When you look at your online monthly bill, it tells you that you are entitled to a $10 gift card, first for Starbucks, then for Panera Bread, and now an ATT VISA gift card. After connecting to AT&T Thanks, it tells you to claim your free gift card. Then it immediately says that they've ran out of gift cards for today but you need to check back tomorrow at 12 noon and try again. I have been suckered on this 3 or 4 times. Folks it's a scam, you get absolutely nothing.
I remember when AT&T was a highly respected company, not a lot of smoke and mirrors and phony promises. What has happened to AT&T?? This needs to stop now.
I remember when AT&T was a highly respected company, not a lot of smoke and mirrors and phony promises. What has happened to AT&T?? This needs to stop now.
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