811 Outputs DVI vs YPbPr Component


Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Dec 4, 2003
Which is better? Is there a noticable difference? I currently do not have a DVI cable and was wondering if it is worth the extra money. Thanks

Ron :)
It depends on the equipment (TV) you are using. If you use a DLP or simular tv (Digital) it will improve the picture , but if you have a CRT based tv you will not really notice any change because there has to be a analog to digital conversion in the chain somewhere. DVI is not really intended on improving Picture Quality it is designed mostly for copywrite protection.
I have both connected to my TV, Sony 42we610, LCD rear projection, from my 811. I can flip back and forth rapidly. I can see no difference.

By the way, contrary to the 811 manual, the DVI and component outputs are simultaneously active!
Which is better? Is there a noticable difference?
For my setup, 811 > DLP projector, I have both hooked up also. With the DVI cable I see a picture that looks like the 'sharpness' is turned up. Grainy is not the word I want to use. Looks smoother with the component.

I still haven't figured out which I like better. For the SuperBowl I ended up watching with the component. But for Discovery HD Theater programming, scenery etc, I have been using the DVI.

Before the projector I had a Toshiba 65" RPTV and I didn't notice any difference between the DVI and component.

It will differ depending upon the quality and type of your TV, as well as your personal view of what a better picture is....

Buy a cable and try it out. If you don't like it, take it back.
DVI is preferred on DLP, LCD and Plasma

Ron2nd2nd said:
Which is better? Is there a noticable difference? I currently do not have a DVI cable and was wondering if it is worth the extra money. Thanks

Ron :)
On my Samsung HLN507W DLP, DVI delivers defintely better sharpness on native HD content.

You can find lots of 6' DVI cables on e-bay for less than $10.00 shipped. You do not need to spend big $$$ on DVI cables, especially if you don't need one over 6' long.

If your set is a native digital one (DLP, Plasma or LCD), for under $10, why not order one and experiment?

Thanks for the info-Rear Projection TV

Thanks for all the responces. My TV is a Rear Projection Mitsubishi 55". I will go and get a cheap cable and try it out even though it sounds like it will not do much since it is a Rear Projection. Thanks again..

I get a better SD picture with DVI. Don't notice any differenct on HD. I have aan Hitachi 57S700 RPTV. Component on SD is dark like the S-Video problem.

Can I sell a Dish Receiver with PPV on smartcard?

Just Got my 522....and it is sweet! So long cable....

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