am at a point with sig other on whether to get rid of it and just go with an antenna. We recently had a storm and wife was watching a pgm and the satellite signal went to nil. She totally flipped out--I'm getting rid of this thing...this is S@@@!!! Etc, Etc!!

I'm out to find a solution to pick up the local channels(as this was one of the channels she was watching). I've heard of Terk...which I have read isn't much help. I've seen that ChannelMaster and Winegard are top o the line. I'm looking for something that isn't junk but can pick up a good signal w/o breaking my bank!!

Any opinions?? BTW I ran a check for my area and will probably need an omni-dir antenna...or something that picks up red blue and violet uhf/vhf.

thanks in advance for any help that is out there!!
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Help! Unsolvable Signal Strength Problem


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