Billing Question

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SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Feb 24, 2011
UP of Michigan
The other day I received my monthly Directv bill, today I was going through the bills in order to write checks and send them out and I found something odd on my monthly statement. I currently have NFL Sunday Ticket billed in 4 monthly payments of $39.99. I was checking to make sure my monthly rebates were coming off from when I signed up for the service and noticed a $33.99 credit to the account that stated NFL Sunday Ticket correction. So I looked through last months bill and that credit wasn't there so I am wondering if its a mistake or not, I haven't called Direct since 9/01/2011 to sign up for NFL Sunday Ticket so should I call and confirm or should I pay the bill and then call, not sure what I should do I believe it might be a simple mistake on their part but I am not sure.
I've always felt that if they make a mistake in my favor, I shouldn't get it, it's not supposed to be my money. IOW, I would call and make sure that the billing is correct.
Call and verify it.
If you have over payed, they will credit your bill...

If you have under payed you can discuss the fee you thought you were getting then.
I did call today and talked to the CSR and explained that I believe they made a mistake on my bill. After a couple minutes she came back on told me that in fact it was an error but since I called in and told them they gave me $20 instant credit. So I guess calling in and telling them of the mistake paid off, thanks for the advice.
I'd rather not start a new thread, so I'll bump this one since I have a billing question. I now have 2 HR24s, one in the living room and in the bedroom. My new bill has just generated today, so I was wondering what all these different charges mean. I had forgotten they renamed some of them.

Advanced Receiver-DVR-charge - $8.00 (I thought this covered all DVRs, per the website)
Advanced Receiver-HD-charge - $10.00 (I was told before this is now the HD Access fee)
Primary TV - Charge - $6.00
Primary TV Free - Charge ($6.00)

Additional TV - Charge - $6.00 (This is the one I'm mainly confused with.)

I do have Whole Home Service, so I didn't know if that was related to that additional tv charge. I assumed the $8 Advanced Receiver DVR covers all DVR use.
I'd rather not start a new thread, so I'll bump this one since I have a billing question. I now have 2 HR24s, one in the living room and in the bedroom. My new bill has just generated today, so I was wondering what all these different charges mean. I had forgotten they renamed some of them.

Advanced Receiver-DVR-charge - $8.00 (I thought this covered all DVRs, per the website)
Advanced Receiver-HD-charge - $10.00 (I was told before this is now the HD Access fee)
Primary TV - Charge - $6.00
Primary TV Free - Charge ($6.00)

Additional TV - Charge - $6.00 (This is the one I'm mainly confused with.)

I do have Whole Home Service, so I didn't know if that was related to that additional tv charge. I assumed the $8 Advanced Receiver DVR covers all DVR use.

The $ 8 fee is your DVR fee, like you thought. (I love the idea that theres ONE fee covering all recvrs)
The $10. fee is your HD programing fee. (So you can see HD TV)
You must not be getting the HD FREE with autopay ?
Also, don't forget to check at the bottom of the bill where the credits usually are.

The next two cancel one another, but need to show up for thier records, this is your Recvr fee, $6 for each recvr and the next one is the credit for that recvr as the first one is free.

The Addl TV charge ($ 6) is for the second TV recvr.
Ah, okay. So the $8 is for the DVR "service", and the $6 is for the actual DVR boxes. Okay, that makes sense. All the new lingo threw me off a bit.

And they have offered the free HD with autopay, but I have declined. I'm not a big fan of auto bill pay. I've never been late in 5 years, so I figured they can give me free HD without any auto payments. But that's more of a principal thing anyways. :)

I do wonder if they will ever just get rid of the HD fee. HD access shouldn't be a luxury in 2012, it's a pretty common thing now.
Ah, okay. So the $8 is for the DVR "service", and the $6 is for the actual DVR boxes. Okay, that makes sense. All the new lingo threw me off a bit.

And they have offered the free HD with autopay, but I have declined. I'm not a big fan of auto bill pay. I've never been late in 5 years, so I figured they can give me free HD without any auto payments. But that's more of a principal thing anyways. :)

I do wonder if they will ever just get rid of the HD fee. HD access shouldn't be a luxury in 2012, it's a pretty common thing now.

I agree with everything you mentioned here.
I think the autopay in order to have free HD is ridiculous ....
My bill is paid AHEAD of time, no real need for autopay.

I think in a few years it will be gone, but I think it will also be built into the package you choose .
I agree with everything you mentioned here.
I think the autopay in order to have free HD is ridiculous ....
My bill is paid AHEAD of time, no real need for autopay.

I think in a few years it will be gone, but I think it will also be built into the package you choose .

I agree +1 :)
Ah, okay. So the $8 is for the DVR "service", and the $6 is for the actual DVR boxes. Okay, that makes sense. All the new lingo threw me off a bit.

And they have offered the free HD with autopay, but I have declined. I'm not a big fan of auto bill pay. I've never been late in 5 years, so I figured they can give me free HD without any auto payments. But that's more of a principal thing anyways. :)

I do wonder if they will ever just get rid of the HD fee. HD access shouldn't be a luxury in 2012, it's a pretty common thing now.

+1 :)
Please reply by conversation.

HR24 with 0x59e But No Pandora

Install set for next week!

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