Bought a used DVR 522 with problems (advice needed)


New Member
Original poster
Mar 28, 2004
I just bought a used DVR 522 on ebay. When I plugged it in, there is an error message saying hard drive failure (uh-oh!). What can I do to reboot this?

Also, when I got it, there was no smart card and no remote with it. I can control tuner 1 with a standard remote, but I'm not sure if my platinum uses UHF or not.

Can I use one antenna feed and split the signal with a splitter and feed it to each tuner, or do I need to upgrade to a quad LNBF?

Lastly, can I use the smart card from my non-dvr receiver in the 522, can I buy another smart card (what do I look for?), or do I need to give up and buy another receiver?

Obviously, I got screwed on this deal, but can I salvage anything from this, or do I need to start over?

oh man...that's tough. either way it won't be easy. you can call dish and see what they can do. You can not use another smartcard yourself without hacking it. As for the hard drive failure, that might be fixable, it is on the 510s, but it's not an easy procedure.

This would be my advice, but please don't take it until other users say what they think. You can call Dish, say your 522 failed and you lost your smartcard. They might fix it for you and reissue another smart card. This is assuming the 522 was hooked up legally before and that you have the monthly warranty plan, or possibly it's still under warranty.

Which user on eBay did you buy this from? Don't be afraid to alert us of fraudulent members.
I don't want to mention who it is until I hear from them to see if they will work something out with me. They aren't a typical reseller, however. They appear to just be a private party looking to sell some of their stuff. I don't have the warranty plan since I am leasing all of my other equipment. I am hoping it is under warranty since the 522 wasn't released all that long ago. Does anyone know if the warranty is transferrable?
The 522 does not have a smart card. (The smart card is built in to the unit)

You can get a second 522 remote for TV two from DishStore.NET.
I paid $175 plus shipping. I could have got a new one for $300 plus shipping. This was one time that being cheap turned around and bit me.
Not to lament your position here, but how do all these 522s come to sale without remotes? How do all the 522 remote pairs come available?
micty said:
I thought 522 was only for lease? How can anyone sell it?
You can sell anything. Just don't expect to be able to activate it. E* caught on to what was happening.

You might try playing CSR Roulette and maybe get lucky.
What was happening? I've always been in the "spell it out crowd".

I suppose Johnny Sac intercepted a container of 522s in Jersey. ;) Now they are in the distribution chain.
Dunno who Johhny Sac is - will guess it's a Sopranos reference. Maybe just people that got the idea to take the free ones from Dish and sell them - or maybe renegade retailers.

Anyway, when it first started happening, the CSRs would activate them when they probably shouldn't've. They don't anymore.
AppliedAggression said:
oh man...that's tough. either way it won't be easy. you can call dish and see what they can do. You can not use another smartcard yourself without hacking it. As for the hard drive failure, that might be fixable, it is on the 510s, but it's not an easy procedure.

This would be my advice, but please don't take it until other users say what they think. You can call Dish, say your 522 failed and you lost your smartcard. They might fix it for you and reissue another smart card. This is assuming the 522 was hooked up legally before and that you have the monthly warranty plan, or possibly it's still under warranty.

Which user on eBay did you buy this from? Don't be afraid to alert us of fraudulent members.
they do not use a external card only internal so you will not need a card platnium remote will work fine you must run a new cable to it
dvr 522 problems

This question was never answered:

Can I use one antenna feed and split the signal with a splitter and feed it to each tuner, or do I need to upgrade to a quad LNBF?

i'm using a splitter and feed into each tuner - but i have a quad lnbf = but i'm only using 3. instead of hooking up another line from the lnbf (requires attick crawl) - i used a splitter. Is this OK?

I'm having problems.
I have tv2 and tv1 hooked up to the same tv = so i can record one channel and watch another, but when one starts to record, the other freezes. then i can change channels and back again to unfreeze, but then when i change my TV channel to view the other tv1 or tv2 that is recording, then now that one freezes.

please help??
TomInOR2002 said:
I just bought a used DVR 522 on ebay. When I plugged it in, there is an error message saying hard drive failure (uh-oh!). What can I do to reboot this?

Also, when I got it, there was no smart card and no remote with it. I can control tuner 1 with a standard remote, but I'm not sure if my platinum uses UHF or not.

Can I use one antenna feed and split the signal with a splitter and feed it to each tuner, or do I need to upgrade to a quad LNBF?

Lastly, can I use the smart card from my non-dvr receiver in the 522, can I buy another smart card (what do I look for?), or do I need to give up and buy another receiver?

Obviously, I got screwed on this deal, but can I salvage anything from this, or do I need to start over?

HAVE YOU CALLED DISH TO SEE IF THEY OWN THIS RECEIVER? Press menu 6-1-3 it will bring up the system information screen.
ctoso said:
This question was never answered:

Can I use one antenna feed and split the signal with a splitter and feed it to each tuner, or do I need to upgrade to a quad LNBF?

i'm using a splitter and feed into each tuner - but i have a quad lnbf = but i'm only using 3. instead of hooking up another line from the lnbf (requires attick crawl) - i used a splitter. Is this OK?

I'm having problems.
I have tv2 and tv1 hooked up to the same tv = so i can record one channel and watch another, but when one starts to record, the other freezes. then i can change channels and back again to unfreeze, but then when i change my TV channel to view the other tv1 or tv2 that is recording, then now that one freezes.

please help??
You can NOT use a splitter to split the satellite feed to a 522; each tuner requires a separate feed. (The reason has to do with how individual channels are spread out among the various satellites and transponders.) At present, the only option is to run two independent feeds from your dish; that means using the fourth feed from your Quad LNBF.

Eventually, DishPro Plus technology will let you squeeze both feeds onto one cable, with a "separator" (NOT a splitter) between the wall and the 522 to provide the two separate feeds; but the primary DishPro Plus component, the DPP44 switch, has been delayed for several months by bugs. (There will also be a DishPro Plus Twin LNBF, but since you're already up to Quad level, that won't work for you. Also, your current Quad LNBF *must* be DishPro to work with the DPP44.) AFAIK, a new release date has not been set.

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