Atlanta, GA locals are up

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Supporting Founder
Apr 18, 2005
DeKalb County, AL
AMC 10 tp.15 the major 4 is up and running, will NPS be selling these for the Atlanta DMA and to those that qualify for DNS?
I wonder if NPS will offer these for the Atlanta DMA and an alternative feed for DNS if a person qualifies?
With 4 DMA's now on c band, will any c band provider start offering them? Denver is up and offered but as for the rest, I say light 'em up. I think Albuquerque would be a DSR905 & 922 feed due to the Symbol Rate. That would be nothing new since PT24 feeds are the same way. There's also Phoenix which the 905, 920 & 922 should be able to receive fine.
I wonder if NPS will offer these for the Atlanta DMA and an alternative feed for DNS if a person qualifies?

Nope. Have to negotiate for local usage and do must carry as well. They will be only DNS and likely only offered via DBS. The ABC is the only one with a 4DTV Virtual channel number.
Nope. Have to negotiate for local usage and do must carry as well. They will be only DNS and likely only offered via DBS. The ABC is the only one with a 4DTV Virtual channel number.

If NPS or SRL wanted to, they can acquire contracts to carry them and offer them within the Atlanta DMA. How would must carry play into this? NPS or SRL would be already offering them if they wanted to within the DMA area. EDITED: Not selecting which to carry or not to carry. So therefore the station wouldn't be making the request to be carried and offered within the DMA.
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