Anyone else having closed captions problems with the 811?


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Dec 3, 2003
I have 2 kinds of closed captions problems:

1. Via the s-video connection the closed captions blink on some channels ( on other channels they work fine). For example I watched Sex and the City and Curb your enthusiasm on HBO and the CC blinked for both shows. On some channels the CC work OK though. My 301 receiver connected to the same TV via s-video displays CC fine on all channels.

2. Via component or DVI CC don't work at all for the local OTA CBSHD and NBCHD. I also have a Samsung 151 over the air receiver and CC work on the Sammy for both CBS and NBC.


Twin Cities ch 5 video flicker problem

Having off and on problems with locals

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