Any news on more HD

They really need to add some stuff, such as starz HD. Showtime and HBO show too many friggin shows in primetime. Give me movies any day.
West coast feeds for HBO and Showtime would be nice. All the prime time programming on the east feeds airs during the dinner hour on the west coast.
Jaspear said:
West coast feeds for HBO and Showtime would be nice. All the prime time programming on the east feeds airs during the dinner hour on the west coast.
Not a problem if you have a 921 :D
The only word is, the Denver distant nets are to be moved to spotbeam,
to free up space for HD. Charlie of course knows of no other HD material,
except for TNT HD, the only one he's interested in.
Wealth TV, InHD 1 & 2, Starz! HD, Encore HD, Cinemax HD, The Movie Channel HD, and all of the Voom channels are HD content out there he could go for. I'm assuming that the 21 Voom-exclusive channels ARE up for negotiation?
I don't know why you folks would live out in California. For $3k a month, I could buy a 6000 sf house on 20 acres here in Texas. :)
I dont know why either, I think Im gonna move to Scottsdale AZ
Must remember to get a house that has a clear view of the 61.5 sat so I can give Voom a call ;)


Seriously though, that would be the best thing for me...
DBSOgre said:
Wealth TV, InHD 1 & 2, Starz! HD, Encore HD, Cinemax HD, The Movie Channel HD, and all of the Voom channels are HD content out there he could go for. I'm assuming that the 21 Voom-exclusive channels ARE up for negotiation?

I get HBO-HD East and West, Cinimax-HD East and West, HD-Net Movies, HD-Discovery, Startz-HD East and West, Showtime-HD East and West, The Movie Channel-HD, Bravo-HD, NFL-HD, HD-News, Encore-HD next month, Playboy-HD next month, and so many more. Ooops. I have Voom as an add-on to Dish.
StevenD said:
I don't know why you folks would live out in California. For $3k a month, I could buy a 6000 sf house on 20 acres here in Texas. :)

Im a tech guy and there is nowhere to work there in Texas.
The only definate I know of is Bravo HD+ and that is because of the Olympics.

I believe Dish currently has no interest in channels like Cinemax and Starz HD as its duplicating channels they already carry. Dish wants channels which they can add to their HD package to give it more value. They also do not want channels that are nothing more then glorified HD demo channels such as IN HD2.
I finally ditched HD programming and my 811. 10$ a month wasn't worth it to me to watch 2 or maybe 3 HD channels with decent content and a "true" native HD feed. It's a novelty at best at this point. When DishNetwork brings a better HD package to the table I'll certainly be willing to look into it again. For now, there isn't enough bang for the buck IMHO.
Scott Greczkowski said:
The only definate I know of is Bravo HD+ and that is because of the Olympics..

Over at AVS they said the Olympics would not be on their HD channel(quotes from the guy in charge of Bravo were posted there),but the website(BravoHD) still says it will be

Scott Greczkowski said:
I believe Dish currently has no interest in channels like Cinemax and Starz HD as its duplicating channels they already carry.

This makes no sense to me,I do not get Starz now but I would in a second if they added the HD channel(that is the only reason why I have HBO) so that means more sales to Dish(I would assume I would not be the only one)I would upgrade to the AEP because of NickTOONS(I have 120 now) and the Price diff. isn't that much.
Scott Greczkowski said:
I believe Dish currently has no interest in channels like Cinemax and Starz HD as its duplicating channels they already carry.

What channels do these duplicate? All the premiums carry some exclusive programming (which eventually spills to the others).

Do you mean duplication with the SD channels? That's apples and oranges and not any different then HBOHD vs HBO-SD.

Personally, I'll take commercial free, unedited StarzHD & CinemaxHD over Bravo and TNT anyday (but I'm a movie person).

But, the bottom line is that these are all high-demand channels that should be carried - my guess is the bandwidth is holding them up. Hopefully, it'll get better when they get the kinks out of 3 channels/transponder.

You all have to keep writing Dish and make sure they know what channels you want. I generally write in before each Charlie Chat. That's gonna help set the priority.

PS: Yes, the 921 is $$$$$, but the ability to time-shift HD is really worth it. I always have stuff to watch.

Is the 811 junk?



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