Can I sell a Dish Receiver with PPV on smartcard?

ride525 said:
I had a 811 receiver installed yesterday, to replace my 6000.

My 6000 had two PPV movies on it. Can I sell the 6000 with the 2 PPV movies on the smart card?

Yeah, you could, but it would be a bit unethical. Why should your buyer have to pay for something you bought? Now what you can do is to hook your 6000 back up hook up a telephone line and force it to upload your charges. That's the best way.....
Oh, I would let the buyer know that it had two PPV......he could offer $8 less to make up......

How can I hook it up, and get it to download the's not an active receiver now....only my 811 is....can I reactiviate it...and download the PPV?

Thanks for your help.....
ride525 said:
Oh, I would let the buyer know that it had two PPV......he could offer $8 less to make up......

How can I hook it up, and get it to download the's not an active receiver now....only my 811 is....can I reactiviate it...and download the PPV?

Thanks for your help.....

I know it doesn't have to be active, just aimed at a satellite. I can't find out what you need to do to force the upload. I did some research on another board and there was some discussion of unplugging the unit and then recycling and that would force it to dial out. It didn't really say that it worked though. I've looked in my working 6000 and 811 receivers and can't find a way. Perhaps your idea of an $8 discount is a good way to continue. Good luck.

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