Both 921's receiving software update L215

I just plugged mine back in. Had a freak storm yesterday and didn't want it 'Extra Krispy'. Forgot it last night.

Wonder if I will be one of the lucky (unlucky) 10,000? :p
spiderg8r said:
local program guide ... but still no fix for my overscan problem that they promised me.
That is my BIGGEST pet peeve. I wish they would incorporate an overscan adjustment like they do the picture shift. It wouldn't be THAT much harder to write into the software.

ISF calibration helped, but 921 still adds 5-10% and that is just enough that you can't read some crawls on the bottom or have cut-off sides.
Got the 215 software.

There is program information for the OTA channels, BUT it is only for the satellites that you are looking at.

Example: OTA, I can recieve, Baltimore, Washington, Lancaster, and, Philly.
My program guide shows almost all of the information, except for Baltimore,which is at 105.
I am looking at 119, 110, and 61.5 only.

Also, it only shows info for the main channel, not the sub channels.