Attention Pub Members

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Scott Greczkowski

Welcome HOME!
Original poster
Staff member
Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
First off THANK YOU for your support.

I have gone through and updated everyones account who has been kind enough to donate to Pub Member / Supporter status.

All supporters should now be able to access the pub without using a special pub access password.

If you are a supporter and for some reason I did not upgrade you to pub member / supporter status (and you can't access the pub) please PM me and I will check everything and put you in.

Thanks again guys for making this possible!
Thank you Scott for all your hard work. I can't image the time you spend on this but we all truely appericate it.

New Pub Membership

After signing up for a New Pub Membership, How long does it take:) to be come s new Member? We signed up on 10.31.210. Thank you very much.
After signing up for a New Pub Membership, How long does it take:) to be come s new Member? We signed up on 10.31.210. Thank you very much.
I sent you an email on this, but if you have payed by ECHECK via PayPal it takes a few days for the echecks to clear and the Paypal system to turn your account on.

If you did it on the 31st it should clear in the next few days.

If you did not pay by ECHECK then please email me your transaction id so I can kick PayPal. :)
After signing up for a New Pub Membership, How long does it take:) to be come s new Member? We signed up on 10.31.210. Thank you very much.

You might want to check with Paypal, I took a look and we received no pub memberships on 10/31/10 I also searched for your email address and found nothing as well.

If you look at your Paypal account there will be a transaction id number if the charge went through, and I have a feeling for some reason it did not go through.
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