Boy is the 722K software jacked up to heck.


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Nov 27, 2006
So recorded the Oscar "Red Carpet" show 4:00 - 5:30 PST and am recording the "The Oscars" 5:30 - 8:30 PST.

Now looking at the recordings menu there is only one entry and that is for "The Oscars" and it's shown as recording in progress. So I click on it and "The Red Carpet" picks up in the middle. WTF. If I switch between TV1 and TV2 I get sent to the "live" Oscar show with people on the state holding Oscars.

Now I click on the DVR recording of "The Oscars" and I'm back to the "The Red Carpet" show. There is no mention of "The Red Carpet"

Now even though the Oscar broadcast has only been on for 1:29 the DVR listing on the 722K shows 2:04.

No big deal but odd to say the least.
Is this the first time this has occurred? Was it a manual timer or a normal timer? Do you have the current EPG downloaded to your receiver?

If you are showing just over 2 hours of recording when the actual program has only been on for 1 1/2 hours, would you check the timer to see if it was set to begin early? Please let me know. Thanks.

So recorded the Oscar "Red Carpet" show 4:00 - 5:30 PST and am recording the "The Oscars" 5:30 - 8:30 PST.

Now looking at the recordings menu there is only one entry and that is for "The Oscars" and it's shown as recording in progress. So I click on it and "The Red Carpet" picks up in the middle. WTF. If I switch between TV1 and TV2 I get sent to the "live" Oscar show with people on the state holding Oscars.

Now I click on the DVR recording of "The Oscars" and I'm back to the "The Red Carpet" show. There is no mention of "The Red Carpet"

Now even though the Oscar broadcast has only been on for 1:29 the DVR listing on the 722K shows 2:04.

No big deal but odd to say the least.

Thanks for the reply. This isn't a big thing on it's own but the last couple of software revisions have degraded my 722K somewhat.

In this case I was tuned into the 4:00 - 5:30 show and it was on pause. Then I went to the guide and clicked the listing for a "once" timer. At 5:30 when it started another timer for an "All episodes" of "NBC Nightly News" started at the same time. I don't remember how many times I clicked between TV1 and TV2 but at some point in the Oscar show itself I saw it was going to run over so pressed the record button to get the message "press fwd to extend time" and I did to add an hour. And it was after that that the "back" button would go to about the spot in 4:00-5:30 show when I set the timer for the Oscar show.

It all worked out fine. The show was boring as h*** anyway. But odd things like this happen every once-in-a-while since the last few software updates. The biggest one being that I used to be able to be recording on TV1 and watching it and then pause then go to TV2 watch and pause and go back to TV1 and have it still paused. But that is gone. When going back to TV1 now you are in real time. In other words the pause and switch worked the same whether or not one or both shows were also being recorded. The work around is using PnP even though the boxes are a little annoying.

Confused enough?

Don't worry. It's all good.

Oh yeah. I remember another bug. When watching CNBC waiting for Cramer to come on and while there is a "every episode" timer is set for his show, when the show started the TV1 you were viewing became TV1 with the recording red light on. And TV2 was unbothered, where ever it was. However since the last couple of software updates, while you see Cramer start on TV1, the timer puts TV2 on to the same channel and records. This leaves both TV1 and TV2 on the same channel. Happens when ever the station your viewing has a timer... The other tuner is grabbed resulting in both tuners on the same station.

No biggie just a little annoying. And it didn't used to be that way.
I am having a similar issue where if 2 channels are recording you can't switch to the other recording show. Like last night when NASCAR was on, it thought Alcatraz was on because of the race got moved up til the evening. Well it wouldnt let us even switch to it and it was on the same channel. We then had to go to the Alcatraz recording and hit play to resume NASCAR.

About an hour later it was done recording what it thought Alcatraz was and switched to another recording show. We then looked to see if 2 shows were recording and they weren't so we ended up having to go into the bedroom. It's a software issue. If an event gets pushed up then the box needs to prompt for an update on the channel guide.
I am having a similar issue where if 2 channels are recording you can't switch to the other recording show.
One work around I think of: Go to "My Recordings". I bet both show as recording and you should be able to click on either one.

Rather than selecting a tuner, select the recording.

Edit:Rereading your post it looks like that is what you did. But then I'm lost as to what you went to the bedroom to see. Are you in single or dual user mode?
or, if you are in single mode, simply press Swap....
You won't believe this but my 722K caught this. Using sling to watch on my tablet the controls to change live channels or pause quit working and rebooting the tablet didn't do any good.

Then when I went to the 722K the swap and pnp buttons were completely inoperable. It took a 5 sec front panel power switch reboot to fix the it. Now it has occurred again today but the remote control factory reset and reboot didn't correct it. But again it was after using the sling app.

It seems in this case Sling operations are causing the problem but just turning off the android device doesn't correct it and neither does restarting the app.

Still trouble shooting and will report more later. A pulling the plug restart is next.
Did a pulled plug reset. Still didn't work. Then I noticed the Sling (I assume) put it into dual mode. So setting front panel mode to single fixed it. Now to see how often or how fast the sling app does this. But I'm going to start with the web page Windows browser access first.
OK, Oscar (ID: WZ9) came through with an answer. The app did leave the receiver in dual mode and there is no fix for that at this time. Twenty minutes total elapsed time.

Dish support rocks, if not the software development team.
Initial test of Dishonline works pretty good. Only got stuck once. and logging off the 722k went back to single user mode.

OTA Module diffcult to install 0n 722K?

Preparation for Hopper Upgrade

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