Anyone noticing major pixelation with their 942?

I am having the same pixelation problem with my 942. Happens on the right side of the screen with some SD channels. Have not noticed it when on HD channels. It does seem to have gotten worse with the last update. I tried switching from HDMI to component cables, and it seemed to help at first, but not anymore. I hope they can fix this problem. It's frustrating me.
hi all :) the pixolation problems are know, expecally on the right side of the screen. From the information that I know is that dish is working on it and it suppost to be out in the next s/w release. But that may not be the case :) We wont offically know untill the next release notes come about. when ever that happens :)
Is anyone thats having this issue have a dedicated circuit supplying power to theyre entertainment center? Is the issue strictly on the SD channels, HD channels, SD local channels, OTA analog channels, OTA HD channels, a mix of some, or all channels? What lnbf and switch configurations are in used and what are the signal strengths? This can be answered also by those who arent having the issue.
No dedicated power circuit.
Problem only on SD channels.
Haven't noticed it SD locals yet.
Haven't seen it on any HD channels yet.
No OTA available from this location.
Dish 1000 DPP Twin
80 on 110
97 on 119
95 on 129

Worst pixelation seems to occur during pans from right to left and vice-versa. Cinemax and HBO channels seem to get it more often than other channels. FSN (426) gets it the most severe, particularly during basketball games.
Just noticed this on my Dish 942 w/ both my front projector and 60" Sony SXRD TV, both component and HDMI. The pixelization is mostly on the right side of the screen. Any solution yet?
Ok, my 942 is coming a week from this friday. And you guys have me shaking in my boots!!! Does the 942 have the capability to NOT accept updates? If so, how do I make mine say NO TO updates??? I really don't want to have this problem.

Is it the same process that I am currently doing with my 811?? If so, No Dish Network Tech will be doing the set up... they might make it in the door, but he will have hands OFF.
Nope, the new receivers cannot be set to NOT take updates

the 942 is set by the user(you can set for any hour of day) to power down, reboot and check for software updates and guide, it does this once per day, I have mine set to 5 AM

the side pixelization problem is about the only serious bug left on the 942, they HAVE found the fix and are working on it to release a update very soon

PS: the 942's HD picture quality is unbeatable ;)

I also have been getting the infamous right side pixelization along with some in the middle of the screen most recently too. I hope that E* decides to fix this eventually. My 942 I love otherwise. I just hope they can/will work this out.
Seeing the same thing on my 942. I also have an 811 upstairs but never really watch TV in bed so I cannot say it is not happening on my 811. I suspect it has more to do with the current compression bit rates than the 942. Especially since it has been noted in previous posts that it has been seen on the 811's by others. Lower bit rates will produce pixelization problems. In my business, we see that with MPEG2 encoding and it becomes more of an issue with action scenes, fire, smoke etc. The higher the bit rate, the less of a problem. They encoders play a big role as some encoders don't require as high of a bit rate for a qulity encode as other. The lower quality encoders need a high bit rate to produce a quality encode than that of a high quality MPEG encoder.
This could be why it is noticed on camera pans from one direction to the other.

It has also been noted that they are playing with the bit rates so, I would certainly be curious what the real fix will be.
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Another problem that I am getting is with my OTA's. I seem to be getting lots of pixelation on them also, expecially my FOX. This may be a local problem but not sure.
At first I thought it was my new TV but I guess its the 942's doing.....figures. Though I must say it hasn't been getting worse and occurs only sparingly...
Fix for Pixellization

I too was having major pixellization problems with my SD channels, mostly on the right side of the screen - Fox was the worst. After a call to Tech Support, I was transferred to Advanced, who called me back and gave me the advice to clear the memory on the receiver. To do this use the following series of key commands on the remote:
Press the TV/Video/Input button (silver button beneath the red TV button)
Press Info button twice
Then press Browse button
Then press Themes button.

Onscreen the message will pop up about clearing the cache. Press Select.
Warning: you will lose all your favorite lists when you do this.

Voila: Not only did my picture become clearer, I no longer had any pixelization issues.

I might have the series of key commands wrong. If this didn't work for you, put in a call to Advanced. Regular tech support won't help.

Hope it works for you all.
Has anyone else tried cyhold's fix yet? I'd hate to clear my receiver's memory only to have the fix not work and all my future DVR events lost.
You won't lose your future dvr events, only your favorites list. And recorded events are not erased.

I seem to remember the tech telling me to do those steps with remote #2 while in dual mode. If you can't clear the cashe with your #1 remote, try that.

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