Anyone using an 811 with an LCD or Plasma ?


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Dec 18, 2003
If so, are you using the DVI interface ? Any problems besides whats listed in the 811 issues post ?

I'm using the DVI from the 811 into my Fujitsu P50 plasma with no problems other than a darker picture but the 811 is darker regardless of which output I use.
Im using it on a BenQ 46" plasma and have to "reset" (unplug the reciever and the TV) every few days cause I will lose DVI signal, though Svideo is unaffected. Tried different resolutions and noticed that setting the receiver to 4x3 TV keeps me from reseting longer than 16x9 setting... I figure its the reciever and hope a software update will fix that. If not then tech support is the next option, hopefully neither the TV or the reciever need replacing. :(
I'm using component with my sony gw 70" lcd. I have a few quirks like everyone else, the most annoying being the dark picture quality. I think you'll find everyone is having problems with the 811-I have yet to hear anyone say otherwise.
Even though your sets are 720p units. You might try 1080i and 16x9. ive tried this on several DLP/LCD/Plasma sets, on both component and DVI with no problems. When i tried 720p on same sets image quality was poor.
Well, reason I ask, I am having a problem with the 811 and a new JVC 26in Widescreen LCD. When I use the DVI, everything is fine unless I try 1080I, which the TV supports. I get all kinds if dark scan lines scrolling up and down and some pixelation. It's fine using the component cable at 1080I, and fine using the dvi cable on SD and HD at 480 or 720. I have swapped cables, TV's and 811's and makes no difference. At 1080 and with DVI, it's a terrible picture.

Any ideas ? It's a JVC LT-26WX84 TV

Help with 921, 721, 508 and hooking it all up right!

DVI cable and 811/Sony KP57WS500

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